31 May 2009

Death of a freedom fighter

Several times over the last few months I have voiced the concern that some elements of the far right wing here in the United States are becoming so unhinged as to pose the possible threat of a new wave of domestic terrorism. Is the murder of Dr. George Tiller the beginning?

Update 1: Andrew Sullivan has more on the long history of right-wing Christian vilification and terrorization of Dr. Tiller

Update 2 (1 June): Memories of Dr. Tiller here.


Blogger mendip said...

One might argue that this is simply the latest in a long tradition of social and/or political conservatives attempting to control or enforce their beliefs on others. In the first half of the century it was union organizers and a variety of leftist movements; in the 50's and 60's it was civil rights workers and Black activists, anti-war protesters, etc. In the last few decades it's primarily been pro-choice advocates and gays who are seen as threats to be eliminated. I sometimes wonder if atheists are the up-and-coming "danger" to be met with a shotgun blast or a pipe bomb at midnight? Of course, predictions are risky, as the people who do this are afraid of virtually any and every thing. Like moslems who riot at any real or imagined slight, our own little authoritarians can work themselves* up in a lather quite effortlessly.

(*Or be easily encouraged to do so by their preachers, priests and radio show hosts)

31 May, 2009 11:20  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

It's certainly true that there is a long tradition of right-wing domestic terrorism, going all the way back to the Ku Klux Klan. I do see a lot of signs that the Democratic rise to power in 2006 and 2008 has re-energized the violent paranoid element after their relative quiescence during the Bush administration which they perceived as friendlier (remember that the Clinton administration saw the militia movement and the Oklahoma City bombing). I re-worded the post slightly to make that emphasis clearer.

31 May, 2009 12:29  
Blogger Ranch Chimp said...

Yes.... this man is one of them "true" freedom fighter's... really in the trenches too. This guy didnt back down for nothing from what I read about his past (I know that you had previously worked the trenches as well doing security type services for patient's, so you understand his position). I must be frank... I didnt know much about this fella before this post... then I decided to follow up on the guy. I know that this guy probably had this thought daily for several year's about these threat's, yet he still stood for what he believed in. I look at this man as providing a service that is pro-life ... although you may think that is twisted... but these women are saved from possibly injuries,tragedies,etc.He provides a safe haven with expertise when needed is all. I wonder why these so called self proclaimed pro-lifer's cant see this? I am not sure what the penalty is in this particular state... I know in Texas... he would qualify for death! I dont keep up too much with O'Reilly(I think that's how it's spelled?) But I really dont understand what purpose he felt to air the video I viewed about this gal's testimony of her clinic experience in such detail, I mean ... was all that necessary? I just dont think that one testimony give's a clear overall picture of what these clinic's offer and do. I mean... she describe's these detail's as if she was talking about some concentration camp experience. I mean... everyone know's what these practice's are about... I just dont see the need to speak so graphic ... I mean... I could speak of the horror that a methodist hospital put my mother through on her death bed making her suffer and what they done... then billing my dad $100,000 for doing it, but I dont,basically my mother rotted to death in front of me...piece by piece... and despite her wanting to die... they basically forced her to continue on, yes... it was a hospital with a religion name(up north,not in Texas,unfortunately my mom never been to Texas). But this gal's testimony is not what the majority of women feel they experience... that's for sure.... if it was all about that... more would be done about it from women's right's group's. I'll shut up now.

Thank You Sir.....

01 June, 2009 08:34  
Anonymous JollyRoger said...

"pose a threat?"

Ever hear of Tim McVeigh? Instead of requiring passports at the borders of Canada and Mexico, we should have required them at the borders of Dixie.

01 June, 2009 10:13  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Oh, I've talked a number of times about the danger of another attack like Oklahoma City, which I've thought for several months is a likely outcome of the hysteria on the right. Right-wing terrorism did seem to have gone quiescent under Bush, though, which is why I speak of a new wave of it gathering force now.

Not all these crazies come from Dixie (nor are most people in Dixie a threat) -- we have a particularly bad infestation of them right here in the northwest, in Idaho.

01 June, 2009 10:39  
Blogger Michael Boh said...

This goes hand-in-hand with the hate crimes debate. People are being killed over issues like sexual orientation, religion, skin color and ethnicity. I kind of see murdering a person like Dr. Tiller over abortion as similar to murdering a person over their personal religious beliefs - or lack thereof. It's just easier to call it anti-abortion murder. We need to start calling these people terrorists, since their main goal is to SCARE an entire group of people. If the GOP is so concerned about terrorism, it's time they acknowledge domestic terrorism and the hate crimes associated with the terrorists.

01 June, 2009 13:28  
Blogger Darren Lenard Hutchinson said...

I think that a lot of scary rhetoric is taking hold in the country right now. A lot of conservatives oppose the "hate crimes" legislation on the grounds that it criminalizes "thoughts." The legislation, however, only applies if someone causes bodily injury through the use of a firearm, explosive device, etc., based on race, religion, gender, gender identity, etc. The murder of Diller might not fit within the statutory scheme (although the fact that it took place in a church over a highly gendered issue says otherwise). But opponents of hate crimes legislation would resist classifying it as a special category of criminal activity, presumably to protect the assailant.

The military recruiter murder is another category of violence based on religious zealotry. Thanks for analyzing this. Hope to see you on DJ soon!

04 June, 2009 10:07  

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