
10 May 2023

Video of the day -- a magical battle

The latest from The Lone Animator, with all-new bizarre critters fighting it out.  For more of his work, see here, here, and here.


  1. That video is so much fun and it's creator has such an imagination. Love the creatures "voices".

  2. That was most entertaining.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  3. Lady M: He's great and this is one of his best recent videos. The voices are very well done. I'm generally good with languages, but I could never handle whatever they're speaking (or rather growling) -- but it's still easy to understand what's going on.

    Sandee: Glad you like it! I'll be checking out some of the other entries.

  4. Fascinating! Sequence. I kept seeing the monster creation in this video appending parts of the deep sea creatures onto terrestrial forms. Pretty sure I would have missed that if I saw this one first.

  5. Yes, his creatures are often a pastiche of elements from different real animals, often amusingly so. Although I don't sea too many sea-creature elements in these, though there are some.


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