Link round-up for 31 March 2013
Can science bring back one more extinct species? More on extinction here (found via Progressive Eruptions).
"All we’re asking for is basic unfairness."
Yes, this would be really ridiculous.
Ever wonder where Easter eggs come from (NSFW)?
There are actually people who think this is real (found via Green Eagle, who has yet another entertaining wingnut wrapup).
Here's the life of a man who hates government.
Let's apply the logic of austerity policies to the weather.
Cute baby animals are cute.
Right-wingers are weird.
Lake photos illustrate pareidolia.
This is a really impressive piece of furniture, from the 18th century.
Gin and Tacos crafts a perfect portrait of a certain type of bully.
Don't be fooled by recent claims -- the Shroud of Turin is a fraud.
Earlier Americans were more relaxed about homosexuality (link from Shaw Kenawe).
If you worry about your stuff getting lost in the mail, read this.
An Arizona gun store owner finds a customer he won't sell to (found via Brains and Eggs).
Paul Ryan won't save the Republicans.
Mall-Wart has an amazingly stupid new idea.
In the last 40 years, the average income of the richest 0.01% of Americans has increased by $18,362,740. The average gain for the bottom 90%? Read on.....
Those rich people aren't too generous either.
After 18 years of "abstinence-only" sex "education", Texas's teenage-pregnancy rate has exploded (found via Progressive Eruptions).
Our big problem isn't the national debt -- just the opposite.
Just as I thought -- NOMS's anti-gay-marriage march was a flop (but check this out).
In North Dakota, a 90-year-old experiment in socialism is a resounding success.
In 2014 there will be only two choices -- it's foolish to imagine otherwise.
In the Orwellian world of the Christian Right, resisting intolerance is a form of intolerance.
The non-religious part of the US population has risen to 20%, but we're still far behind some European countries.
If you're visiting Cornwall, don't stay with the Bulls.
Merkel and the EU have blood on their hands.
Feminism will turn everyone gay (found via Republic of Gilead).
Armenia has an unusual way of teaching children to think.
This is Lake Baikal in winter.
How could a country that led the world in wealth, culture, and technology for centuries fall so far behind?