19 August 2024

If this blog were a person.....

.....it would now be eligible to vote. Yes, as of today, the blog is eighteen years old.  Having kept on going through arthritis, eye problems, troll outbreaks, my mother's nine-year stroke/dementia crisis, and a couple of times when I came disturbingly close to ending up homeless, I don't think anything short of death is going to stop me now, so the blog will probably keep going as long as I do😈.

For this blogiversary, I thought I'd link to a few of what I consider the best posts over the years, since newer readers probably haven't seen them.

I paid tribute to an animal which has helped boost blog traffic.

Here's why you shouldn't worry about an alien invasion.

The internet is giving rise to a new form of written English.

Are men necessary?  Note that when I wrote this post, the present ideological meaning of the word "gender" had not become common, so whenever you see the word "gender", think "biological sex".

I wrote an obituary for Christian propagandist Jack Chick.

In 1886 a colony of German anti-Semites was established in Paraguay, led by the sister of Friedrich Nietzsche.

Yes, humans have free will, even if it's not yet possible to understand it.

Religion is undermined by contact with other religions.

Space colonies are not the answer, no matter what the question.

The fact that all life on Earth shares a common origin has far-reaching implications.

Here's what I mean when I speak of "the essential struggle".

This is the best of my poetic pieces.

If aliens do exist, what do they look like?

The world's deadliest disease keeps on killing and killing, because we don't recognize it as a disease we must eradicate.

Catholicism is utterly ridiculous.  Read this one too, just for fun.

I respond to pro-death arguments.

The Middle East has the same cultural origins as the West, and is not so alien as you think.

Violence leads to failure for political and social reform movements, because we aren't chimpanzees any more.

It took sixteen centuries, but Hypatia finally won.

A former Muslim reveals the truth about Islam, a dangerous and surprisingly fragile religion.

Efforts to stop or slow down technological progress are doomed to defeat.

Perhaps there is an afterlife, or will be.


Anonymous Ole Phat Stu said...

18 years, well done. Mine is 22 ;-)

19 August, 2024 12:27  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

I'll catch up somehow.....

19 August, 2024 13:02  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

Congrats! That's quite a long time.

19 August, 2024 13:48  
Blogger Infidel753 said...


19 August, 2024 15:52  
Blogger Lady M said...

Wow - you and this blog have been through a lot together. Congratulations on lasting for 18 years! That is an impressive run especially on a platform so many have left.

19 August, 2024 16:42  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Thanks! Well, I seem to have survived so far. I'm used to the platform; I don't expect to ever leave it unless they start censoring me.

19 August, 2024 23:43  
Blogger Ten Bears said...

It's been a while. Hail and Well-Met, I'm within weeks

I never thought of it as "homeless" 'till someone called it that. It's Oregon, everyone camps out, occasionally. Valhalla, of course, is not as it seems

I am oft reminded of the very end of At Childhood's End ~ the music ...

20 August, 2024 02:08  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Whatever one calls it, I wouldn't survive a week being homeless -- nor would I probably want to. It's an ongoing concern.

20 August, 2024 09:17  
Blogger nick said...

Wow, you've certainly been through some tough times. Congrats for keeping the blog going all that time. And I'm glad that I stumbled on your blog while it's still alive and kicking. You're a year ahead of my 17 years.

20 August, 2024 11:44  
Blogger S M McBean said...

I'd like to add my thanks for being here so long. Over time it's been refreshing, reassuring, and sometimes surprising to read thoughtful and reasoned reactions to the events of our time. Thanks for helping us cope since the Shrub era.

20 August, 2024 15:56  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Nick: Thanks! Well, 17 years is impressive. I don't know how much longer I'll be around, but I can't imagine stopping the blog now.

SM: Thank you for the kind words -- I much appreciate it. I hope my takes on things will always be thoughtful and reasoned, and never just mindless lockstep regurgitations of a party line.

21 August, 2024 02:33  
Blogger SickoRicko said...

Congrats Infidel! I'm glad I ran across you. (I've been blogging one year shy of you.)

21 August, 2024 13:49  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Thanks! Glad to have discovered your blog as well.

22 August, 2024 01:30  

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