19 September 2024

Videos of the day -- political humor

Yeah, politics is serious business.  Doesn't mean we can't have some fun with it.

This may be remembered as the defining moment of the election.  It definitively established Trump as a fundamentally silly person.

I posted another video by the Marsh family here.

Why do we put up with these interminable campaigns?  Most other democracies have a far shorter political season.


Anonymous Annie said...

Anything that makes us laugh AND diminishes the awful hatemongers is most welcome. The first video is hilarious, despite the horrors the lies it mocks are creating. The Marsh family is great. And Maher has a point about the length of our election seasons.
Note: I tried to post this message via my phone, but nothing happened when I clicked on the comments link. I don't know if the problem was just with my phone--or if others are having similar issues.

21 September, 2024 09:36  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Glad you enjoyed them. I find mockery to be a most effective weapon against the pompous and self-important.

I've noticed various glitches with comments all over the internet lately. It may be that the various systems are acting up as they sometimes do.

21 September, 2024 12:35  
Blogger SickoRicko said...

I agree that these videos are great.

22 September, 2024 19:27  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Politics can be a drag, so it's great when people manage to make it fun.

23 September, 2024 00:42  

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