29 August 2024

Taking action locally -- Portland OR

Workers at 28 Fred Meyer stores across the Portland area went on strike yesterday morning.  Here is an overview of what the issues at stake are.  The strike will continue through September 2 (Labor Day) unless a satisfactory agreement is reached before then.

A one-day strike at New Seasons, not directly related to the Fred Meyer strike, is planned for this coming Sunday.

If you are in the Portland area, as long as the strike is in effect, do not shop at any of the stores being targeted -- you would be crossing a picket line.  Here is a list of affected locations, and suggested union stores to shop at instead.  When workers stand up for themselves, the least the rest of us can do is to put up with some minor inconvenience to support them.

The UFCW Local 555 website will have news on the strike and on its ultimate resolution.

27 August 2024

Truths and inspirations for 27 August 2024

If something's hard to see or read, click to enlarge.

My hope for these posts is that they will provoke thinking, not mere agreement or disagreement.  If they can get you to consider even one idea which you would not previously have entertained, or which would not previously have occurred to you, then I've succeeded in what I'm trying to do.

[For the link round-up, click here.]

Why is video/audio so often the norm?  Give me something I can read.

Freedom of expression is for everyone.  Everyone.  Including those people you were just thinking "well, except for....."

JD Vance's sofa?

JD Vance's dog?

If this is real, somebody needs to be flushed to their doom.

I see this kind of sentiment on right-wing blogs fairly regularly.  It's like they're volunteering to be sacrificed on the altar of natural selection.

I want our countrymen to be rational and humane.
I want our legislators to be true to the Constitution and to safeguard individual freedom.
I want our media to be honest.
I want our universities to be citadels of science, culture, free inquiry, and free expression.
I want our economy to deliver the wealth of the nation to the workers who create it.
I want our culture to be free, daring, diverse, colorful, intelligent, and imaginative.
I want our nation to be vigorously democratic and dedicated to the freedom of all its citizens.

Only religion could drag a society so far backward so quickly.

Overthrown statue of Lenin, Kursk region, Russia.

Keep the bastards running scared.  It gets results.

People like this exist.  They walk among us.