15 September 2024

Link round-up for 15 September 2024

Various interesting stuff I ran across on the net over the last week.

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Naughty cats get caught in the act.

This outing was a disappointment right from the start.

It's an anti-personnel mine that only blows up strict Islamists.

Don't tow my truck..... oops.

Las Vegas got some beautiful clouds heralding the end of summer.

What does it mean to be human?

Some of these new-style Halloween decorations are..... a bit odd.

Anime makes the world magic.

Very nice.

Why are you driving toward that?

It's an unlikely animal rescue machine.

Cas d'intérêt reviews a French novel of a disintegrating family in a disintegrating colonial empire.

Solar power is booming all over the world because in most countries it's now the cheapest form of electricity generation.  The vast majority of new energy capacity being built nowadays is clean energy.

Excellent take-down here of Elon Musk's Mars-colony nonsense.

A new book discusses strikes, unions and other labor activism -- in the Roman Empire.

Don't discourage kids' artistic interests.

This muppet seems oddly familiar.

"They're eating the dogs", dance remix.

Different people suffer different inhibitions.

Here's why "AI" has peaked and is doomed to deteriorate.

Ask a stupid question, get a smart answer.

The film Mulan includes a striking reminder of the reality of war.

Integrated monopolies have undermined consumer choice.  Break them up.

"I only use ChatGPT for --"  Doesn't matter.  It's still stunting your own skills (Tumblr login required).

Learn to understand emotions.

You're "queer", like it or not, because we say so.

In today's sexual cesspit of dreary kink and porn and degradation, plain old normal sex with love and affection feels like a transgressive fantasy.

This person turned down a job at Tesla.

Assholes gonna asshole.

This dumbass changed his mind fast.

Here's what's popular on TV these days, apparently.

Who the heck is Laura Loomer?

Yes, it matters who is in office.

Gay people will suffer for the crimes of those who persecuted them.

How stupid do you have to be to spend money on this stuff?

Health systems all over the country are dropping pointless, expensive, restrictive "Medicare Advantage" plans.

Socialization matters, and some people are worse than others.

Huge numbers of voters don't use the platforms where political ads typically appear, and many of those who do, block all ads.  Campaigns must adapt.

This person exists.  And it sounds like he's rightly in deep shit.

Religious-fanatic vermin destroyed what they themselves could never in a million years have created.

See blogosphere reactions to the Harris-Trump debate at Annie Asks You, HackwhackersNo More Mister Nice Blog, and the Ovarit forum.  Some religio-wingnuts are calling Harris's triumph witchcraft.

See the complete text of Taylor Swift's endorsement of Harris.  The wingnutosphere is freaking out, and Elon Musk's instantly-notorious response was even more megacreepazoidal than you think.

In the Portland-area Fred Meyer labor dispute, the union reports no progress, but does not say whether or not it is still asking the public to boycott.  Also, vote Dan Rayfield for state attorney general to get a real investigation of price-gouging.

A new analysis confirms that sterilization surgeries have risen sharply in forced-birth states since the Dobbs ruling.

We have the absolute right to criticize and mock any ideology.

Here are some of the things Project 2025 would do.

The government is finally imposing safety rules for the ridiculously-oversized pick-up trucks and SUVs which are killing more and more pedestrians.  But it sounds like these will apply only to new ones being designed and do nothing about the monstrosities already on the roads.

I recently observed that "whatever nonsense Trump happens to babble forth becomes sacred dogma which few Republicans dare question."  The Haïtians-eating-pets thing is already being believed and taken seriously in the wingnutosphere.  You can see how many images in this collection use that theme.

Boeing workers have overwhelmingly voted to strike, knowing that the company's current situation gives them leverage.

Were you better off four years ago?

Here's how the MSM outrageously lie via choice of words.

Harris makes skilled use of facial expressions and body language.

A former Catholic tells the pope where to get off.

The website HeCheated keeps track of men in women's sports (click the "Results" button to access full lists).

Trump-era relic Louis DeJoy is still postmaster general, standing by to bugger up the mail in general and the election in particular.

The cost of tax evasion by the ultra-wealthy is in the trillions.

In Minnesota, five male criminals, including (at least) two sexual predators and one brutal murderer, have just been transferred to a women-only prison.

Texas is suing to get police access to information about women who cross state lines to get abortions.

A second Trump presidency could lead to a power struggle between Protestant fundamentalists and this theocratic Catholic cabal.

Ford is seeking a patent for technology to spy on conversations inside your car in order to target ads to you.

One category of men commits sex crimes at a far higher per-capita rate than others.

If Democrats hold the Senate majority without Manchin and Sinema, Schumer will do something about the filibuster, though it's unclear exactly what.

Paralympic athletes get disqualified for tiny, ridiculous infractions, while flagrant cheating is celebrated.

The Heritage Fundation spreads inflammatory lies about voting (found via Earth-Bound Misfit).

"Try thinking about the wellbeing of the baby instead of your revolting fetish, dude."

All over the world, 3D printing is serving as a work-around for citizens of countries that ban guns.  Of course, the büngwad who wrote the headline describes this as a "problem".

The UK is about to shut down its last coal-fired power plant.

British police waste too much time dealing with hurt feelings -- but only for some people, not for others.

Mridul Wadhwa is finally out as the head of the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre.  Reactions here.  Read about the damage he did.

You are kidding yourself if you doubt that Trump, if elected, would backstab Ukraine.

Precision weapons devastate Russian invaders.

A vile high priest embraces war, bloodshed, and dictatorship.

This is what life is like when religious fanatics take over a country.

More links at WAHF.

My posts this week:  some truths and inspirations, and contemplating a personal decision.

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Only 46 days to Halloween!

I sometimes feel like this blog is as much therapy as communication.  It's the only thing I do now that involves any creativity.  Without it I think I'd finally go completely crazy.

To those people saying you're going to leave the US if your preferred presidential candidate loses -- who the hell do you think is going to take you?  Most decent countries aren't exactly easy to immigrate into these days.  Do you think Canada or Australia or anywhere else wants, or has room for, ten or twenty million disgruntled Americans?

There's a reason why the "weird" framing of Trump and his followers hit home in a way that previous attacks did not.  Mockery has a power all its own.  It never bothered the Trumpanzees and assorted wingnuts much to be called "fascist" and suchlike.  Fascists are dangerous and scary, and Trumpists like to be seen as dangerous and scary.  "Weird" suggests something goofy and ridiculous, which is far more damaging to the self-image of the pompous and self-important (like Trump) or of the types who view themselves as dominant and intimidating "alpha" males (many of the nuttier right-wingers these days).  It stung in a way that "fascist" never could.  From what I hear, Harris exploited the same weakness during the debate, reacting to Trump not as a menacing force but as something faintly absurd and pitiful, a doddering old codger rambling on about random nonsense.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a quick thank you for what you do. I always look forward to the Sunday posts. There’s always fun stuff I can even share with my kid, interesting stuff I didn’t know about, and while I sometimes disagree with your takes, I enjoy working out why that is.

15 September, 2024 09:18  
Anonymous Annie said...

Thanks very much for mentioning my pre-and post-debate pieces, Infidel. Your Sunday roundups are a marvel, demonstrating your generosity to your fellow bloggers and serving as mini-education/amusement courses on the vast diversity of topics that catch your interest. I think it’s fair to say they’re one of a long list of reasons your many subscribers are grateful to you, value you, care about you, and want to keep you in our lives.

15 September, 2024 14:24  
Anonymous Carol said...

No surprise that I would appreciate the Existential Comic this week.

I also admire the snarkiness of the blogger who wrote: "On what type of timeframe were you imagining that the shoebox of lichen you send to Mars was going to transform Frozen Airless Radioactive Desert Hell into a place where people could grow wheat?" Some people know how to kid on the square. I'd say this guy has nailed it!

The increase in sterilization figures since Dobbs are striking. I hadn't heard about this but it makes a lot of sense.

I also didn't watch the debate but saw many outtakes. I agree that Harris struck the right tone. I'm so glad that she didn't try to defend. Finally! Thanks for the final video. Great idea to set the man's own ridiculous claims to a catchy pop tune that features a laundry list of chaos.

15 September, 2024 14:53  
Blogger SickoRicko said...

Naughty cats was sooo cute, and tow truck driver was entertaining. Let's not forget Kim Jong Un's dotard comments.

15 September, 2024 20:48  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Anon: Thank you -- it's always nice to know someone appreciates what I do. As for sometimes disagreeing, I doubt there's anybody on Earth who would agree with me 100% of the time.

Annie: Thank you. These posts are actually the easiest ones to do -- each week I just keep adding to the list as I find things that seem interesting. I just happen to be interested in a lot of different things.

Carol: Existential Comics is pretty good at calling those philosophers on their self-serving qualities.

Mars colonization is a target-rich environment for sarcastic truth-telling. The enthusiasts wave aside the most complex problems with clichés and what amounts to quasi-religious faith, because they want reality to be science-fiction movies.

There have been a fair number of political-humor videos that make their points rather well, and may reach people who would never read an essay about politics. Humor opens doors.

Ricko: I was a bit confused about what was happening in the truck video -- it seemed like the truck owner stole the tow truck and drove off towing his own truck, not realizing it wasn't attached properly. At any rate it ended up as an epic disaster. I'm sure he heard from all those people whose parked cars got bashed.

15 September, 2024 23:53  
Anonymous Ole phat Stu said...

The Mars terraforming article was well thought through. Thanks for linking to it.

16 September, 2024 04:10  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

Naughty cat. lol I've never had a cat but my rat did tear up some paperwork one time.

I would not be moving towards a tornado. Whew, they were big.

Those halloween decorations were funny.

Hopefully most people are smart enough not to sign up for a Medicare Advantage plan.

16 September, 2024 11:41  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

Oh and thank you for including one of my links. I appreciate it.

16 September, 2024 11:41  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Again, sorry for the long delay in posting comments. That's what comes of being in an office all day.

Stu: These points all seem so clear, I don't know why Musk can't figure it out himself. Well aside from the fact that he's a narcissistic idiot who's irrationally obsessed with the subject.

Mary K: It's rare that we see tornado video like that. I suspect many people who try to get that close don't survive.

It's nice that people are being innovative about Halloween, but not all such efforts produce worthwhile results.

I don't understand why anyone signs up for Medicare Advantage, if they do any research. I'll be eligible for Medicare in not too long, and I certainly don't plan to.

It was a cheerful post, heralding the return of decent weather after the heat and glare.

17 September, 2024 01:59  
Anonymous Reaganite Independent said...

The anti-personnel mine for strict Islamists is clever…

BUT not as clever as blowing up 4000 beepers, literally.

I can’t believe what I saw yesterday, that might be the most decisive intelligence strike in history. Mossad are amazing

Trouble is this is almost certainly a prelude to something bigger so hopefully the lid can be kept on over there

I think Hezbollah has over 10,000 rockets

18 September, 2024 04:16  

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