09 October 2024

Image round-up for 9 October 2024

More pictures from my collection -- click for full size.

[For the October 7 anniversary post, click here.  For the link round-up, click here.]

FFS imagine the noise.....

We are born with inner knowledge of the true path

The drugs in the Middle Ages must have been better than we think

Wow, Zeus really hates the person in that one particular office

The Moon -- the hemisphere that faces away from Earth

Casa Buonarroti, the house of Michelangelo, in Florence

Jupiter's moon Io passing in front of the Great Red Spot

Brussels, Belgium -- the huge colorful area is a display of flowers

The south pole of Saturn, showing the aurora

Part of Orwell's original draft of 1984

What alternatives am I being offered?


Blogger Sandee said...

Love the clumsy robber and the beware of the dog the very best.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

09 October, 2024 08:02  
Blogger Leanna said...

Zeus has nothing to do with it. That was a "Witch at work."
I love that Nokia gif. You should go back and put "Fun way to dispose of indestructible Nokias."

09 October, 2024 08:17  
Blogger Darrell Michaels said...

Io in front of Jupiter was beautiful. As for the heavily armed guys at the fast food counter, I am curious how bad of a neighborhood that Chic-fil-A is in truly is?

09 October, 2024 16:37  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Sandee: That store that the clumsy burglar tried to rob should buy that dog for protection.

Leanna: Must be quite a witch. I wonder what she has against that office.

I like to fantasize that those Nokias were smartphones people had just been yakking on in some formerly-quiet public place.

Darrell: Astronomy has given us some beautiful visions, and will continue to do so.

My impression was that those two armed guys were about to carry out a burger heist, because it would have cost too much to pay for the number of burgers they wanted.

09 October, 2024 18:28  
Blogger Lady M said...

The picture of the guys getting McDonalds just about sums up who the world thinks we are, doesn't it?

10 October, 2024 09:44  
Blogger Ami said...

The guys with the big guns and big bellies reminded me of the caption contest awhile back. Y'all Qaeda, Titty Titty Bang Bang, Gravy Seals... there were a bunch of entries. My caption would be shorter. WTAF. I liked the girl tossing her halo on the ground, not sure why. I've never been angelic and never made a decision to go rogue....

10 October, 2024 10:58  
Blogger SickoRicko said...

I liked quite a few of these. About that submarine: Does the guy in the middle sphere really have to crawl through that tube to get to the rear sphere?

10 October, 2024 11:01  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

I just posted a picture of an anglerfish the other day on Twitter for a friend! They are so weird to look at.

That clumsy robber. Good grief.
All the different planet pictures I just find fascinating. Always have.
The reading nook rooms always look so nice. I can read anywhere though.

10 October, 2024 11:30  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Lady M: A lot of the world probably does. And of course they do represent a certain element here.

Ami: I remember that caption contest. I think the suggestions there (yours and mine) would fit these guys well.

Ricko: Looks that way. In fact, it would seem to be true of the people up front as well, since the only visible hatch attaches to the rear sphere. Quite a tight fit. The two gun guys in the above-discussed pic would never make it.

Mary K: The sea is full of weird-looking things. The robber was probably nervous as hell -- it might have been his first crime, and probably his last too.

The other planets are indeed fascinating to see -- but always remember, there's only one planet with reading nooks on it.

11 October, 2024 00:31  

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