14 June 2023

Truths and inspirations, 14 June 2023

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Even among the abominations in the bottom row, Italy still has the least-bad one.

Made by Amanda.

Made by Lyonkidart.

This story is so insane that at first I thought it must be fake.  It isn't.

Megyn Kelly describes her awakening, touching on most of the salient points about gender ideology.

Made by Pliny.

On abortion, Republican voters are way out of step with the American mainstream.

Vlogger SerpentZA, whose insightful videos about China I've often posted here, discusses the failure of his former homeland.

People like this actually exist.


Anonymous richard Yinger said...

Wow! I had no idea things were that bad in S Africa.

14 June, 2023 11:26  
Blogger Lady M said...

That new French architecture looks like a butt plug. Trump as Gollum is too precious!

14 June, 2023 18:58  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Richard: I hear a fair bit about South Africa these days. Things there just seem to keep getting worse, unfortunately.

Lady M: I suspect that that's some sort of sculpture and not a real building, and that whoever made the image was stretching their point a little. If so, I hope it's at least just something temporary, and that we won't be seeing Le Grand Plugge du Butte de Paris promoted as a tourist attraction in the future.

Trump makes an excellent Gollum. And remember that Gollum's overpowering need to possess his "precious" eventually led to his destruction -- an example Trump now seems set to follow.

14 June, 2023 19:28  
Blogger Martha said...

Wow, that story about the 17-year-old girl being charged for defending herself is outrageous! I would have thought it was a fake story. And I really enjoyed the one with the yoga pants. Go, mom!

24 June, 2023 04:36  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

The Danish story is outrageous, but it highlights how little sense these kinds of laws make. I wouldn't be surprised if people have been criminally charged because they used guns in self-defense but weren't legally allowed to own a gun. The principle would be exactly the same. Disarming the citizenry serves the interest of criminals.

The yoga-pants mom had an excellent point. Anyone who gets "distracted" (sexually aroused) by kids that young is seriously suspect, and certainly shouldn't be around kids.

24 June, 2023 04:58  

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