05 April 2020

Link round-up for 5 April 2020

Various interesting stuff I ran across on the net over the last week.

o o o o o

Debra She Who Seeks insists that April Fool's Day is still on.

Jenny_o has some handwriting and cats.

Forget bitcoin -- there's a hot new cryptocurrency (found via Earth-Bound Misfit).

Time for some bugs.

This exists.  I can't imagine why.

Well, he should know (found via Octoberfarm).

It's worthwhile to study English.

Take a closer look at the virus.

This is the perfect dress for the times (found via Earth-Bound Misfit).

Evil Pop Tart explains her units of attractiveness.

Follow your dreams and have a banana smoothie, but don't run out of gas in Germany.

Be like Sandra the orangutan (found via Mock Paper Scissors).

I bet these burgers are really gross and fatty.

Frustrated bar-hoppers now have a whole street of virtual bars to go to.

This looks like a good self-torture device for long hours in quarantine (found via Mendip).

Here are some images for the day.

We can't do without the Postal Service.

No, covid-19 was not predicted by a psychic.

Beware of fake friends.

A televangelist has put a curse on the coronavirus and declared the problem over ("I call you doggone!" seems like a pretty wimpy curse, though).

A Full Frontal correspondent discovers a welcoming community.

See New Orleans emptied of people (click "open" at lower right).

Don't go to Gamestop.

Why would any woman follow the Bible?

Here are tips for safe grocery shopping, and what disinfectants to use.

A survivor of priestly sexual abuse describes how Church higher-ups tried to ignore and silence him when he spoke out.

This is life under social distancing in south-central Texas.

The crisis is making casual sex more dangerous.

Yikes, we are living in a zombie movie.

Covid-19 presents particular problems for women.

Trevor Noah interviews Fauci.

Social distancing works, but only in places that stick to it rigorously.  My state may have acted in time.

MIT's animated charts capture the stunning speed of the pandemic (found via Mock Paper Scissors).

April is going to be hellish.


Navy sailors cheer the captain fired for taking decisive action to save them.

Zoom is seeing unprecedented use, but there are problems.

This Detroit bus driver complained on Facebook about a coughing passenger.  Now he's dead of covid-19.

The federal government is seizing shipments of medical supplies ordered by states and hospitals.

Imagine trying to have a rational discussion with this person.

17% of highly-religious Americans are still attending group worship services, potential amplifiers for covid-19.  Megachurches are still packing in the crowds -- and not only in the South.  And this guy wants to hold a sort of fundie Woodstock.

Fox News is worried about possible legal liability for its pandemic coverage.

There are people out there who actually believe this.

Stop behaving like the mayor of Amity Island, you nitwits.  Georgia's governor just issued an order opening the state's beaches and overriding local ordinances that had closed them.

There's one item that people are panic-buying even more than toilet paper.

For telling the truth, you get threats.

44 more spring-breakers who ignored the rules have tested positive.

There's been at least one pandemic-related homicide.

The South is vulnerable.  And the virus is coming.

At least 70 infections in central California have been linked to one church.

Some nutcase derailed a train in an attempt to attack a hospital ship he thought was part of a "government takeover".  Conspiracy bullshit is not harmless.  It has consequences.

This pastor saw a way to make a nice pile of cash off of the pandemic.

Florida's Republican governor orders social distancing -- with a deadly exception, and probably too late.  And covid-19 has exposed Republican sabotage of the state's unemployment-insurance system.

Roy Mo[lest]ore is still around, plus a couple more religio-assholes.

Trump takes decisive action -- to increase air pollution (Obama comments).  He seems to be sending damaged or incorrect supplies to states he doesn't like.  He's already trying to undermine the new paid-sick-leave rules.  There's one thing he cares about even more than his popularity ratings.

A Wisconsin pastor is defying the law and keeping his church open.

Blue cities in red states face special problems.

Here's how covid-19 cases compare state-by-state (but see the comment by Brucedesertrat too).

Wingnut/fundie reality-denial and rejection of science has become a danger to the country as it leads to disregard of social distancing.  In the end, covid-19 could hit rural America harder than the cities.

Trump is back to talking about ending social distancing prematurely.

Liberty University's flouting of the rules has made Lynchburg a viral hot spot.

The pandemic has brought our country's character flaws and self-deception out into the open.

He didn't take the virus seriously; now he's dead.

Charges have been filed against a Louisiana pastor who repeatedly violated the ban on large gatherings.  This Florida preacher was arrested, but the bail was a joke.

60 church members in Washington attended group choir practice -- now 45 are sick with covid-19 and two have died.

Covid-19 is sweeping Louisiana, not just New Orleans.

Trump's ego and petulance will cost lives (found via Mock Paper Scissors).

A single funeral made this Georgia town an epicenter of the pandemic.

Compare covid-19 to other mass deaths of Americans.

Massie's dangerous grandstanding embodies the toxic obstructionism of the Republican party.

An Asian family in Texas was stabbed by a man paranoid about the virus.

The coronavirus tests we're using were rushed through approvals and are giving a lot of false negatives.

One more thing to worry about -- we're in for a bad hurricane season.

Covid-19 symptoms can be varied and hard to recognize.

The race for artificial intelligence will empower some medium-sized countries.

Why do computers (and brains) use so much energy, and what can we do about it?

It's 60 years since the concept of the Bussard ramjet was first thought of, but we're still a long way from actually building one.

Would we recognize an alien life form if we saw it?

The UK has legalized home abortions for the duration of the pandemic.

In Italy, the contagion seems to be slowing down.  But the true death toll is probably far higher than reported, and the elderly are still in grave danger.

Spain faces the grim need to let some patients die due to lack of resources.

Japan is wasting valuable time in inaction.

Not easy to do social distancing if you live here.

East Asian countries where the pandemic seemed under control are now seeing it re-erupt and having to re-impose controls.

China's covid-19 death toll is probably many times larger than what the regime has admitted (found via Earth-Bound Misfit).  The regime itself may not have accurate information.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, the virus is accompanied by an epidemic of misinformation.

Covid-19 probably will not help Trump win in November.  Here's a detailed list of what he's done wrong.  And history's verdict will be devastating.

A new group Catholics for Trump is ready to fight for their hero.  If you imagine you can reason with these people, try reading some of the comments.

Republicans are showing us who they are.  They're arranging things to help the private sector profiteer off of the crisis.

No, Trump can't postpone the election, and it wouldn't keep him in office anyway.

Maybe Biden shouldn't worry about Sanders.

Vote -- because Trump really doesn't want you to.

Did impeachment distract Trump from the rise of the pandemic?

[Aaargh!  118 links in this thing, not counting the "found via" ones.  It's probably my biggest link round-up ever.  Covid-19 has got me reading the news obsessively.]


Blogger Debra She Who Seeks said...

Buttcoin, LOL! That transparent jigsaw puzzle is crazy, man, crazy. I enjoyed the video about Furries.

05 April, 2020 07:34  
Anonymous AZ Guy said...

Awesome put together ! Ol' boss used to say the man with the most information wins ! Yeah I got laid off, but. . . it was a nice ride ! ! !

Thanks !

05 April, 2020 07:50  
Blogger Hot guys said...

Hey, we've all got so much more time off so, gotta use it somehow.

118 is a nice digit. And, I don't see anyone complaining so, keep doing your thing! :)

05 April, 2020 08:14  
Blogger Ranch Chimp said...

Just a few comments while browsing, or I may forget what I was going to comment {:-) Juanita's piece about sitting around calling random numbers in India to ask about extended car warranties made me laugh, them SOB's call me pretty frequently, the thing is, I don't even have an extended warranty {:-O

Damn ... this round up has more goddamn corona shit than a goddamn catholic gift store has little statues and trinkets made in China! {:-)

A couple folks I know been frustrated about being locked in so much ... a buddy asked me yesterday if it got to me (I been away from home now for a tad over a month). I told him it wasn't so bad. Mentioning one time I was locked in solitary confinement at a corrections facility medical unit as punishment (they don't even allow you out 1 hour a day, either) for going against the grain, you can say. I had no tele/ radio, no reading material at all, no human contact at all, lights on 24/7, all steel and concrete, no windows, food slid in through a slot in the door, no phone, visitation, etc ... for 7 dayz ... no man, this is a walk in the park. I knew what day it was, by recording when they shoved my breakfast through a slot, I knew it was then 5am of a new day, so I would make a mark on the wall. The way I dealt with it, was by walking back and forth length- wise of the cell (maybe 10'ft?), and talking alot, to myself of course, but out loud. I now have a room at my daughters house, my desk and computer overlooking a beautiful landscape, 55"in tele, computer, a 2nd story balcony, a garage to put my vehicle, etc ... so no complaints ... not sure yet, when I'll be going home, but I visit about once a week just to check it. Here in my daughter's (and her hubby), most folks seem to take this serious, the only folks you see, are a couple folks jogging and walking their dogs here and there, some of these damn dogs look more well kept and expensive than me {:-) The neighbourhood is mostly millennial professional types, and it's tight security ... much different than my neighbourhood. But yeah, I would rather be out and about in the hood or all around town or whatever ... that's just how it goes, I just have to deal with it. I'm strict about following safety guidelines too ... even if I just go out on the patio, no contact besides touching the railing at most, I'll wash my hands after.

Trump is really f*cking up big- time, in my view, but it ain't just Trump, he's just the worst, our whole f'n governmental approach and mindset is f*cked, too much to write about though, we'll see, in the next couple months though, where we're f*cking up. And how in Hell did Kushner get some kind of corona task force or whatever? ... that shit is like nepotism, too ... ain't he (Jared) a hedge fund investor or some similar shit?, must be a neoliberal economics task force, eh? WTF?! Yeah, sadly this has turned into that red- blue shit, like the article on red states with blue urban areas (but we should have expected it to, I did, that's what this country is about, left- right, blue- red, good- evil, etc, etc). Dallas for example has the strictest rules/ guidelines in the entire state, they even closed the jogging trails in Uptown (Katy Trail), because yuppies were jogging to close together, they had to send the police to citate yuppies, and folks with money ... um, um, um ... imagine that in urban America (they usaully just f*ck with the poor). But our county (Dallas) is doing things much different than the state, and had disagreements with the state too.

Hey guy ... wanted to leave you with a vid below, I was checking out, on what Taiwan done, and what we can do ... since we have more tools and resources than they, or other coutries, but corporatism is in our way here, and their paid politicians.


05 April, 2020 11:08  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

My brother in law just got out of a 4 week quarantine at home because he had the coronavirus. He was really sick there for a while. Hubby just got tested for the coronavirus because he's in the hospital in ICU and will probably be there for a while. They don't think he has it but they are being cautious.

05 April, 2020 11:11  
Blogger Lady M said...

Obviously you've got a little time on your hands to read!

05 April, 2020 11:37  
Blogger Ami said...

Thanks for these.
I have been reading news from many sources. I always hope to find truth somewhere in the middle.

But I can't find truth in 'I call you doggone'. I just can't.
It sometimes makes me scream with frustration to know that morons like Copeland make more money in a week than I will for the next five years. Or more. Who really knows?

And *I* try to be truthful!

The Gamestop thing makes me angry. Had a friend who worked there years ago. They've always treated people like shit.

05 April, 2020 12:31  
Blogger Ami said...

One more thing.
Regarding Jamal Bryant charging $150 for what was supposed to be a free test.
Or that was my understanding.

Do you suppose even one of his sheep will leave the flock over this?

Me neither.

05 April, 2020 12:41  
Blogger Victor said...

Lotta work this week, huh?

And many thanks for it!

05 April, 2020 16:56  
Anonymous nonnie9999 said...

Hi Infidel,

I hope you and your readers are safe and well.

It seems like we are all living April Fools Day over and over again, but the horror movie version of it. That said, my dog would love that prank. He loves tomatoes. By the way, is anyone else going to Reno? I hate to travel alone.

Thank goodness there's a new currency. The bank account is drained, but I do have plenty of toilet paper. I'm not good at planning, I just have an irrational fear of running out of toilet paper in normal times, so I had two cases in the closet.

Loved the English lesson.

I'm thinking about going to the Stay the Fuck Home Bar. When I have to pee, I'll tell my dog to go in the bathroom, close the door and tell me the bathroom is occupied in order to make the experience real.

I really, really, really want the white and the clear jigsaw puzzles!!!! Speaking of jigsaw puzzles, this is pretty cool: https://mymodernmet.com/montage-puzzle-art-tim-klein/

The Rethugs have been trying to get rid of the Post Office for years. I guess FedEx and UPS are good at stuffing money in GOP pockets.

Sylvia Browne was the Kim Kardashian of psychics. I could never understand why Montel Williams and others gave her a platform to push utter nonsense. She was a charlatan and scammed grieving families.

An empty New Orleans is eerie, but it's eerily beautiful at the same time.

I went to the store about 10 days ago. I brought antiseptic wipes with me. I took one of the little carts and wiped it down (I was wearing gloves and a mask, of course). I didn't touch anything in the store. instead, I picked up each item with a wipe. If I didn't want it, I replaced it on the shelf. If I wanted it, I put it in my sanitized cart. I went to self-checkout and wiped down the counters, the bags and the screens. when i got home, i put everything I didn't need right away in the spare bedroom. i wiped down everything else again before putting them away. Even with all that, I still felt like a character in A Quiet Place with squeaky toys tied to my shoes.

Holy crap! I hadn't heard about that wacho train engineer and his conspiracy theory. WTF?????

I've been saying for weeks that we will be truly fucked if there is a natural disaster on top of a pandemic. We can't trust Twitler and his thugs now, so I can't even imagine if there is a hurricane, earthquake, flood or tornado. What happens if people have to evacuate their homes? Where do they go, a shelter where they will be shoulder to shoulder with a lot of other people? Even if people don't have to relocate, what happens to people cooped up in their homes with no electricity? What about hospitals that have to run on generators? It's too frightening to even think about.

Well, it looks like the dog is not going to walk himself. Thanks so much for the link to The Raisin! Appreciated as always.

05 April, 2020 21:35  
Blogger Mike said...

The problem with comment verification comes on the commenter side. Did I leave a comment here or not? Hmmmmm.

06 April, 2020 00:50  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Debra: I've seen a few videos about furries. They seem to be pretty cool people.

AZ: Well, I hope I'm giving everyone a bit of an information advantage. Laid off? I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope you're managing OK.

Hot: I suppose it will help some people pass the time.....

Ranch: It's getting so this damn virus is the only topic on 95% of the news. And we thought the election was going to be like that.

No matter how bad this lockdown situation gets, it's never going to be as bad as prison. That's a literal lockdown. Being home all the time isn't bothering me much either, being an introvert.

Trump seems to end up putting Jar-Jar in charge of everything even though he's not good at anything. Nepotism is exactly what it is. He doesn't care about competence, only about loyalty.

The East Asian countries have obviously handled this problem way better than we have, but their leaders are far more competent and qualified. I notice Wang said the vice president of Taiwan is an epidemiologist. Of course our vice president is a religious nut who doesn't even believe in evolution.

Mary: I saw on your blog what you said about your family's issues as well. I'm really sorry you're going through all this.

06 April, 2020 06:28  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Lady M: Yes, and at least the internet provides plenty of things to read.

Ami: I don't think there's much hope of finding the truth "in the middle" between sanity and lunacy.

Religious con men have the most loyal victims. It's just the way the religious mentality works.

Victor: You're welcome.

Nonnie: Is anybody traveling at all these days?

I don't know how long this toilet-paper shortage is going to last, but eventually people really will start bartering other stuff for it, I suspect.

You get a lot of mileage out of that dog -- you should let him write a guest post or something.

Part of why I'm a fan of James Randi is that he puts so much work into debunking psychics. They're terrible people the way they prey on victims who have lost relatives.

If you read a lot of right-wing sites like I do, you'll see that that whole subculture is awash in crazy conspiracy crap these days. And it's dangerous. Remember that nut in Missouri who tried to bomb a hospital a few days ago. When people really believe the world is full of evil plots, they're likely to do violent things to thwart their imaginary enemies.

I worry about earthquakes -- we're due for a major one here in Oregon in the next few decades, and it would be a real mess if it hit right in the middle of the pandemic.

Mike: No system is perfect. I know it can be annoying, but I have to keep the spam and trolls from shitting up the place.

06 April, 2020 06:41  
Blogger Ranch Chimp said...

Yeah guy, I know all the news is mainly viral virus stuff, I had to turn off the morning news one morning, got sick of hearing about it. I just wanted to add that, to mention all the little trinkets and statues made in China in a catholic gift shop, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) (just because I got a laugh)

06 April, 2020 07:19  
Blogger Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I love your link roundup!
It sends me down the rabbit hole (this for the shout-out! Smooches!) but really. The south is gonna be in for a very rude awakening in a few months.


06 April, 2020 13:19  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Ranch: Too much, I know. I need to make an effort to focus on other things.

Sixpence: Thanks for the post! And let's hope the South, or at least some critical mass of voters there, realize how badly Trump let them down.

06 April, 2020 15:48  
Blogger Mary said...

Sixpence...I live in the South (Florida) and believe me none of the trumpers feel any different about him and in fact, think he is even more wonderful. They remind me of Star Trek...The Borg. The are permanently plugged into Fox News 24/7. It’s like a permanent feed straight to what’s left of their brains.

If I didn’t love my home, have some terrific like minded friends and love warm weather, I’d move and probably to New Zealand, if I was younger.

I can’t tell you how tired, bone tired I am of religious people and blind trump supporters...I feel overwhelmed by them and their stupidity and danger to the rest of us. How did humans de evolve into such a state?

08 April, 2020 09:56  
Blogger Martha said...

Sandra the orangutan! HAHA Love that. That orangutan is probably smarter about washing hands than some humans :)

The story about that bus driver is Detroit is very heartbreaking. How awful.

I recently unsubscribed from a YouTube channel I was following because the owner of the site recently uploaded a video where he started off by saying that this virus is a hoax. Yeah, and the entire world is in on it (eye roll). Imagine what it takes to carry out a conspiracy to that degree!

As for all the religious lunacy...I won't even go there...ugh...

09 April, 2020 14:28  

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