
28 June 2024

The debate

FFS stop with the hysterics about the debate.  No, of course I didn't watch the stupid thing, but the reactions around the internet today are impossible to miss.  The usual types who treat every setback like the end of the world are already declaring that we're doomed to another Trump presidency and/or Biden should step down in favor of another candidate, etc, etc, etc.  There hasn't even been time for public reaction -- among voters, as opposed to pundits or the media -- to gel and for polling to assess it.  The average truck driver or waitress or accountant is not as panicky and dumb and easily spooked as the average pundit or activist.  Let's wait and see what they think.

Obama's performance in his first debate with Romney was considered disappointing too; he upped his game and recovered, and in hindsight the debates probably had little impact on the 2012 presidential election result one way or the other.  The fact that Biden had a cold on Thursday might change the course of history, or it might not.  It's too early to tell, but until we have hard data from competent polls, I'd bet on not.  This election is still going to be mostly about abortion rights.


  1. I didn't watch either. My vote is already influenced.
    I know there are people who might vote based on what they saw during a presidential debate, but I'm guessing most of us already know who we're voting against and why we're doing that.

    Thanks for this post, though. Because I confess to feeling a little upset after reading what small bits of news I've read since last night.

  2. The UK media universally - esp "the left" - thinks Biden should stand-down. I dunno. It seems a little late in the day... But for a while I've thought Biden's problem is not so much "Is he up to it?" But is he perceived to be? I do think that matters. It shouldn't but it does.

    Having said all that part of me grimly wants to see the Republicans* try and play the age card. I do think both are to old for what is a physically demanding job but seriously! The Republicans can't get away with saying Trump is in the flower of youth and all that. Can they? Really? I mean he's three 3 years younger but he lives on cheese-burgers.

    *There ought (for the sake of giggles) be a Publicans party made up of pub landlords who from my experience can hold forth ad-infinitum on any subject imaginable and some they just made up.

  3. Ami: Never trust the media, especially on something like this. We know from other speeches of Biden's that he's perfectly coherent and not suffering from dementia, as Trump seems to be. The media's main concern is to maximize the number of views their articles get so they can sell more ads -- not to spread the truth. Drama and shock will always trump honesty.

    NickM: Well, the Democratic party has mountains of money available to address perception issues. There are valid objections to Biden as a candidate, but the fact that he had a cold on the day of one debate, which will be mostly forgotten a month from now, isn't one of them.

    Trump does come across as energetic, but so does a two-year-old throwing a tantrum. He seems to be rapidly sliding into dementia while never having attained maturity.

    Mary K: I don't see why anybody does. These "debates" provide almost no useful information for voters.

  4. Pliny the in Between29 June, 2024 12:22

    My wife told me a joke about fence-sitters and others who say they haven't made up their minds about the election (or are bothered by the debate):

    A waiter comes to the table to present the evening specials; "You can choose between a steaming pile of s___ or the chicken.

    The independent asks; "How is the chicken prepared?"

  5. There's an increasing view in the UK that TV leaders' debates are a waste of time because (a) they usually develop into slanging matches and point-scoring that doesn't actually clarify anything (b) most people have decided who to vote for and debates are unlikely to change their mind (c) there is a large minority of voters why are still undecided and will need more than a debate to make up their mind. Re the Presidential Debate, I thought Biden's stumbling showing did shed doubt on whether he was up to the job and I would like to see him stand aside for a younger and more combative candidate.

  6. Pliny: I've heard that -- the problem is that a lot of the fence-sitters honestly don't see it that way. On the whole I agree with the sentiment, but I can understand why some people don't.

    Nick: I agree that debates, in the current format, are pretty useless. As for the current one, Biden has made speeches both before and since the debate that show there's nothing wrong with him cognitively, unlike Trump who has consistently shown clear signs of worsening dementia. On the whole I would prefer younger candidates generally, but there is no obvious specific individual to replace Biden -- no other specific candidate who polls better against Trump or is comparably well known around the country. Even if Biden were to step aside -- and there's no evidence of any reason why he should -- we'd get a huge fight at the convention among contenders to replace him, which would divide the party and damage our chances of beating Trump.


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