01 September 2024

Link round-up for 1 September 2024

Various interesting stuff I ran across on the net over the last week.

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No truck can beat this muddy hill.

Plenty of dumbth here.

Don't park next to a wall that looks like this.

These are going to be the most shitted-upon cars in history.

What did they expect, bringing their stupid phones to dinner.....

Don't bother with the umbrella.

It's for the birds.

The trampoline you requested has been delivered.

Now this is real table dancing.

Dogs should be cleaned thoroughly.

At first I thought that was a fried egg.

Hang in there, we're getting close to Halloween now.

Blogger Donna has assorted images.

This one guy actually enjoyed the disastrous Fyre Fest.

A witch finds a way.

Nice collection of vampire death scenes here.

If you contend with dragons, cultivate pineapples.

Ignorance is not bliss.

The spirit of Halloween possesses..... buildings.

She likes the violin.

Take a close look at a dinosaur feather.

Parrots have dialects which evolve over time.

Food tastes bad in space.

Nineteenth-century Inuit people confronted an invasion of frightening, demon-like creatures.

A mostly-forgotten tunnel behind Mount Rushmore is all that remains of a grandiose project from the 1930s.

Cultures that keep women oppressed and ignorant tend to stay poor and backward.  I'd be interested if anyone can verify the claim about female scribes -- I had not heard of this.  Reforming the worst societies in a reasonable time can get ugly.  See also here.

Ethical dilemma my ass.  Exterminate the damn things, every last one of them.

If you own an Amazon Echo Show 8 Photos Edition (whatever the hell that is), you need to read this.  And quit buying stuff from Amazon.

Teachers are using a six-thousand-year-old technology to thwart "AI"-based cheating by students.

From garbage comes new land, and even a source of energy.

Social media in South Korea celebrate sexual abuse.

In much of the world, life is absolute shit.  Don't ever dare tell me all cultures are of equal value.

A Ukrainian soldier comes home.

Apparently "refrigerator screens" now exist, and here's why.

One can hope that high heels are finally going out of fashion.

Autistic blogger Johnny Profane has suffered a massive benefits cut and could use some help.

This was a lucky escape (last video in the post; NSFW blog, requires Blogspot login).  If you're driving on a narrow ramp and this happens, remember this and act fast.

A slur remains a slur.

Jewish charities are different from Christian ones.

These people exist.

Teenagers today have too little independence.

Blogger Pinku-Sensei was severely affected by the massive storm in the Midwest which knocked out electricity for days.

The Teamsters have won an important legal victory against Amazon.

Lots of practical advice and links here on voting and helping get out the vote.

The issues that provoked the Portland-area Fred Meyer strike are still unresolved.  It won't surprise me if the strike continues past Tuesday.

This initiative to reduce the aggravations of everyday life should prove hugely popular.

Ignorance foments superstition and fraud.  The cure is mockery.

This blogger speaks for me, at least in this post.

Least surprising research finding ever.

Which is better, a long or short campaign season?

On National Dog Day, remember this brave dog.

The mainstream media have failed.  Time to abandon and bypass them.

The corporate world discourages intelligent thinking, while wallowing in an endless Sargasso of fads and bullshit.

Stop using Google for searches.  There are better alternatives.

Harris's success helps debunk the myth that Americans are hopelessly polarized.

This is a meat brand with a reputation for high quality.  What do you think conditions are like where your meat comes from?

The right wing is now fully immersed in the same "the polls are fake" self-delusion as the left wing was a couple of months ago.

Never trust an evangelical with personal information about yourself -- and beware of their innocuous-sounding "He Gets Us" campaign.

Blogger Lobotero disputes the need for political parties (see also my response in the comments, though).

This is entitlement masquerading as inclusion.

What does "big government" really mean?

There can be no ethical use of technological plagiarism.

In the US and the UK, public opinion is turning against almost every aspect of trans ideology.

Harris's interview has made the Jew-haters mad.  Don't budge -- we can win without their tainted votes.

A new book assesses the option of abolishing, or at least heavily taxing, the billionaire parasite oligarchy.

There's a growing backlash against Trump's sleazy political desecration of Arlington National Cemetery.  The cemetery employee who was assaulted by Trump's goons is declining to press charges because she quite reasonably fears harassment or worse from his thuggish cultists.  The US Army has formally rebuked Trump.  This story is so damaging that Twitter is trying to suppress access to it.

"Well done, you have made the written equivalent of condescendingly lecturing me about the most boring shit."

Here's yet another example of how the media distort the news.  Any time you see a headline like this, you should assume the same kind of fundamental dishonesty.

What can be done about a stalker in the workplace?

Missouri voters strongly support their state's proposed abortion-rights amendment, by 52% to 34%.  57% also support raising the minimum wage.  However, majorities there still intend to vote for Republican officeholders.  The Democrats need to get the message out that voting people into power who oppose the policies you support is likely to be counterproductive.

A doctor explains why husbands should beat their wives and how to do it correctly.

The rise of Harris has led to a huge surge in voter registration among black women.  Discussion here.

Social Security adjustments are not keeping up with inflation (found via Angry Bear).

Toughening penalties for sexual abuse of children is now intolerable discrimination, apparently.  Next thing you know, Catholic molesting priests will claim that prosecuting them is religious discrimination.

The billionaire parasite class is pressing Harris to abandon Biden's plan to raise their taxes.  If she stands up to them, expect the media they own to go all-out to sabotage her as they did Biden.

This is the true nature of the "anti-Zionist left".

Good explanation here on why voting third party is totally ineffective.

True happiness cannot be attained without choice.

Never use race as an excuse for misogyny.  That's slimy shit.

One presidential candidate does show signs of dementia.

Hey corporate assholes, everybody notices "shrinkflation".

The governor of Texas boasts of removing over a million voters from the rolls in that state.  Voting activists are being subjected to official harassment there.

The Jewish people learned important lessons from the Holocaust.

Trump is desperately trying to dissociate himself from the hugely unpopular Project 2025.  It's not going to work.  Here are examples of how bad Project 2025 really is, with screenshots of the actual text.

Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter was partly funded by two cronies of Putin.

Harris's call for a "lethal" military is in tune with mainstream voters.

If you live in the UK, the John Lewis department stores are no longer a safe place for women to work.

Some health-care workers in the UK are now demanding the "right" to refuse to treat you if they don't like your opinions.

In Australia, the presence of male players on women's soccer teams is leading to more and more injuries, while women who complain are threatened by the police.

Sweden has cut net immigration to zero.  It can be done.

This person exists, and people like him hold real power.

Say 2+2=4, get fined €250,000.

Italy's "New Communist Party" published a blacklist of Jews, earning widespread condemnation by Italian leaders and media.

Here's why Ukraine is now targeting Russian oil depots.

Since the West won't let Ukraine use Western long-range weapons inside Russia, Ukraine has developed a long-range missile of its own.

Ukraine should not be restricted in how it can fight, against Russia's unrestrained and barbaric attacks.

The IDF's massive pre-emptive strike against Hezbollah a week ago seems to have thwarted a major planned attack on Israel.  The US media are lying as usual.

Four women activists in Iran are being railroaded toward execution on what appear to be trumped-up charges.

Despite the Taliban regime's horrifying escalation of its oppression of women, many Western governments continue trying to normalize relations. The Taliban regime, and similarly misogynistic regimes elsewhere (such as Saudi Arabia) should be treated like apartheid South Africa.

India's violence-against-women problem needs to be shouted from the rooftops all over the world.  If the government there suffers enough embarrassment, they might do something about it.

More links at WAHF and Perfect Number.

My posts this week:  some truths and inspirations, and the Fred Meyer strike.

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Only 60 days until Halloween!

Reminder:  Deleting blog comments is not an infringement of free speech.  See the final paragraph here.

No word yet on any new incarnation of Fair and Unbalanced.

Reminder:  It's "Democratic party", not "Democrat party".  Some people seem unable to grasp the concept that many words in English have a different form depending on whether they are used as nouns or adjectives.  It's like "magnet" vs "magnetic", "patriot" vs "patriotic", "photograph" vs "photographic", "hero" vs "heroic", or (aptly here) "idiot" vs "idiotic", etc, etc, etc.  Those who insist on writing "Democrat party" seem to think they're being performatively disrespectful, like those who refuse to capitalize the T in "Trump".  In fact, they're both merely failing, on a basic level, to use the English language correctly.

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Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

It's almost Halloween Month! I'm looking forward to cooler temps and spooky decorations.

I see no reason not to get rid of mosquitos.

I agree social security and ssi payments need to be adjusted for the high inflation and food costs that are going on right now. These people are not making enough to live on at all.

01 September, 2024 15:20  
Blogger SickoRicko said...

Muddy Hill, Dog Wash, Non-Retaining Wall, and Table Dance is now in my stable of little movies. Most of which came from you my friend. Thanks for the shout-out.

01 September, 2024 21:33  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Mary K: Looking forward to that too!

I've been on Social Security myself for two years, and no, the adjustments are not keeping up.

Ricko: I can't believe truck drivers continue to even try that hill.

That dog was amazingly cool with the car wash. He must go there regularly.

02 September, 2024 08:11  
Blogger Lady M said...

"It’s hard to know if this lack of complexity is a symptom of cognitive decline, or if Trump is just truly stupid and always has been." I am going with stupid.

02 September, 2024 20:37  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

It's probably a bit of both. Certainly he's always been an asshole.

03 September, 2024 00:51  

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