
30 June 2024

Link round-up for 30 June 2024

Various interesting stuff I ran across on the net over the last week.

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There are those who learn quickly, and those who do not.

Do math with cats.

Helping kids cross the street can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.

Beware of the dog pig.

Don't get too close to the construction site.

Some serious dumbth here.

He's keeping watch from his guard tower.

Celebrate hot ghoul summer.

See paintings come to life.

A slippery floor does not make a cat any less destructive.

Vote for her husband for city council.

This person is not a very good driver.

Strange images here (NSFW blog, requires Blogspot log-in).

He does his job with enthusiasm and efficiency.

Are the stores in your area at Code Orange yet?

This kid had a close call.

This is what English would sound like with German grammar.

See some friendly animals and an annoying panda.

What would happen if we drained the oceans?  (I was reminded of this.)

Old pets need love too.

This guy was damn lucky he got such an unflappable cop.

Do you remember suffering from weird rules as a child?

Two former members of Nightwish sing together again -- on Mars.

Here are some websites you can use for drawing.  I haven't tried them -- I can't draw worth anything, with or without technology.

If you've had covid, wait two months before starting to exercise again.

There's some evidence that elephants use names for each other much like how humans do.

Scientists have successfully repaired brain damage in mice using stem cells from rats, even though mice and rats have been separate lineages for thirty million years, far longer than humans and any of the other great-ape species have been separate.

The new Rubin telescope in Chile will greatly enhance our ability to detect asteroids that pose a threat to Earth.

The New York Times is bullshitting its readers about covid.

Colleges are now dumbing down their teaching to accommodate the declining reading ability of students, attributed to the rise of social media and the decline of recreational reading of real books, though I suspect that the period of non-phonics-based "teaching" of reading in primary schools also played a bigger role than the article suggests.

I bet you didn't know about this bizarre Islamic custom concerning breastfeeding.

The world-wide abolition of slavery was mostly accomplished by the relentless efforts of just one country.

Beware of people with these three traits.

The Cybertruck is being recalled for manufacturing defects for the fourth time since it went on sale seven months ago.  It's so dangerous they really should just get all of them off the roads until they can be completely re-engineered to meet normal standards.

This person exists.

Forget Jewish space lasers -- they've now got atomic spy lizards and killer dolphins.

No, it's not true that Taylor Swift refuses to perform in Florida.  Who on Earth believes this stuff?

Learn ten reasons why you should become a Muslim.

Here's a way to make your Cybertruck even more annoying and exhibitionistic.

Half of Dell's US employees still work from home despite company policy denying promotions to those who won't return to the office.

This is utter madness.

A suburban school district near here will require students' phones to be locked away during class time.  Phones have become a big distraction in schools, so hopefully this will improve educational outcomes.

Some things are still allowed to be women-only.

The Inquisition never burned any witches.

There is a huge amount of silly nonsense about Gaza circulating on the internet.  Don't believe it.

Maybe the reason why people these days are so fed up with work is that so much of it is obviously pointless.

Major League Baseball players are getting death threats from gamblers who lose money on them.

Must-read of the week for all politics junkies:  the actual economic environment much of the population lives in is still terrible, and the worst, vote-losingest thing the left can do is what it largely is doing, namely telling people to ignore what they can see in front of their own eyes and believe the wonderful statistics being spouted by the talking heads with letters after their names instead.  I discussed an analogous problem with crime (among other things) in this post in January.  The political-activist left is probably still doing more harm than good to its own causes.

Oklahoma is now requiring teachers to teach the Bible.  Here are some suggestions for specific lessons.

"Queer theory" is mostly just word-games, and sane people are getting better at dismantling it.

Darwinfish 2 has an image round-up, largely on politics and religion.

To this day, most people don't grasp the true horror of October 7.  Many, I suspect, don't want to.  Here's a site which has collected documentation.

Worthwhile assessments of the debate by Annie Asks You, an Arizona independent, and a non-panicking liberal.

Ohio is purging its voter rolls.  If you live there, make sure you're still registered.

This ad is a textbook case of gaslighting.  More discussion here.

Workers use "coffee badging" to evade the bosses' back-to-the-office demands.

The Portland teachers' union endorses flagrant and outrageous anti-Jewish propaganda in classrooms.

Nevada has verified enough signatures to place an abortion-rights initiative on the ballot this November.

Sometimes people who seem like the enemy are actually reachable.  Sometimes they aren't evil, they just haven't been allowed to hear the truth.

In line with most other Western countries, and with the views of the overwhelming majority of Americans, the Biden administration has declared that it no longer supports gender surgery for minors.

Julian Assange is back in the news, so here's your periodic reminder that he's a murderous monster.  And accusations against him of sex crimes were never properly investigated.

The "New Columbia movement" is an authoritarian and Christian-nationalist group more blunt about its intentions than most.  Their manifesto predictably attacks abortion, birth control, and sexual freedom, but also calls democracy a "failed experiment" and disparages NATO and the US alliance with Israel.  They do, at least, explicitly reject racism, and oddly seem to admire the decidedly non-Christian Roman Empire.  Their symbol looks like four letter Ts arranged to form a cross, in a way so strongly suggestive of a swastika that it's hard to believe it could be accidental.  Found via Lo Imprescindible (NSFW blog, Blogspot log-in required).

As Twitter's revenue continues to plummet, Elon Musk begs former advertisers to return.

Here's a corporate executive who used his power for good.

The "progressive left" is a tiny fraction of the US population and far out of step with most of the country.

Biden has pardoned thousands of former members of the US armed services who were convicted for violating the military's ban on gay sex (which was repealed in 2013).  Those covered by the pardon will be able to apply to recover lost pay and benefits.

Abortion rights continue to be the issue this year in politics, with huge majority support and energized voters across the country.

A right-wing blogger calls out another for racism (the comments are also of interest).

"Pride" has lost its original meaning as an ever-growing collection of fads and gobbledygook squeeze actual gay people out.

Here's why the claim that Biden uses drugs to hide his alleged senility is nonsense.

JK Rowling isn't pulling punches any more.

51% of people in Scotland now identify as having no religion, up from 37% in 2011.  Only 39% identify as Christian.

Here's an overview of the election for France's National Assembly, which takes place in two rounds of voting, today and on July 7.

In France, rising crime is a major part of why the anti-immigration nationalists are gaining ground with voters.  This very article is a good example of how the MSM's dishonesty in reporting such issues has destroyed readers' trust in them, trying to discredit voter anger by saying that only 17% of violent-crime suspects are foreigners.  First, non-citizens are less than 8% of France's population, so being 17% of suspects is actually very high.  Second, many people of non-Western origin and culture have French citizenship and are thus not counted as foreigners statistically.  The voters can see with their own eyes where the problem is largely coming from.  Crude media gaslighting only infuriates them further.

In Germany, eleven men raped a fourteen-year-old girl.  Nine were convicted, but only one received a (ridiculously short) prison term.  Then a woman was convicted of insulting one of the rapists -- and got a weekend in jail.  Read the story at the link, consider how many stories like this there are over there these days -- and if you're still surprised that Europeans are voting in droves for the "far right", there's no help for you.

In an effort to combat anti-Semitism, Germany now requires that anyone applying for citizenship recognize Israel's right to exist.

The EU's new foreign-policy chief will be tough on Russia.

Under attack from Putin's explicitly Christianist regime, Ukrainians continue to observe pagan traditions of their culture.

October 7 probably ended access for Palestinian workers to the Israeli labor market, a serious blow to them economically.

Jihadist attacks on Jewish people, holy places, and other sites are common, but often ignored by the Western media.

During the Hajj (Islamic pilgrimage) in Mecca, sexual harassment and abuse are a persistent problem.

The recent rejection of authoritarian religio-nationalism by India's voters holds lessons for other democracies, including ours.

More links at Fair and Unbalanced and WAHF.

My posts this week:  an image round-up, a personal note, and a brief comment on the debate.

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The Democratic party won back a shred of its honor in this Tuesday's primaries, dumping one member of the Israel-bashing "Squad", Jamaal Bowman, in New York.  Republicans missed a chance to do likewise, re-nominating the Ukraine-bashing Lauren Boebert in Colorado.


  1. “Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.”

    General Eisenhower, upon visiting the recently liberated camp at Ohrdruf.

    Yeah, it was a long time ago and only happened in black and white but for the horrors of the mass rape and pillage of October 7th to be cast aside in mere months would I think stagger Ike. I mean that's not very far down the road.

    In a sense the denial of what happened is more scary than what happened.

    I am well aware of what the UK did to fight slavery.

    Some people aren't...

    NB. The Lord Ashcroft mentioned is the World's largest owner of VCs. He buys them to save them for the nation. He's a sound bloke.

  2. Boy you got some gems in the first 15 or so links - I really cracked up. If I were still a school teacher and I had to teach the bible, I would do exactly as suggested. There is a whole lotta porn in the bybull.

  3. Cat math is funny.
    Those were some strange pictures. Anything under water makes me uneasy.
    Thank you for including one of my posts.
    Have a great week.

  4. NickM: Eisenhower was a smart guy. And of course today we have the precedent of Holocaust denialism to tell us what can happen.

    As for the UK's role in ending slavery, ignorance is one thing, and quite bad enough -- but what that article describes is more like another kind of history denialism. When telling the truth is "out of keeping with the 'welcoming and inclusive' environment", then their concept of "welcoming and inclusive" is full of crap. I guess some people's brains are too simple to grasp history on any level beyond "colonialism bad". But people like that should go back to playing with their own drool and eating paint chips instead of interrupting while grown-ups are talking about important things.

    What on Earth is that huge weird skeletal two-legged pointy thing in the Gunwharf Quays photo? If that's actually a building, it seems designed to minimize usable space per unit of volume occupied.

    What does "VC" mean in this context? To me that has always stood for "venture capitalist".

    Lady M: Yet another reason for giving up the idea of teaching it. There's too much porn in the schools already.

    Mary K: Thanks for posting the song.

    SickoRicko often posts weird pictures. I wish he'd get a second blog for stuff like that so people can see them without having to deal with all the porn (and consequent mandatory log-in).

  5. Victoria Cross. Very roughly the same as your Medal of Honor. It is the highest medal for valour in the UK and in the past the British Empire and Commonwealth. It was instituted in 1856 by Queen Victoria and has only been awarded 1,358 times. 3 people have won it twice. One of those was Captain Charles Hazlitt Upham. Hollywood would regard what he did as too fantastical for a movie. The citation for the first VC just mentions in passing that he had dysentery the whole time...

  6. So how is your submission to Islam going so far, (former) Infidel?

    That came out of left field, but hard to blame you, the guy in the dirty dress was mighty convincing

    Don’t forget to hit 👍🏼 & subscribe 😂

  7. NickM: Thanks for the explanation.

    Reaganite: I flunked out due to flubbing the no-booze rule. Plus I'm too out-of-shape for that praying routine.

    1. 😁😁😁

      And was just reading your post on your job and health challenges, take care of yourself, man

      One small note- I get the melatonin combined with CBD, those are pretty nice. I sleep like a baby 🤷‍♂️

  8. That Oklahoma thing is...

    I have considered being a teacher. Most graduates who were ever at a loose end consider it. There are many reasons why I shall never teach for a living but none stronger than the "mission-creep". In the UK it's about being essentially a substitute parent/guardian/big-sibling. In Oklahoma it's about being a pastor. One comment on your linked article says it all...

    "Plus, what the hell are Math teachers going to teach from the Bible?"

    Well, I have taught. I've taught mathematics. If I were to teach again (which I won't -I'd rather shovel shit from one place to another) I'd teach maths and physics. I am fucked if I know how to teach differential calculus or Kirchhoff's Laws in a "Biblical sense". I just fail to see what relevance a book about smiting assorted buggers with the jaw-bone of an ass has to do with (fairly) advanced mathematics or electric circuit theory.

    And can anyone explain to me how any of that isn't against The First Amendment?

    I also noted that the symbol of the SE chapter of the New Columbia outfit has a logo that looks a lot like the Confederate Battle Banner...

    When I first visited the USA in '96 I was struck by the number of homes in Atlanta which flew both the Stars and Stripes and the Confederate Banner with no hint of irony. That was Atlanta. But out in the Georgia boonies... And the least said about Alabama and the Florida Panhandle...

    Before I visited the US South I thought "The Dukes of Hazzard" wasn't a documentary.

  9. "Plus, what the hell are Math teachers going to teach from the Bible?"

    Pi = 3?

    Of course this is against the First Amendment, but what matters in practical terms is how the Supreme Court would rule, which is impossible to predict these days. By currently applicable precedent, at least, it would certainly be unconstitutional. A lot of the time, theocrats pass laws they know won't stand up in court, just to show their voting base that they're on God's side.

    I see the US flag and the Confederate flag* flown together all the time (not where I live, but in news photos). I don't know how people's brains can possibly consider that to make sense. Inbreeding, maybe.

    *Yes, I know it's technically the Confederate battle flag, but it's universally called just "the Confederate flag" now.

  10. Thanks for the suggestion. I do intend to try different kinds of sleep aids.


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