25 August 2024

Link round-up for 25 August 2024

Various interesting stuff I ran across on the net over the last week.

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You have been warned.

He's an expert at evading arrest (loud video -- lower your volume).

Be careful what your cat watches on TV.

Blogger Ami brings us a museum sign, shampoo commercials, self-driving cars, and more.

The horse submits to this mighty beast.

Can you bear it?

This robot is getting kind of pushy.

An accident leads to a daring escape.

A cat can serve as an alarm clock.

Keep your alligator clean.

Here's an unusual strategy for ending a drought.

She exploits her mastery of enemy technology to achieve her goal.

This rescue could have gone better.

It's an exercise cat-ass-trophe.

Get in the water -- or be bonked!

Have mercy on the ravioli.

She seizes control of her own existence.

Fold your clothes properly for easy storage.

He's making things easier for the babies.

Some fun stories here of animals in the workplace.

When is a cat not a cat?

She confronts an evil tomato.

Horror can be fun.

There was a sequel to The Wizard of Oz.  It was very different.

Alien was such a great movie that even its imitators are better than most.

Lord of the Rings had a lot of Jewish inspiration.

Yes, it's a river and waterfall -- on a glacier.

Cats fulfill their purpose (if you like mice, you won't like this).

SickoRicko brings us some more oddities and abominations of the sea (NSFW blog, requires Blogspot login).

Starting in 1880, a network of thousands of pneumatic clocks kept the whole of Paris synchronized for decades.

Eating even small amounts of meat can substantially increase your risk of diabetes (found via Earth-Bound Misfit).

If you use contact lenses, be very careful.

This new authentication system can distinguish "AI" fake images from real ones, but implementation has been slow.

On her nineteenth blogiversary, Miss Cellania observes how money has spoiled blogging.

Yet again, astrology is confirmed to be bullshit.

There are practical reasons why future long-duration space missions should have all-women crews (found via Tell Me a Story).

"Dynamic pricing" is the latest tech-bro-spawned abomination to make life shittier.

It sounds like the schools need to bring back spanking.

Beware of this new malware scam which attacks payment cards.

Online dating services have ruined dating.

Stressing yourself out by wallowing in negative news doesn't do anyone any good.

These assholes exist.  But nobody needs to be with them.

Why not cheetahs?  Why not dolphins?

A California school placed tampons and pads in the boys' bathrooms, with thoroughly predictable results.

The Bible's treatment of slavery has important implications.

The rich don't suffer from inflation the way we do.

Women would be wise to not apply for a job with this band.

Apparently there's a statue size competition between religions in the US.

"It's a surreal mixture of shock and bone-deep recognition" (Tumblr login required).

This man will be executed next month for a crime which, according to this report, DNA evidence shows he didn't commit.

The conservative Arkansas supreme court keeps an abortion-rights initiative off the November ballot on a technicality.  They know how people vote on this issue every time they get the chance.

Meat companies collaborate to fix prices, reminiscent of the "trusts" of the late nineteenth century.

Taylor Swift absolutely could sue Trump over faked images implying she endorsed him.

Misogynists are cheering that JK Rowling hasn't been on twitter for a couple of weeks, but it's probably meaningless.

The Heritage Foundation wants to take sex back to the Dark Ages, subjecting us all to pointless religious taboos.

Conservative blogger Darrell Michaels is horrified and astounded that anyone would vote for Harris.  I took a shot at explaining it to him, at possibly excessive length.  Anyone else want to try?

It's easy to preen self-righteously when someone else is paying the price.

More manufacturing-quality problems surface at Boeing.

For some Jewish people in the West, life is lived under siege.

Two Republican ballot initiatives in Wisconsin lost massively last week, a result not predicted by polls.  There are lessons there for November.

Never forget the elderly and disabled who were left to die in 2018.

Anti-Israel protests at the DNC attracted only a thousand or so people, in a metro area of nearly ten million.  US and Israeli flags were burned, and police had to fend off a violent mob at the Israeli consulate.

The University of California is putting some restrictions on future anti-Jewish activity.

Some conservatives who support Harris explain their reasons.

Big Pharma claims that price controls will discourage innovation, but the claim doesn't hold water.

Here's the story of Andrei Pivovarov, the longest-held of the Russian dissidents freed in the recent prisoner exchange.

Republicans desperately try to flee from the abortion issue, but it will decide their fate, nevertheless.

"The issue isn't 'transgender competitors'; it's men intruding on women's sports."

Democrats no longer need to pander to the mainstream media that backstabbed Biden -- there are alternatives (scroll down to "Max's view").

Liberal women with conservative husbands should read this post about voting.

US workers increasingly find their jobs meaningless and pointless.

When Trump is gone, how fast will we be able to rid ourselves of his memory?

"There is no place more corrupt and morally twisted than the UN."  Well, I'd point to the Vatican and the Iranian theocracy, but his overall point here is solid.

Here is what it's like, living in an Islamic country.

The spirit of Orwell's 1984 is alive and well in Wales.

In the SNP, you can be demoted and suspended for stating an obvious fact.

The UK has extended its ban on puberty blockers for minors.

In Australia, women no longer have freedom of association, thanks to this self-righteous bully.  Things aren't so great in France, either.

A new political alliance in Germany, the Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht, is gaining support by incorporating populist ideas from both left and right.

If you run any kind of online forum, stay the hell out of France.

Ukrainian troops in Russia get a very different reception than Russian troops in Ukraine, and with good reason.

Russian forces are using drones to "hunt" and kill civilians in Ukraine (found via Reaganite Independent).

Here's what Harris will need to do to help Ukraine win.  What she says sounds encouraging.

Sanctions on Russia are having their effects.

The huge Russian fuel depot at Proletarsk has been burning for days.  Apparently they aren't able to put the fire out.  Even thoughts and prayers aren't helping.  Indeed, the fire is spreading, and this seems like a bad idea.

A Ukrainian attack on a military airfield near Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) caused extensive destruction.

This Russian pilot switched sides in spectacular fashion.

After saving dozens of lives, Yehonatan Skariszewski found he needed to keep on helping.

The police shot her in the back and paralyzed her because they could see her hair.  Now they're trying to silence her family's complaints.

This is how women in Afghanistan are being forced to dress.  Even their voices are now banned in public.

Indigenous South American culture is being censored on YouTube.

More links at WAHF.

My posts this week:  my eighteenth blogiversary, an image round-up, and the need to support Ukraine and Israel unstintingly until victory.

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Fair and Unbalanced blog is still down, and according to the latest from Burr Deming, there is little hope of restoring it.  Burr is now looking into other options for maintaining a presence on the internet.

During Friday and early Saturday, I could not access Crooks and Liars, which appeared to be infected with malware.  It is back to normal now, but I wonder if it too was the target of a Russian hacking attack.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the ostensible link between red meat and DM II:

As my doctor explained it, (don't ask me; he's the one with the degree), I have a congenital inability to fully metabolize and slough away cholesterol, which accumulates and forms a shell around the body's cells through which oxygen can pass but glucose and other nutrients cannot, causing an ever-escalating increase in blood sugar while the cells starve and organs are damaged. Once prolonged elevated A1C provokes the diabetes Dx, well, welcome to the war on both glucose AND cholesterol.

Which makes advice to cut or eliminate red meat equivalent to "you have a peanut allergy, you shouldn't eat peanuts." And I'm wondering how prevalent diabetes cases are with associated hypercholesterolemia, and just how much of this anti-red meat-ism these days is actually not the fault of said red meat.

25 August, 2024 13:31  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

Those You've been warned signs are really something. Made me laugh.

A glacier waterfall...very pretty.

19 years blogging is just amazon. I've been around for 19 years too. So many bloggers have just up and quit.

25 August, 2024 13:33  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Anon: I think if unusual congenital issues were a substantial part of the correlation between meat-eating and diabetes, the article would have mentioned that. The correlation apparently holds even for people who do not have such congenital problems. And of course meat-eating is also correlated with a vast number of other health problems -- and in many cases it's well understood how it causes those problems.

Mary K: The fact that some warnings are needed suggests that rather a lot of people are pretty dim.

19 years blogging is a long time -- but of course you and I have been at it almost as long. I won't be one of those that quits.

25 August, 2024 13:59  
Blogger Darrell Michaels said...

First, thanks for linking to my blog, Infidel. More importantly, thank you for your comments on my latest post expressing the context of why many people left of center will not vote for the "lesser evil" of Trump. We don't always agree, (and then again sometime we do on big issues) but I greatly appreciate your reasoned and thoughtful debate without resorting to the juvenile name-calling nonsense that usually happens from both left and right when confronting someone who's opinions differ from their own. I appreciate you, sir!

26 August, 2024 08:47  
Blogger SickoRicko said...

I always find a little movie or two to capture. I enjoy those. Thanks for the shout-out.

26 August, 2024 13:02  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Darrell: Thanks for your comment. I hope you get some more responses.

I'm not much of a debater, but it's always been obvious to me that name-calling is not an argument. I don't see why so many people fail to see that, and just throw labels ending in "-ist" and "-phobe". The biggest name-caller of all is Trump, though.

Ricko: I seem to never run out of those. Glad you like them.

26 August, 2024 23:56  

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