30 September 2024

For Blasphemy Day

It's International Blasphemy Day -- a day to denigrate, mock, and denounce deeply-held spiritual beliefs of every kind!  The day is observed every September 30, commemorating the publication of the Danish Muhammad cartoons in 2005.  It is our absolute right, as part of our freedom of expression, to criticize and undermine this most poisonous and absurd class of ideologies, in whatever way we choose.

[For yesterday's link round-up, click here.]

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Made by Pliny.


Blogger Lady M said...

Happy Blasphemy Day - I really enjoyed this post.

30 September, 2024 07:36  
Blogger Darrell Michaels said...

Infidel, I always support the right of others to vehemently disagree, including about matters of faith. (Assuming that violence doesn't follow.) Ironically, there are many of the memes you posted that I actually agree with. Further irony, it was science that lead me from my own atheism to belief in a Creator. ;)

30 September, 2024 08:15  
Anonymous Carol said...

Many good quotes. I'll have to remember that reverse exorcism line. Ha!

30 September, 2024 12:33  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Lady M: Glad you enjoyed it. This is one special day I always plan ahead to post for.

Darrell: I appreciate your endorsement of free expression even when it goes against your own views. The world would be a lot more peaceful if everyone could do that, but unfortunately many can't -- as the reaction to the original Muhammad cartoons showed.

Carol: The reverse exorcism quote was inspired. Religion in general has been a source of fear and incredulity for many of the greatest minds throughout history.

01 October, 2024 02:04  
Blogger SickoRicko said...

Darn, I'm a day late! Thanks for giving me some fresh material. I'm going to do a link to this post because I'm too lazy to do what you did.

01 October, 2024 12:03  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no, the garlic most definitely works against vampires.

01 October, 2024 12:58  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

Getting rich selling bondage pics to the taliban is my favorite.

01 October, 2024 14:04  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Ricko: Thanks for linking!

Anon: You speak as if with authority. Are you a vampire?

Mary K: There's nothing those guys won't do for some hot goat action.

01 October, 2024 17:49  
Blogger applequeen said...

As usual, I'm late to the party. I have never heard of Blasphemy Day, but it's going on my calendar & I will happily observe it next year :)

03 October, 2024 02:44  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Always glad to help recruit an aspiring blasphemer.....

03 October, 2024 03:09  

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