04 September 2024

The political season, a (one-sided) return to sanity, and the need for a landslide

By traditional assessment, in a US election year, early September is when the broad American public starts turning its attention to the choice looming in early November.  To those readers blessed to live in normal countries, where campaigning is limited by law to just three or four weeks before an election, a two-month political season probably seems absurdly long -- but I can assure you, the media and parties here have already been barraging us with election stuff for what feels like an eternity.  As far back as late May, we had already been so interminably inundated that 62% of Americans were feeling burned out on politics and sick of hearing about it.

Nevertheless, here we are.  Two more months of this to slog through, and then we can finally put it behind us.

One major political event has already happened -- the replacement of Biden by Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate.  Biden's next-term plans included higher taxes on the ultra-wealthy, beginning to roll back some of the damage of decades of tax cuts for those ultra-wealthy which have turned this country into an oligarchy dominated by billionaire kleptocrats.  To prevent this, the oligarchs, using the mass media they (indirectly) own plus some Democratic politicians they have corrupted via campaign contributions, set out to hound Biden out of the race, seizing upon a sickly debate performance to smear him as cognitively impaired (which he isn't, though Trump is).  The media, at least, hoped for an exciting messy divisive fight over the nomination, but Democrats thwarted them by quickly rallying around Harris and staying unified.  The oligarchs are now pressing Harris to abandon Biden's plan to raise their taxes.  This may seem like just one issue among many, but it is not.  The oligarchs have already demonstrated their excessive power by forcing a sitting president to abandon his run for re-election.  If Harris bows down to them on the very issue which led them to bare their fangs, it will show that no American leader can stand against them, and that the parasite class now has unchallenged control over US tax policy.

We need to watch Harris carefully to see if she stands firm on this.  In the meantime, on another ongoing sickness of American democracy, things are looking hopeful -- at least on the Democratic side.

I've argued before (scroll down to "The country needs a landslide") that, yes, the country needs a landslide.  Whoever wins, the larger the margin of victory the better.  For years now, both parties have been in the grip of various lunatic-fringe ideas and outright reality-denial.  If one party suffers a massive, crushing defeat, there's hope that it will allow that party's moderates to gain the upper hand over the crazies and bring about a return to sanity, so that from then on we'll have at least one party we can vote for without feeling like we're unleashing a madhouse on ourselves.

On the Democratic side, however, there are already clear signs that the crazy stuff is in retreat, without needing a massive electoral loss as an incentive.  The first important example came in June, when the Biden administration renounced its support for the medical "transitioning" of minors.  Further positive signs came with the rejection by Democratic primary voters of two members of the Israel-bashing "Squad", Jamaal Bowman and Cori Bush; voters nominated moderates instead.  There have been other, less-high-profile examples of Democrats choosing moderates over radicals, including here in Oregon.  No one talks much about "reparations" or "defund the police" any more.  One thing that did look really bad, right after Harris's ascension, was a flurry of online events segregated by race and sex ("white guys for Harris", etc) -- a lurch backward to the identity politics which even most Democrats now realize are toxic and un-American, evoking separate water fountains and people being allowed to sit only in their assigned part of the bus.  But these events haven't continued.  Even the activist types seem to have realized, on some level, how creepy they looked to mainstream voters.  Instead, Democrats left the identity politics to Trump, who has obliged with a barrage of cringey, ugly insults targeting Harris's race and self-definition.  It's he, not the Democrats, who owns the obsession with race that revolts normal people.

(And Trump has actually been the ultimate identity-politics candidate all along.  He initially succeeded by embodying the grievances and resentment of a particular demographic -- race-conscious and mostly highly-religious white Christians -- and so, even as president, he was never a real national leader, only a factional leader.)

So the Democrats are plainly taking first steps back toward the sane center, however far there remains to go.  What about the Republicans?  For one thing, as an exploration of the right-wing blogosphere will confirm, they have a lot more different kinds of crazy to deal with.  Vaccines are poison, global warming isn't real, the 2020 election was stolen, the Ukraine war is a money-laundering operation, the January 6 insurrection was just a peaceful protest (or a leftist false flag), Michelle Obama is actually a man, Dr Fauci helped create covid and is thus a mass murderer -- and those are just some of the commoner delusions (here are a few examples, but right-wing blogs are full of an endless morass of this stuff).  The common thread is that nothing is real.  To these people, everything is some sort of conspiracy or false flag or fake news.  The problem is made even worse by the fact that the Republican party has degenerated into a Trump personality cult, so that whatever nonsense Trump happens to babble forth becomes sacred dogma which few Republicans dare question.

The only thing I could point to as a sign of Republican moderation is some of Trump's recent statements on abortion, that he does not support a federal ban and would not prohibit mail distribution of abortion pills.  However, this does not represent a change in the party itself (yes, the platform has been changed, but that too reflects Trump's will alone), and the backlash from the Christian Right has been so severe that Trump is already backing down.  Some other Republican politicians are trying to evade the topic, realizing it's a vote-loser.  But until they start actually repealing forced-birth laws in states where they hold power, we cannot trust them.  And if Trump becomes president again with Republican House and Senate majorities, and they pass a national abortion ban, it's inconceivable that he would veto it.

So for the Republicans, it remains true that only a landslide election defeat (or more likely several) will shock them back to sanity.  The truly deluded will still just dismiss such losses as more election-stealing, conspiracies, etc.  But the leaders will know what's really happening, and I've argued earlier that even many rank-and-file wingnuts who embrace conspiratardia actually know deep down that it's bullshit.  It will be a hard battle, but the party can probably marginalize its crazies eventually, if massive losses create a strong incentive.

As to that, I stand by what I said here, that the most likely scenario this November is a Democratic landslide.  The reasons I cited in that post are mostly unaffected by the change from Biden to Harris; if anything, the enthusiasm for Harris may help win some close House and Senate races.  But the bigger the win, the better.  It's for the Republicans' own good, and the country's.


Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...

Thanks for this analysis; it made my day. (I linked to it at my blog.)

04 September, 2024 07:34  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Thanks for linking! I appreciate it.

04 September, 2024 07:37  
Anonymous Tim said...

I think we were having ironic fun with “white guys” et. al. Throwing “identity” politics in their faces. Everyone was a little giddy.

04 September, 2024 10:36  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

If so, that just reinforces my point about the bad judgment of the activist fringe in failing to realize how such things would be perceived by the not-very-political moderate majority of voters they need to appeal to. Right-wingers think their stuff about Harris giving blowjobs and Biden wearing adult diapers are "ironic fun" too.

04 September, 2024 11:34  
Blogger Dave Miller said...

We may need a landslide Infidel, but I don't know where we get one. Obama won a landslide with 379 electoral votes and McConnell said he didn't have a mandate and should be opposed at all costs. Trump in 2016 won 304 electoral votes and of course, McConnell said he won with a mandate.

Draw the electoral map for 2024 either way with Harris or Trump winning all the toss up states and here are the results...

Harris 319 - Trump 219 - Harris wins all toss ups.
Trump 328 - Harris 210 - Trump wins all toss ups.

I don't see the landslide I agree we have, unless I'm missing something.

04 September, 2024 14:11  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

When I say landslide, I'm thinking mainly of Congress and state legislatures. Winning the presidency is obviously necessary, and the bigger the margin the better, but doing so would mean little in practical terms unless it's accompanied with House and Senate majorities.

If I'm right about the impact of the abortion issue, it could mean winning some red states which are not currently considered toss-ups. I'm thinking particularly of the Senate races in Texas and Florida.

It's a long-standing flaw in Democrats' thinking that they think of wins and losses almost entirely in terms of the presidency, disregarding Congress and the states. We need to overcome that error.

04 September, 2024 14:34  
Blogger Dave Miller said...

Infidel, yes we do, but the Dems don't think long term as the GOP has done since before Newt... school boards, city councils, state senates, governorships, election boards. These are proving grounds for the GOP. Nothing for the Dems... I don't know how the Dems get there.

04 September, 2024 15:14  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

I gave my reasons in the post (and some of the links) for why i think we'll get there. If you really want to be all doom-and-gloom, you'll avoid seeing reasons to think otherwise no matter how clear they are.

05 September, 2024 01:24  
Blogger Marc McKenzie said...

This has to be one of the best observations of the 2024 campaign I have read so far.

Plus let's not forget the clear contrast between the DNC and the RNC, with the former also doing a great job in thwarting what the media and the far Left wanted--a repeat of the chaos of 1968.

One thing I will say about VP Harris and her team is that they are push back, regardless if it is Trump or the anti-Israel protestors who seem to only appear en masse at Democratic gatherings while leaving the GOP alone. Even the ridiculous "Abandon Harris" movement is being seen for the farce that it is.

With the recent news about the actions taken by the DOJ to expose a Russian-backed plan to spread disinformation to influence the outcome of the upcoming election, it is clear that there are those who want to repeat what happened in 2016 and that they are counting on both the far Right and the far Left to do what they do best--hobble the Democrats and allow the GOP to win. But it does not look like they will get that chance this year.

And one more thing--Democrats are paying more attention to downballot races for the House and the Senate. And unlike the GOP, they have the money and the resources to put towards those races. The GOP are now realizing that they are low on cash and that anything they bring in is going towards Trump (and his legal bills).

I honestly cannot fathom what the hell the third-party voter and the "I'm not voting!" crowds are thinking, because if Trump wins, it's over for them. The same goes for the "Abandon Harris!" crowd who want Harris to lose over Gaza...so let me get this straight--they want Harris to lose so the man who promises to let Gaza be turned into a parking lot and who also promises to arrest and deport protestors can win the Presidency?

Are these fools even capable of rational thought? What do they intend to do if Trump wins? Point and laugh at us while they are being arrested to be put in prison camps?

Finally, it appears that our media are ignoring the elephant in the room--the fallout from the Dobbs decision that has been driving massive turnouts in elections since 2022 and has been behind Democrats flipping more seats and leading to GOP losses. That the media has been doing this is no surprise; then again, it seems that everyone else except Democrats have been ignoring the impact of Dobbs.

05 September, 2024 04:42  
Blogger SickoRicko said...

Thank you for this insightful essay.

05 September, 2024 17:26  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Marc: Thank you, I appreciate it.

I would hope that mainstream Democrats have finally learned that effective push-back is essential. Harris seems to be treating Trump with the disdain he deserves, and in general the "weird" meme shows they've learned how to hit the right note. It doesn't bother most megatrumpazoids very much to be called "fascist" or similar. Fascists are dangerous and scary and that's how most of them like to be perceived. "Weird" just dismisses them as laughable freaks. You can see how Trump is being goaded into infuriated outbursts that just make him look even more, well, weird.

As for the third-party and anti-voting far-left fringe, this discussion plays out every election. What goes on in those people's heads can't really be called "thinking". They can't be reasoned with, and no amount of concessions to them would ever be enough (and such concessions would lose more votes than they gain, anyway). They're the left-wing version of the Freedumb Caucus. The only rational resonse is to gain enough voters in the sensible center to win without the nutcases. Mainstream Democratic positions are popular, and would win most of the time if we just cut loose the crazy shit. I signed up for universal healthcare and abortion rights and strong unions and standing up for democracy, not Jew-hatred and mentally-ill men in dresses using the girls' bathroom.

Election results since the Dobbs ruling show how much it has changed the political landscape. I don't know why the media don't get it. Maybe it's just a limited attention span -- "that was 2022, people have moved on". But they won'tmove on until their rights are restored.

05 September, 2024 22:56  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Ricko: Thanks! I put a lot of thought into this one.

05 September, 2024 22:58  

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