21 August 2024

Image round-up for 21 August 2024

More pictures from my collection -- click for full size.

[For the link round-up, click here.  For the blogiversary post, click here.]

Made by Pliny

Thanks for the warning

So..... this mall hired Vlad the Impaler to enforce parking rules?

She won't be using that dating service again

"Le squelette joyeux", 1898

Multnomah Falls, twenty miles east of Portland -- total height 620 feet

The Netherlands

Callisto, Jupiter's second-largest moon

Pałac w Kopicach (Schloss Koppitz), Poland


Anonymous seafury said...

Keep them coming. The TV with static reminds me of falling asleep in front of the tv as a kid. Then waking up in the middle of the night

21 August, 2024 07:56  
Blogger Sandee said...

What a lovely bunch of funnies and some cringe worthy shots. That boating one really made me cringe. What an awful accident.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

21 August, 2024 08:13  
Blogger SickoRicko said...

Wow, what a fabulous collection! I especially liked the toilet and sink in the back of that VW, real or not.

21 August, 2024 13:20  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Seafury: No fear, I've got plenty. That TV does look a bit spooky somehow.

Sandee: Hopefully they learned to watch out for potential obstacles in the future.

Ricko: The VW picture made me wonder where the water comes from -- and goes to. Probably not real, but amusingly incongruous.

22 August, 2024 03:00  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

The dog swinging the bat was too funny.
Don't want those potatoes sneaking up behind you.
I used to live in an apartment near a bridge and the amount of trucks I saw smash into it was crazy.

I love the houses in the mountains.
My daughter just went and saw the latest Alien movie and said it was really good. I'm looking forward to it.

22 August, 2024 13:04  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Never trust a potato. Or a dog.

You'd think truck drivers would be more careful. Most bridges have the clearance height posted as you approach.

I like the aesthetics of those houses, but I wouldn't want to live in such isolation. You never know what kind of animals might be around.

23 August, 2024 00:54  

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