02 December 2008
About Me
- Name: Infidel753
- Location: Portland, Oregon, United States
Individualist, pro-technology, pro-democracy, anti-religion. I speak only for myself and not for any ideology, movement, or party. It has been my great good fortune to live my whole life free of "spirituality" of any kind. I believe that evidence and reason are the keys to understanding reality; that technology rather than ideology or politics has been the great liberator of humanity; and that in the long run, human intelligence is the most powerful force in the universe.
Previous Posts
- The mark of Islam
- Link roundup for 29 November 2008
- Barbarism
- Quote for the day
- Sites to check out
- Stop panicking, you flaming idiots
- Link roundup for 23 November 2008
- Civics knowledge test
- Cultists' nightmare?
- How badly did McCain really do?
God doesn't exist
Evolution happened
Global warming is real
Homosexuality is normal
Aging is a curable disease
The election was not stolen
Everything "spiritual" is a lie
Free speech is for everybody
Humans do not have "souls"
Men can't become women
Fetuses are not persons
Words are not violence
Taiwan is a nation
Pluto is a planet
It was funny reading that...because I brought up a similar idea in my post 10/22/08 called "Socialism,redistribution of wealth and the American sucker". At the time I thought it would be a good idea since all the candidates were talking about rebates and stimulus this and that as teaser packages...and I just thought...why the hell collect the taxes? then you wont have to spend all that money on redistributing it, comparing this teaser crap politicians feed Americans as the same dumb crap you buy in retail stores of "mail-in rebates" same garbage you get sucked up with.I also assumed that it would be a cold day in hell they would do anything like this...the same as your store would be to just selling you something without sucking into some other crap. Our political structure is just FOS is the bottom line.Thank You
That's a great idea.
I love the simplicity.
I can see why bureaucrats would hate it, though.
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