18 September 2024

Image round-up for 18 September 2024

More pictures from my collection -- click for full size.

[For the link round-up, click here.]

So they do wipe their asses after all.....

Must've been a lot of birds.....

.....or wish for a fifty-foot cat.....

HR Giger working on the set of Alien

Triton, the main moon of Neptune

Robben Island, South Africa, where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned

Sept 11 survivors amid the ashes of the twin towers collapse

Dust storm

Tapeworm head

Go toward the light.....


Blogger Ami said...

You find the best stuff. One of these reminded me that a favorite palindrome for 'my' kids is *a butt tuba*. They find that hilarious. I wish I could show them the pic you posted. ::snort::

18 September, 2024 07:55  
Blogger Sandee said...

They are all great. I laughed, cringed and then laughed some more. Thank you.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

18 September, 2024 08:35  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

That dust storm is crazy.
I don't like looking at people standing next to really large things. I find it incredibly creepy and disturbing. If it's under water that's even worse. lol

So many fails and some of them look like they were painful

Have a nice weekend.

18 September, 2024 14:43  
Blogger SickoRicko said...

Yes, good stuff!

18 September, 2024 15:00  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Ami: Those medieval copyists sometimes sneaked some surprisingly low-brow humor into their manuscripts.

Sandee: Thanks!

Mary K: Dust storms like that are common in Arabia, but sometimes happen in the central US too.

I suppose you're referring to the man under the ship propeller. What's striking to me is that that man, and others like him, created that huge structure, and the whole ship.

Ricko: Thanks!

19 September, 2024 00:30  
Anonymous Ole phat Stu said...

Not fissssh. Ghoti.
Gh as in enough
O as in women
Ti as in station.

19 September, 2024 06:48  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

That seems like a very ineghotient method of spelling.

19 September, 2024 17:50  
Blogger Darrell Michaels said...

Loved the tiger resting on top of the Buddha. The dust storm is crazy. I had the joyous pleasure of being in a sand storm while deployed to the Middle East. Not much fun.

20 September, 2024 07:41  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

I love the tiger's perfect indifference to human spiritual delusions.

I can just imagine what Middle Eastern sandstorms must be like. People don't realize how massive these things are.

20 September, 2024 23:22  

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