21 June 2023

Image round-up for 21 June 2023

More pictures, some slightly NSFW -- click for full size.

(If you're looking for the previous post, click here.  For the link round-up, click here.)

The middle Hebrew letter is wrong, so that instead of ba'al (husband) it spells batzal (onion)

What exactly does this device help train you for?

Our true family tree


The Taj Mahal seen from above

Kamchatka peninsula, Siberia

Traditional "marsh Arab" reed house (mudhif), Iraq

Mermaid skeleton (yeah, right.....)


Blogger Sandee said...

I love all the accidents the best. You made me laugh out loud more than once.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

21 June, 2023 04:57  
Blogger Lady M said...

That "facial Trainer" was definitely invented by a man!

21 June, 2023 14:24  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Sandee: Thank goodness for all the people out there who are willing to try idiotic things to keep us entertained.

Lady M: I'm sure that's true!

21 June, 2023 18:53  
Anonymous spirilis said...

It was invented by someone tired of on the job training.

22 June, 2023 18:50  
Anonymous nick said...

I love the Pea car. And the stairs going nowhere.

23 June, 2023 04:29  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Spirilis: Possibly.....

Nick: When I saw that Pea car, my first thought was "somebody farted really badly inside a Volkswagen."

I can't imagine the explanation for those stairs. Even if the architect was drunk, somebody should have realized when they were actually being built. Maybe there was a door there that was blocked off, but it sure doesn't look like it.

23 June, 2023 05:57  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

That dresser drawer that has a hidden drawer just by turning the knobs is so cool. I would love to have something like that.

I've never been to Texas but I've heard stories about how their bugs are always so big, so the skull of the Texas mosquito was very funny.

23 June, 2023 08:38  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

The secret drawer is very handy if you have certain things that certain people believe you should not be allowed to have.

I think that's actually a whale skull, but yes, the bugs in Texas (and the South) are notorious for their size. I can see why the idea occurred to him.

23 June, 2023 09:47  

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