06 August 2024

Image round-up for 6 August 2024

More pictures from my collection -- click for full size.

Note:  two images in this post contain rapidly-flickering lights, so be aware, if you have a condition which can be triggered by that.

[For the link round-up, click here.]

This was an actual movie -- I guess that word doesn't have the same meaning in India

He's such a fan, not even being extinct could stop him from attending the show


Dinosaur (sauropod) fossil leg -- yes, they were that big

Bronze dagger, Switzerland, 2000 BC

Photo by Mary Kirkland

The White Cliffs of Dover, southeastern England (with lighthouse)

HR Giger and Debbie Harry

Is this the Satanist flag or something?  Pretty cool design, whatever it is

Giant Atlas moth


Blogger Sandee said...

Love them all. The boat one made me spew my coffee. You always find such great funnies.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

06 August, 2024 07:55  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

Manatees are so sweet.
I seriously thought that truck that had the accident was going to flip over and transform like in the Transformers movie. LOL

The guy jumping on the table made me laugh. I watched it three times before I even saw the guy in the back try to land on it and fall to the floor.

Thank you for including one of my pictures.

I don't think I would try to ride a shark but I might try to pet one...that had no teeth.

I know dinosaurs were big but it's crazy to think something that big was walking around where I live a long time ago.

06 August, 2024 13:04  
Blogger Leanna said...

I checked, the Satanic website doesn't show it. I'd fly it proudly because it's really cool looking and just to piss off the christian right. The dog getting scared in the water was a gas. Loved all of these

06 August, 2024 14:22  
Anonymous Ole phat Stu said...


06 August, 2024 23:50  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Sandee: I couldn't believe how that forklift driver with the boat just made one blunder after another.

Mary K: I've heard that manatee sightings are where the stories of mermaids originated. Sailors back then must have had very poor eyesight.

I can't believe that idiot thought the table would survive being jumped on like that. I guess he was removing it because it was busted. The second idiot would probably have gone right through it and hit the floor anyway.

That was a great picture of the Sun through the smoky air.

It's lucky sauropods didn't survive down to the human era. They would have been terrifying.

Leanna: It's certainly better than the "Christian flag" they've come up with, which is just all white with a cross in one corner -- easily mistaken for a white flag of surrender.

Phat: I think that's Medusa's mixed-race daughter -- only two serpents and a lot of normal hair.

I appreciate the comments, as always.

07 August, 2024 00:38  
Anonymous Carol said...

Another fun line-up. Favorites include the typewriter key bird, the flag, the dinosaur leg (holy moly), and the gorilla face. The latter reminded me of an informal survey in which 8% of Americans said they believed they could take down a gorilla in hand to hand combat. I have to believe that 100% of the 8% were men. Just sayin…

07 August, 2024 09:35  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Thanks! I thought the bird was an interesting concept. The sheer size of sauropods is mind-boggling -- they would have dwarfed even elephants.

I think that all of those 8% consisted of men who know nothing about gorillas. It would be entertaining, if brief and a bit messy, to see them actually try to fight one.

08 August, 2024 01:58  
Blogger SickoRicko said...

What a terrific collection! It was a pleasure perusing them.

08 August, 2024 08:28  
Blogger Infidel753 said...


08 August, 2024 08:45  

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