29 September 2024

Link round-up for 29 September 2024

Various interesting stuff I ran across on the net over the last week.

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Cats can learn if they really want to.

Faces, faces everywhere!

Let me pull you up..... oops.

Where would you wear this?  A mosque in outer space?

He dances to celebrate his clever escape.

These are signs of the times.

His driver rushes him to his destination.

OK, if you don't want it, I'll have it myself.

It is possible to make a deal, even when you don't speak the same language.

Fall is a time of change.

Some near misses here.

The boat passed under the bridge, but emerged somewhat different.

This traveling band gets attention.

The bathroom is no-frills, but what a view!

Apparently Australia is infested with mutant abominations.

It disobeyed orders and escaped.

This is not the correct way to use a table.

Well, he did avoid hitting the pedestrian.

This cat makes its political leanings quite clear.

These are Dutch school buses, apparently.

I strongly suspect this beach is in Australia.

See image round-ups at Tell Me a Story and Earth-Bound Misfit.

It's already Halloween at Lowe's.

Las Vegas finally gets some massive clouds after a grueling summer (click pictures for full size).

Flowers bloom by nature, none more vigorously than the American Lotus.

See illustrations of popular fables by a variety of artists.

Japan is a different culture.

True art tells a story.

Great photos here of New York City, plus one of Las Vegas (NSFW blog, Blogspot login required).

Welcome home.

See rays going in circles.

Here's how ancient Mesopotamians wrote.

Avoid this popular but dangerous form of medical quackery.

We're accumulating more evidence about the origin of covid.

You should incinerate all raccoon poo.  And probably any raccoons that try to get near you.

The US government wants to use pictograms and color-changing cats to protect idiots ten thousand years in the future.

Don't be fooled by this e-mail scam that's going around.

Trump rally attendees head for the exits while he's still blathering.

This Hezbollah propagandist went off the air rather abruptly.

If you build a house in a stupid place, that shouldn't be the public's problem.

This person believes that anybody who disagrees with him should be put in prison for it.

If you're going to lie, it's best not to do it while standing in front of evidence of the truth.

Read a brief but pithy review of Atlas Shrugged.

Element rights are human rights!

At least the wingnuts are good for a few laughs.

The zombies can't get to you, and neither can anyone else.

Don't allow them to normalize this disgusting child abuse.

Here's what it's like being a personal assistant to a billionaire.

The New York Times doesn't matter any more (found via Earth-Bound Misfit).

"They behave just like any other man when a woman tells them No."

Amazon will mostly abolish work-from-home in 2025, leading many employees to look for new jobs.

There's yet another engineering screw-up on the Boeing 737.

Alex Jones will finally be held materially accountable for his horrific incitement against bereaved families.

One particular breed of spammer led this blogger to adopt comment moderation.

Trump just keeps trying to wring more cash out of his floundering presidential run.

Some shipyard workers have apparently been sabotaging equipment built for the US Navy (found via Earth-Bound Misfit).

Among young Americans, men are now more religious than women -- it's probably more correct to say that young men are abandoning patriarchal Abrahamic religions at a slower rate than young women are.  This may be related to the trend for young women to achieve higher levels of education than young men do.

Keep checking your voter registration status, especially if you live in Oklahoma.  Use this official US government site -- some other sites that claim to help are actually scams.

Trans activists have succeeded in their efforts, and must face the consequences.

One of my senators has introduced a bill to repair the Supreme Court, though rather slowly.

Harris has plenty of specific policies on the economy and immigration.  The media just aren't reporting on them.

The Haïtians-eating-pets lies constitute a blood libel.

Traditional pension plans have mostly been destroyed in the US and replaced by 401(k) plans, despite the efforts of unions to win them back.  This sounds like something for the Democrats to rectify if they win the presidency and Congress.

"Decency is countercultural in the Republican Party.  It's seen as a rebuke of Trump."

These men insist on forcing their damn ideology upon everything.

Women have the right to vote freely, and everyone needs to know it.

This is an example of what wingnuts think is funnyHere's another.  I found both in political image round-ups on right-wing blogs.

Don't believe the gaslighting -- deaths of pregnant women have risen substantially in Texas since its forced-birth law went into effect.

It's not just Robinson -- the whole Republican party is infested with grotesque cranks.

Here are some tips for spotting pedos.

The mayor of a mostly-Muslim city in Michigan has endorsed Trump.  True-believing Muslims in the US have been trending more Republican over time, due to anti-gay beliefs as well as rage over most Democrats' support for Israel's survival.

"So in fact they weren't even schools, they were prisons with forced labor."  More background here.

Here's yet another voter who's exhausted with the interminable barrage of politics.

See open, flagrant Jew-hating conspiratardia displayed on the streets of Liverpool UK (Tumblr login required).

Mridul Wadhwa is gone from the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre; time to also get rid of his biggest enabler.

In France, a terrorist attack targets a feminist conference.

Germany's legislature is considering amendments to protect "sexual identity".

Peru decides to not be insane, which is more than you can say for some European countries.

Argentina's policy of deep government-spending cuts has led to an explosion of poverty, suggesting our own likely fate if Republicans ever enact similar policies here.

Thailand has legalized same-sex marriage.  The law will take effect in January.

Denmark's prime minister supports allowing long-range Ukrainian strikes into Russia with Western weapons.  If a small country just a few hundred miles from Russia isn't afraid of "provoking" escalation, then maybe we shouldn't be either.

The Baltic states are preparing for future Russian aggression.  If Putin is allowed to gain anything from invading Ukraine, he will do the same to other countries.  Harris opposes forcing Ukraine into such territorial concessions.

Russia's economy is suffering from stagnation and rampaging inflation at the same time.

Putin attacks all of Ukraine's territory with missiles, but hypocritically threatens nuclear war if the West helps Ukraine to do the same in retaliation.

Russia has sent the crew of its only aircraft carrier to Ukraine as cannon fodder, which suggests that the carrier will never be put back into service (it has been in dock for repairs and upgrades since 2017, suffering damage there several times due to the usual gangster-state incompetence).  More war news at the first link, including Toropets and a disastrous ICBM test failure.  More on the ICBM test here.

More video and satellite photos here of the Ukrainian attack on the munitions dump at Oktyabrsky.

The Putin regime is considering sending advanced missiles to the Houthis to use against Western shipping.  Putin and the jihadists are well aware that they have a common cause against the civilization and democracy represented by Ukraine and Israel, whether some naïve Westerners recognize that reality or not.  The US needs to go all in on defending them.

Maybe it's just me, but yeah, I think blasting off the genitals of a few hundred would-be gang-rapists is kind of funny.

Clips here of Israel's destruction of Hezbollah sites which have been firing missiles at northern Israeli towns.  Here's what they're hitting.

More links at WAHF.

My posts this week:  some truths and inspirations, evil among us, and undersea faith.

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Only 32 days until Halloween!

I now have a definite end date for the current job:  October 14.  After that point, I'd have enough earned income for the year that my Social Security would get cut.  Not worth it.

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Story behind this video here.


Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

Yes, it's almost Halloween month. I plan on doing some things on my blog for the month of October. I finally pulled myself out of this 4 year long depression I've had and feel optimistic for the first time in a long time. Time to have some fun.

Those were some crazy near misses. Some people get really lucky.

Kangaroos are interesting animals.

Spammers are such a hassle on some blogs.

Thank you for adding one of my posts. I appreciate it.

I hope you have a good week.

29 September, 2024 14:43  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

That's great that you've overcome such a long period of depression. It must be a great relief.

Some of those near misses are scary. Especially the one where the barbell almost landed on the weightlifter's head. That could have been a horror.

Thanks for your photo posts!

30 September, 2024 03:31  
Blogger SickoRicko said...

Quite a few interesting little movies. I always enjoy those. Thanks for posting something from my blog.

01 October, 2024 20:41  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Cool! The city photos were impressive.

02 October, 2024 03:16  

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