
02 July 2024

Truths and inspirations for 2 July 2024

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My hope for these posts is that they will provoke thinking, not mere agreement or disagreement.  If I can get you to consider even one idea which you would not previously have entertained, or which would not previously have occurred to you, then I've succeeded in what I'm trying to do.

(For the link round-up, click here.)

The second half of this quote, all by itself, is enough to mark Dostoevsky as a genius.

If this is real.....

A booming economy means little when so much of the wealth produced by the work of millions is skimmed off and stolen by a tiny parasite class.

"MAP" stands for "minor-attracted person" -- a new label pedos have created for themselves and are trying to popularize.

I actually think that if Trump hadn't been born into wealth, he'd be homeless or dead.  He's too weird and obnoxious to succeed at any regular job.

I found this in a "white pride" post on a right-wing blog.  I don't get it.  Is this stereotype something they actually take pride in?  Do they think this is funny?


  1. Excellent stuff as usual but "Nephson" is (real or not) a storming neologism. And they look such a happy couple. I am almost tempted to say that is a parody but I have seen the Confederama at Stone Mountain, Georgia. I have also been to the MLK centre in Atlanta. You have quite a various country.

    What inspirations do I take from your stuff today... Nothing but confirmations. On the second-hand front...I hate the disposability of our society. I fix and build computers. For sure treating them as disposable is bad for the environment but there is something else, something deeper. I remember using a ZX Spectrum (roughly a Commodore 64 equivalent) as a kid. It transfixed me from the start. This here ASUS - that is like comparing an F-35 to the Wright Flyer... I know they're just machines but... there is something just wrong about treating something that wasn't even conceivable when you were conceived as disposable as a condom.

    I have kept a lot of machines going. Yes, I have a high-end gaming rig that sets fire to the rain (which I built myself) but if you want a simple machine for email, web-browsing and Word or Excel then I have kept (and used) a fair few way past their assummed date. And, yup, I have given or sold for mini-quids some to potless students and such. Yes, it is good for the environment (and saves money) but there is also something intangible. OK, I love computers the same way Nikola Tesla loved pigeons. I just do. And it's a much more sustainable thing than being into fast cars or Stormy Daniels.

    PS. If, as he claimed, Trump didn't have sex with Daniels isn't the hush money the greatest sum ever spent on not having sex with a prostitute?

  2. I enjoyed many of these a lot. I even stole a few.

  3. NickM: I've heard that in a lot of small towns in the deep South, there has been almost no population flow in or out for generations, and that this results in everyone eventually being related, so that they're now mostly marrying cousins. It does make me wonder if there are some genetic issues behind the enduring backwardness of the region (of course that's not the same thing as people breeding with immediate family members, which I don't believe is common anywhere). I've heard a similar explanation suggested for the centuries of stagnation in medieval Europe, after the fall of the Roman Empire and subsequent collapse of population size and of easy travel and transport, which led to people becoming isolated in small villages that had little interaction with anything outside.

    I hate wasting anything, and I can understand people becoming attached to computers. What I have now works fine, and I see no reason to replace it just because some greedy fat cats want me to.

    It's good of you to be generous to those potless students. They must be poor indeed if they can't even afford marijuana.

    Ricko: Please steal freely -- most of the images I post aren't original with me anyway.

  4. Infidel,
    They sell the weed to me.

    I'd actually heard incest amongst the oligarchs of Rome was a majore cause of the fall of the Empire. Essentially the rulers became inbred by trying to keep power in the family.

    OK. Yeah... I know everyone has their theories about what went wrong with Rome.

    But we rose again. And quite frankly I have a faith in people. OK, I live in a very nice area of England, so maybe it's not that representative but the school-kids I see are pretty alright. That is way more important than the US clash of Presidential Dinosaurs - The Decripidocus vs. The Despicablous Rex. Or even our own election tomorrow.

    If the kids are alright then I'm not too worried.

  5. Yeah, inbreeding has long been more common among ruling families and royal dynasties. Of course, it's hard to separate the damage done by that from the damage done by the very concept of a royal dynasty, which inevitably brings random idiots to power based on accident of birth. But I don't think close-relative incest has ever been common in a whole population.

  6. Inbreeding? I prefer to call it sticking with what works. This way you don't let any communistic socialism into your jean pool.

  7. And a few extra fingers and hemophilia is a small price to pay.....


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