26 September 2019

Blogging notes

Over the last couple of weeks I've had a major surge of troll comments (you aren't seeing them because of the comment moderation).  So perhaps it's time to post a more prominent reminder about reading the comments policy, since people who come here aiming to pick fights seldom seem to do so.  It also wouldn't hurt to read this.

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I'll be cutting back quite a bit on reading the specifically political blogosphere, at least for a while.  Brexit-bashing has been getting pervasive, and I'm tired of feeling under attack in what had seemed like friendly territory.  And the usual Democratic miasma of attacks on our own side has lately reached toxic levels, with venom and insults hurled at any Democratic leader whose judgment or program deviate too much from those of the writer, especially Biden and (until a few days ago) Pelosi.  It's wearisome and depressing to read.  For the sake of the party and the country, I just hope everybody gets that stuff out of their system before it's time to unify behind our nominee next year.

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I'm going to stop capitalizing titles like "president" and "senator" when they aren't used attributively right before a person's name, as well as some words like "constitution" which I've gotten into the habit of capitalizing even though they aren't "proper names" in a grammatical sense.  It's unnecessary, and excessive use of capital letters is often the mark of a less-educated and/or insecure writer.  I doubt more than one reader in a hundred will notice, but I thought I should say something in case that one in a hundred is curious.


Blogger nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing said...

Do all of the things you need to do. Just don't stop posting! Need your sanity!

26 September, 2019 02:34  
Blogger Unknown said...

What is that keyboard? I need one.

26 September, 2019 06:32  
Blogger jenny_o said...

Re political fatigue, I find my tolerance for political reading ebbs and flows, and I have to take breaks every so often. There is so much going on and it's very tiring to keep up with it. That's the good thing about blogging poetry and lolcat memes - I never get tired of them, ha ha

26 September, 2019 15:59  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

No Thoughts: Thanks.....I need my sanity too.....

Unknown: Image found here.

Jenny_o: I think the sheer amount of this shit that's bombarding us all the time is more than anyone except the most extreme political junkies can cope with. I'd really rather look at somebody's cat pictures or Halloween decorations.

26 September, 2019 17:26  
Blogger RO said...

Ironically I read over your post from March 2019 about conflict before popping over here, and I totally get it. I think people tend to forget that bloggers blog for various reasons - sharing knowledge, for fun, interaction, our platforms and/or personal opinions. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but the vulgar or toxic personalities are totally not necessary. I love that there are different people with different opinions in the world because I learn, but I don't like meanness, so I totally get that inappropriate comments never see the light of day here. I really like what nothoughts said "do what you need to do, just don't stop posting!" I'd like to see you around for at least another 13 years or so. By the way, I'm sending some healing hugs your way for your pain. RO

28 September, 2019 04:34  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Thank you for the kind words and good wishes. I truly appreciate it.

Vulgar and toxic personalities are common on the internet, unfortunately. It's a matter of screening them out so one can enjoy the good ones.

28 September, 2019 12:31  

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