How badly did McCain really do?
A considerable amount of the analysis of the election that I have seen focuses on McCain's supposed weaknesses as a candidate, his alienation of the Republican base, etc. -- the implication being that a radically-different Republican candidate could have expected to beat Obama.
This is ignoring the fundamental reality of the situation. At the beginning of this year, hardly anyone entertained the idea that the Republicans had a realistic chance of holding the Presidency. In the wake of Bush's disastrous Presidency and an endless string of Republican scandals, the popularity of the Republican "brand" was at its lowest ebb in decades, if not generations. Democrats were winning in Congressional districts which normally go Republican by double-digit margins. Media bias in Obama's favor was blatant. Any Republican candidate at all would have been at a massive disadvantage under these conditions. What's actually surprising, given the challenges he faced, was how well McCain did -- he lost by a popular-vote margin of only 6.5%. Had the financial crisis not struck just before the election as it did, he might even have won. Given the odds against him it was a respectable performance.
Realistically, only a Republican of McCain's stripe had any chance at all in a year like this. With his bipartisan record and relatively centrist positions, he did manage to appeal to many voters in the broad political center, where elections are decided. His stand on abortion had drifted from tolerance to hostility, but there is every reason to think that this was to placate the Christian Right base of the party, and very little grounds for thinking that as President he would have pushed the issue. His acknowledgement of evolution and anthropogenic global warming, and his support for stem-cell research, heralded an end to the embarrassing Republican "war on science". His biography and his image as a man of honor made him appealing even to many who did not agree with him on the issues. Many people who, a year ago, could not have imagined voting for a Republican, did end up doing so.
As it happened, in such an unfavorable year for Republicans, even all this was not quite enough. But a hard-core "base" candidate like Huckabee or Jindal would probably have lost far more massively, handing Obama a real landslide win -- a 1972 or 1984 in reverse.
This is the trap into which the Republicans now risk falling -- to delude themselves that McCain lost because he was too moderate and that they need to re-embrace the Christian Right. In fact, the results of this year's referenda on abortion (the most prominent of the social issues) show that American voters are turning away from restrictions even in conservative states. The success of anti-gay-marriage propositions may suggest that gay-bashing is still a winning issue, but in fact the margins of victory for such initiatives are decreasing with each electoral cycle, and the tipping point will likely be reached before 2012. Even now, it's hard to imagine that many voters, even anti-gay ones, find this issue important enough to outweigh concerns about the economy and national security.
Another problem is the propensity of generals to want to fight the previous war rather than the next one. Much of the "buzz" about possible Republican Presidential candidates for 2012 now focuses on Palin and Jindal, likely based largely on the fact that both are young and charismatic and neither are white males, making it possible to imagine them as Republican counterparts to Obama. But 2012 is likely to be a very different electoral year from 2008 (consider how different 2008 was from 2004). Obama is likely to spend the next four years demonstrating -- perhaps at great cost to the country -- that experience and wisdom and, yes, the age which tends to bestow those things, are indeed very important in a President. By the same token, those years will likely have soured Americans on the idea of voting for rhetoric and charisma over substance. 2012 might actually be the ideal year for a McCain-like candidate. In fact, assuming his health is good, I don't think the possibility of McCain trying again can be entirely ruled out -- since he never made a one-term pledge this year, those who voted for him were presumably comfortable with the idea of him serving in 2012-2016.
In closing, here are a couple of points of free political advice for the Republicans (not that they'd take them from me):
(1) Surveys have consistently shown that the American public is strongly, and increasingly, hostile to illegal immigration. We want strict enforcement of immigration laws, no amnesty for the illegals who are here now, and tough employer sanctions and other such measures (not mass deportations) to drive the interlopers back to their home countries. Right now, neither party will touch this issue. But it's out there, ready and waiting to give a major boost to whichever party first takes it up. Logically that party should be the Democrats, traditionally the party of the American working class. But if the Republicans want to win over all those swing-state blue-collar workers once and for all, here's their chance.
(2) Americans are very concerned about any threat to their right to own firearms. The upsurge in gun purchases since the election illustrates this point clearly, and it's a concern which Obama, just as clearly, does not "get". If his administration makes any effort to impose restrictions, or even makes any noises about doing so, or nominates Supreme Court justices who are weak on the Second Amendment -- then he will have handed his Republican challenger in 2012, whoever it is, a gift-wrapped game-changer of an issue.
I think you hit the nail on the head about McCain. I look at him as having done damn well.I actually talked to a couple folks out on the street that were saying after the election that Obama wiped out McCain..I said..."" they were giving the figures of the "electoral" count! Which is I still think "crapolla"!(I'd get rid of it) I told them to look at the popular vote for a "true" head count.This was a close one guy! And like I wrote in my earlier post's...just because McCain is over 70...I dont think he's just going to go fishing and retire, some do..but he's not the type. Another thing I want to say,is what I said also before...Palin is a hustler..she can sell a package..and get votes..and no one should count her out. I am not going to vote either way for either one of these folks,I am just saying I think she is a winner as well. As far as illegal immigration? Man oh man..I live in Texas guy...lord knows I know how the game works. I was with a fella the other morning driving him to a car repair shop in the was 10am...we drove down Royal Ln. in Dennis Rd...there was about 200+ of them all out lined on the curb(guest workers)(this is only one intersection in Dallas)he thought it was a demonstration(he's from New Jersey) I told him..."No...they are the leftovers, most get picked up by around 7-8am for day labour by contractors,these didnt get chosen, these will get picked up mostly by neighborhood homeowners to do housework and yard cleaning at $5 bucks or so an hour" Even down on the border guy...just in we realize how many of our border patrol are on the "take"? (for dope and human trafficking)...Gun control? Heh,heh,heh...this might work in a town like New York City...but this is Texas...we will carry our gun's whether their illegal or not,if they dont sell them at gun show's, well..heh,heh,heh...there's plenty of them coming across the border dope with mules(wetbacks). later!
One more thing I would like to put. The GOP lost more than just the Oval Office on this round,dont think they are going to take this and just lie down on their belly. As I said before...their no dummies!They just came out with too little too late this time and got caught in a bind trying to get loose,and Obama and dem's were in the right place at the right time. Yes..I voted shake a little up..and like him...however, if he does not DO half of what he say's he would do...I will no longer like him too much. He's got an inbox from I wont expect miracle's...BUT I do expect "effort".And make no mistake that the GOP learned alot from this round...and they will have a new and improved package on the next round.
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