09 February 2011

Video of the week -- the illogic of deathism

ZJ responds to the bizarre illogic of the pro-death mentality (for his original video, see here). For my own posts on this topic, see here, including FAQ.


Blogger Ranch Chimp said...

Good Morning Infodel!

I know this is serious and ZJ is one of my favourite's too. But I couldnt help laughing, listening to this (I just woke up).

I heard a saying alot that goes something like "Nobody want's to die, and everybody want's to go to Heaven", which is so true it seem's, for the most. Funny too all the funeral's that I have been to, memorial service's, etc, the preacher/ priest alway's tell's the audience that their departed one, is now with God ... I never been to or seen a service where they say that the person went to Hell or Purgatory or other affiliated location's. Yet, everyone is worried about going to Hell it seem's, according to these clergy who get their salaries partially from these service's, there must be zero population in Hell, it seem's. I have went to funeral's of a couple of the most sinful low down folk's that humanity could have ... and even they went to God according to the service administrator. When my Dad died ... I had a catholic priest and cemetary do the service, because of all the familia that were catholic ... before the service the priest called me into his office to go over the speech he would make ... it was all bullshit, thing's that my father didnt even believe and was against, I got slightly upset, especially considering what I was paying this SOB ... I was straight with him ... told him to cut the bullshit, that was not my Dad, nor has he ever known my Dad ... my Dad didnt go to church or even like the goddamn church for that matter, and he will do what he is told since I'm paying the money, basically ... he got the point.

This tech's that ZJ talk about is "natural" and a reality, even if you read the oldest of testament of the Holy Bible ... you can see that it is simply a reflection of man, and our history show's that folk's strive to achieve immortality, longevity of life span, etc ... this is why I alway's have told folk's that we will become the God's that we once wrote about, and also eventually get our Utopia paradise, or whatever they call it today ... the earliest writing's clearly show you if you can block ghost's out of your mind while reading it ... who's wishes the writing's really are. How do you know? Actually ... the Bible tell's you so, it's as clear as day ... as well as "who" wrote it and for "what" reason.

09 February, 2011 05:19  
Blogger Ranch Chimp said...

Also for the record, in case someone may read my comment and just think simply I'm an atheist, that is not so ... I am a practicing spiritualist. I dont see any of these writing's of the Bible, Quran, or any of the other's as having any spiritual meaning or even significance, beside's being used and wrote by people (male gender only) to control other people and/ or to enslave them, especially women No#1.

09 February, 2011 05:27  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding me of ZJ! Haven't watched any of her vids that I almost forgot about her. I have much to catch up on. >.<

Also, on an unrelated note, glad you liked the book!


09 February, 2011 09:01  
Blogger Prash said...

agree with Ranch on many points... including the fact he points out: I dont see any of these writing's of the Bible, Quran, or any of the other's as having any spiritual meaning or even significance, beside's being used and wrote by people (male gender only) to control other people and/ or to enslave them, especially women No#1.

09 February, 2011 14:20  

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