24 July 2024

More music worth keeping

A few more music videos from somewhat earlier times.  All are worth using fullscreen.  Previous posts in this series are here, here, and here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hard to believe it’s been 40 years when this music was on the charts and their videos on MTV.
Toni Basil is still going strong :) - Rj

24 July, 2024 13:51  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

Cruel Summer is still one of my favorite songs. Great pick of songs.

24 July, 2024 15:54  
Blogger bluzdude said...

I'll always treasure my original pressing LP of Centerfield that contains the uncensored "Zanz Kan't Dance," a flamethrower of a song torching the president of CCR's record label. The fact that Saul Zaenz received all the royalties for CCR songs is what kept Fogarty from playing them in concert throughout the 80s.

25 July, 2024 05:06  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Rj: Incredible to think that Toni Basil is eighty now. Apparently she was thirty-eight when she made this video. Some people just look younger than they are.

Mary K: Thanks! I still listen to "Cruel Summer" often too.

Bluzdude: I'll have to look into that. I didn't know this was originally a protest song against a real-world asshole.

25 July, 2024 10:14  
Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...

I'm so old that these songs were my kids' favorites! Thanks for the memories!

27 July, 2024 08:38  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Glad you liked them! And your kids have good taste.

27 July, 2024 09:02  
Anonymous Reaganite independent said...

Ha ha, I think we are the same age 😎

Good stuff, we used to always have MTV blasting in the background in the 80s

I’m particularly find of Simple Minds, actually saw them 10 years ago and they were still spectacular- Scottish band

‘The Glittering Prize’ , ’Up on the Catwalk’, and such.

28 July, 2024 22:55  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Wouldn't be surprised if we're roughly the same age (I'm 63). I remember Simple Minds's "Don't You Forget about Me" very well.

It's remarkable how many of these bands from those days are still performing.

29 July, 2024 01:51  

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