19 August 2009


Today marks three years since I started this blog.


Blogger mendip said...


19 August, 2009 07:17  
Blogger Ranch Chimp said...

And you sure as hell do a good job at it Mr.Infidel ... as I mentioned before ... you were meant to write...it's natural to ya. I may not agree with every thing you say ... but you make alot of interesting point's, that make one look at certain thing's they may have not looked at. But I admire when someone takes their work serious and put's effort into it.

later Guy ............ :)

19 August, 2009 08:26  
Blogger Ranch Chimp said...

BTW ....... I love the title of Richard Dawkins newest book ..."The Greatest Show on Earth" heh,heh,heh ..... I just started laughing when I seen the title...because knowing Mr.Dawkins, I can only imagine what a great read that will probably be .... :)

And what a beautiful breathtaking view of Mt.Hood this morning on the webcam!

19 August, 2009 08:32  
Anonymous rita said...

Congratulations! Here's to another three blog filled years. I started back in 2005. Different blog. I've had a few blogs since then. It's been a lot of fun & I've met a lot of nice & interesting people, a couple of them in person.;)

19 August, 2009 09:24  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Thanks all! Yes, without blogging I would never have hooked up with so many people with cool names like Handmaiden, Ranch Chimp, Stupid Evil Bastard, and Middle-Aged Vampiress Atheist.:-)

I'll definitely be checking out Dawkins's new book.

19 August, 2009 10:17  
Blogger ZIRGAR said...

Congratulations! You're doing great work, so keep it up!

19 August, 2009 18:15  
Blogger VAMP said...

Congrats om three years. Shit I don't even know how long I've been "out there". Your blog is always a great read...you certainly inspire me.

How sweet to be included in your favorite list of named of blogs. I'm not worthy.

19 August, 2009 19:13  
Blogger LeftyLadi said...

Then along comes the most boring name of all...Nancy. :)

Congratulations, my friend! 3 years of blogospheric bliss!

19 August, 2009 19:33  
Anonymous NickM said...


Keep it up because I'd seriously miss your Friday link round-ups in particular. They are the perfect treatment for writer's block for this Cat Counter!

And the rest is pretty good too.

Many Happy Returns!

20 August, 2009 02:28  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Much thanks all!

20 August, 2009 03:01  
Blogger Prash said...

Félicitations !
Regular reader of your blog even if no comments are made

20 August, 2009 07:45  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary, Infidel!

(Sending you a dining room table as a gift. ;)

21 August, 2009 15:27  

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