28 July 2024

Link round-up for 28 July 2024

Various interesting stuff I ran across on the net over the last week.

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You will believe a man dog can fly.

Some signs of dumbth here.

Amusing image collection here.

Puns come to life.

Kiss, kiss, kiss.....

View the eldritch horror of "AI" gymnastics.

Be cautious when trying to speak a language you don't really know.  It looks like he said something better left unsaid.

The dumbth is strong on this one.

He won't try to ride a bull again anytime soon.

Who's really on the $20 bill, dog superstition, and more.

Face time!

You'll either love this song or hate it.

Nice tale here of an evil supernatural being getting pwned.

Don't have very much room for Halloween decorations?  Get some miniatures.

Make art with birds (2nd video) (NSFW blog, requires Blogspot login).

See every space movie combined into one.  Great amateur production.

Interesting observation here about character heights in Back to the Future.

The Star Trek transporter raises philosophical issues.  Watch to the end and you'll have trouble sleeping.

This is the recent geyser explosion at Yellowstone.

Magnetism is weird.

He carries the flame -- of technology.

Learn the history of the world's most influential vegetable (found via Miss Cellania).

These researchers believe at least one Egyptian pyramid was built using hydraulic technology to lift the stone blocks.  The evidence seems weak to me, but ancient Egypt did have pretty smart engineering -- enough so to convince modern morons that magic or aliens were involved in building the pyramids.

The potential for artificial intelligence is nothing compared to that of artificial bollocks.

Mammal-to-mammal transmission of H5N1 has been confirmed.  The danger to humans still seems low, but this discovery suggests the virus can adapt to more effectively attack mammals in the future, including humans.

The shingles vaccine may offer some protection against dementia.

Electric rocks produce oxygen at the bottom of the ocean.

Learn about Tanzania's red lake and its amazing dead animals (NSFW blog, requires Blogspot login).

We have made far more progress against global warming than most people realize, and that progress is accelerating.

Carbon dioxide emissions in the advanced economies are back down to the same levels as in 1973, the first time such a drop has been achieved during economic growth.

These are mountains on Pluto as seen from the New Horizons probe.

This exoplanet probably has an ocean hundreds of miles deep, the first likely ocean found outside our solar system.

Brazil faces the challenge of junkie sharks (found via Miss Cellania).

Harris's mother made significant contributions to biomedical research.

Most of the time, we should "trust the science".

JD Vance's words provoke a protest.

Firefox is now collecting data for advertisers.  Here's how to stop it.

Don't allow abusive relationships to become a pattern.

The sacrifice of Jesus makes no sense.

So, what's the deal with JD Vance and dolphin porn?

Blogger Shaw Kenawe celebrates nine years of cancer survival with an awesome poem.

"But no voice replied, no answer met our pleas....."

This Christian is disgusted by the behavior of many churches today.

There's one thing that's pretty much guaranteed to make a man terrible in bed.

The Supreme Court says you are not required to serve these guys.  (Seriously, why would they wear those shirts in public unless they're looking for a fight?)

A Cybertruck-mockery forum launched in December already has 110,000 members.

This is Portland -- Police don't act against crime, while bureaucracy harasses the victim.

Employers keep coming up with new ways to turn the work world into a dystopian nightmare.

Voters' hostility to Project 2025 is rising rapidly as they learn more about it.  Even among Republicans, unfavorable views are substantial.

This is Jewish life in America now.

Today's moral prigs are naïve and solipsistic.

The Democrats shouldn't need the Nazi vote.  Also, the NYT is hiding the truth again.

The Loudoun county school rapist is free and back out on the streets, after a mere three years of "residential treatment" and probation.  The families of his victims were not even notified that he's on the loose.

The MBA types have buggered up the airline industry.

This military officer harassed subordinates to send their kids to his vacation Bible school.  Luckily the MRFF got involved.

Harris is a very fitting candidate for the abortion-rights election.  Her experience as a prosecutor will also help.  Indian-Americans have their own ways of showing support.  Here's how one Kansas farmer shows his.  Russian state TV seems concerned.  So do the religio-wingnuts.

Biden's handling of his withdrawal from the race may turn out to be one of his most significant services to the country.

How much intolerance you encounter can depend on where you live.

Internet culture stinks.  Does it matter?

They didn't want to give Biden a win.

Religio-wingnuts are seriously upset about Trump weakening forced-birth language in the Republican platform.  More here.  Read the comments on those posts too.  (I don't know why they're surprised at being given no say.  Their presidential candidate openly aspires to be a dictator.  Of course he expects to get what he wants, while everybody else has to just shut up and do what they're told.  That's how a dictator operates.)

Iowa's new forced-birth law takes effect tomorrow.  On abortion, watch what the Republicans do, not what they say.

Anti-Jewish boycotts continue in the book world.

This Christian supremacist wants to "crush" us.

There are good reasons why rape crisis centers shouldn't employ men.

The cryptocurrencytardosphere is increasingly supporting Trump, as he has come to endorse the scam.

These people belong back in the Dark Ages.

It's OK to harm babies in order to affirm the "identity" delusions of the mentally ill.

What do China, Liberia, Qatar, the Bahamas, and Saudi Arabia have in common?  They all spend more money to influence the US government than Israel does.

Catholic theology absolutely condemns the separation of church and state.

This is what Orwell warned us about -- control the words people can use, and you control what ideas they can express.

Allowing the parasite oligarchs to drive Biden out of the race has set a dangerous precedent.  If Trump wins in November, we'll know who is to blame.  And if Harris wins, we need to watch out for them trying the same shit again.

With Harris as the candidate, the wingnuts are already trotting out the same old "birther" shit they used on Obama.  There's even grosser stuff already circulating.  More here.

Project 2025 calls for a Stalin-style attack on science.

Will the trans activists ever accept that they've lost the argument?

No, banning use of puberty blockers on minors in the UK has not led to any increase in suicides.

French intelligence services have broken up an alleged Russian plot to sabotage the Olympics.  It hardly seems necessary when there's already so much poo in the Seine.

After a backlash, the full video of the Olympics opening ceremony has been removed.  I mean, seriously, WTF?

".....of whom only one has been remanded to custody."

The T-90M is supposed to be Russia's best tank, but it's just as crap as the rest of Russia's technology.

Remember what really happened, not what didn't.

Hamas raped men too.

The Iranian theocracy is about to execute these three women for human-rights activism.

China's collapsing bridges reflect its crap civil engineering (I've posted about this).

If you spend a lot of time in China, you may be happier if you don't learn Chinese.

More links at WAHF and Fair and Unbalanced.

My posts this week:  my reactions to the oligarchs forcing Biden out, an image round-up, more music worth keeping, and a poetic witch's curse.

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Saw a Cybertruck parked at the local Safeway one recent morning.  It didn't look as bad as most pictures do (very shiny), and not as big as pictures give the impression it is, but I can still see why there have been cases of raccoons trying to break into them, apparently mistaking them for dumpsters.

Update (early Monday):  Blogspot went temporarily glitchy right after midnight, and now the comment form on my posts looks weird.  It does work OK, however, so you can still leave comments.


Blogger SickoRicko said...

I'm always impressed at how much stuff you include here. Thanks for the shout-out!

28 July, 2024 15:06  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

Wow, some of those signs are really something. How did they mess them up that bad? And when they see how bad they messed up, why didn't they change them?

The more I hear of Project 2025 the more I just can't believe that people are actually pulling for all this nonsense to be done. There's so much crazy in it.

28 July, 2024 15:38  
Anonymous Tim said...

On 2025, I did enjoy the RW memes making fun of us foil-hatted conspiracy theorists on the Left. They might’ve actually succeeded at “funny” if only it WEREN’T OUT THERE, PUBLISHED, IN GREAT DETAIL, AND THE FRAMERS OPENLY BRAGGING ABOUT IT! It is very real! Another failure of RW “humor”.

28 July, 2024 18:49  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Ricko: Thanks for the posts! That red lake is bizarre.

Mary K: I think there are a surprising number of people who wouldn't realize there was anything wrong with those signs.

Project 2025 seems to be hugely unpopular. It was pretty dumb to publicize their plans for wrecking the Constitutional system before they'd even gotten into power, but frankly I think these people are mostly not very bright. In any case, the voters now have an advance warning.

Tim: Right-wing attempts at political humor are often totally unmoored from reality. Project 2025 is 920 pages, and I don't think most of them read long books.

29 July, 2024 02:06  
Anonymous Annie said...

Here is more info about Harris’s mother—and her immense impact on our next POTUS:


29 July, 2024 15:07  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Thanks. That post looks interesting, but unfortunately it's paywalled, so I can't read it.

30 July, 2024 01:20  
Anonymous Reaganite independent said...

I can get lost in these links, like in the library of the old days 😎

And OK, I LOVE the stupid song with the ugly guy and the little girls 😂

Delightfully goofy, you wouldn’t happen to know where that is or where it came from with you? I sure can’t make out the language.

Sounds like something that would’ve worked well on the Muppets 😁

30 July, 2024 01:40  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Unfortunately I don't. I wasn't able to identify the language either (my hearing isn't all that great). It's catchy, though.

30 July, 2024 02:52  
Blogger Annie Asks You said...

Sorry about the link to STAT. It was sent to me by someone who is apparently a subscriber. But I got only one chance: when I reopened it, I was blocked. It had a link to Harris's background on health care issues "ranging from reproductive rights to drug pricing" and then gave info about her mother's work on breast cancer, which "offers insights into the personal connections that have shaped Harris' views on health and medicine."

President Biden's efforts to advance cancer research were struck down by the Republicans. I'm assuming if we elect Harris and give her Congressional support, she'll renew those efforts.

30 July, 2024 09:26  
Blogger Lady M said...

Wow that article on porn really resonated with me. It explains a lot.

30 July, 2024 14:36  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Annie: I think in general it's a positive that Harris's mother was a scientist. Aside from the direct connection with healthcare, it means she grew up in an environment where science and objective reality were respected and she understands how science works. Too many politicians seem to have no clue.

Lady M: I think more and more people are coming to understand the problem. I don't know why they always make porn so gross and ugly and emphasize harmful and painful behavior. It's like they're deliberately trying to create a whole sub-population of men whose sexuality is so messed up that no woman will ever want them, so they'll have to be customers of porn all their lives.

31 July, 2024 05:36  
Anonymous Reaganite independent said...

WELL, It’s been stuck in my head for three days now, thanks a lot 😁

Makes me want to inflict it on other people

I wonder what the antidote is, maybe I’ll have to blast some Ramones to wash it out

02 August, 2024 01:29  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Just be sure to inflict it on other people before you apply the antidote. We must spread it far and wide and elevate him to superstardom.

02 August, 2024 03:11  

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