03 September 2024

Image round-up for 3 September 2024

More pictures from my collection -- click for full size.

[For the link round-up, click here.]

Hope that's not an earthquake-prone area

Aurina valley, Italy

Launch of Voyager 1, 1977

Ostend, Belgium, 1899

Io, the innermost large moon of Jupiter


Mother and two-month-old baby, MRI scan

Crystal dagger, Spain, 3000 BCE


Blogger Lady M said...

Holy guacomole - the way the wind just picked up that car. It is mind blowing the power of nature. That lioness was a little silly to take on a full grown giraffe. She must have been desperately hungry.

03 September, 2024 05:56  
Blogger Sandee said...

Love the car one too. So many good ones. Love them all.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

03 September, 2024 07:38  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

I see some spooky ones here. It's almost Halloween month!

Falling snakes? Falling snakes? Ya know, I don't mind snakes but I don't want them falling on to me. Nope.

Wow, that was some strong winds to pick that car up like that.

03 September, 2024 14:05  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Lady M: I thought lionesses usually hunted in packs. Since that one is alone, maybe she got separated from the pride, or the rest of it was killed off by something. Definitely took on too big of an adversary, though.

Sandee: It's odd that the wind lifted the car up instead of just blowing it over, but wind acts weird sometimes.

Mary K: Things will get steadily spookier. We're definitely getting into that season.

Some snakes can climb trees, but they suck at it, and often fall. I'd guess they have snakes like that in the area where the sign is. I wouldn't go there.

03 September, 2024 22:38  
Blogger SickoRicko said...

Lots of terrific stuff! I love the panty chandelier, adore the cat in the carton, and I'm sure you liked (or not) the deep sea creature. I feel guilty to feel the same as the woman in the last meme.

05 September, 2024 17:38  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

I don't feel guilty.....

05 September, 2024 22:59  

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