Trump in Britain (links)
Trump's outfit at the Royal State Dinner aroused a certain amount of comment, as did those of his entourage. The famous British talent for parody and cutting humor quickly manifested itself. No doubt many more examples will appear before the week is out. This is the country that produced Monty Python and Rowan Atkinson, after all. They know a thing or two about taking down a pompous self-important bully like Trump.
British officialdom has little choice but to offer Trump the outward forms of respect -- he's the head of the most powerful country on Earth and Britain's most important ally, and in the diplomatic world such respect is understood as being offered more to a ruler's nation than to the ruler personally. They've done almost as much for despots far worse than Trump. But the British people know very well the distinction between Trump and the United States, and will not be among those who try to normalize the former.
The only reason the British government is bending over backward to kiss Trump's ass is because they need a free trade deal with the USA after Brexit occurs.
Oh, Cheeto is the perfect example that you may have money, but class is not bought.
He's come across as boorish, unaware and rude. Basically Cheeto at home. His desire (and the desire of all the trumpanzees) is to appear powerful and strong but everybody can see that's exactly the opposite. The lies about crowd size, the petty fights with the major of London (!!) the falling asleep when the Queen speaks, the ill-fitting clothes, the piling of uninvited hanger-ons and family members to events they were not invited... I could go on.
But the roasting that the British are giving him is a Benny Hill episode worth watching. They can see through the facade. It can serve as therapy, given that they have their own version of Cheeto there.
Indeed, the British people are way ahead of their American cousins -- Trump has only a 21% approval rating in the UK. Were we so enlightened!
This is an interesting post. As usual, you put a lot of thought and work into this. Thank you for sharing it. I learned a lot here. Keep up the good work!
I'm just stopping in to see what's new with you and to show my face. Hope you had a nice week so far.
Wishing you all the best!
Debra: I doubt that. The UK already has a high volume of trade with the US and that will continue. As soon as right after the referendum several other countries started expressing interest in more trade with the UK now that it will be able to open up more to the outside world and make its own trade deals. As I noted before, if the EU leaders behave like assholes (as usual) and try to play hardball, the UK will find new suppliers for what it imports from the EU much more easily than the EU will find new markets.
Sixpence: The sole value of people like him is the potential for humor they create. As for the UK having its own version of Trump, I observed that here.
Hackwhacker: It's probably to do with Britain being more urbanized than the US and less religious. Those things tend to correlate with being more enlightened.
Dellgirl: Thanks!
The meme's were flowing on Twitter about this visit. It was pretty funny.
Yes, Trump is inspirational.....
Wrong. We are respecting the office of President of The USA. Simple as that.
The British, as you put it, are not giving him a roasting. Some protesters - mainly hippy throwback and women with multi coloured hair - are making fools of themselves. Their behaviour actually enhances Trump... And that takes some doing!!!
We don't approve of him, but most of us respect his office not the man in it.
Thanks for the link. It was satisfying to see the Brits' reactions to our Malignant Narcissist-in-Chief. Trump, as is his usual habit, made up stories about crowds and support from the British, all lies, of course, to counter the embarrassing reality of our best friend's hostility and revulsion toward our Twittering Toddler.
Four: An eccentric interpretation at best. The protesters numbered in the tens of thousands, and Trump's approval ratings in the UK -- somewhere between those of Lord Voldemort and gonorrhea -- don't lie.
Shaw: The Brits have a long tradition of taking the mickey out of pompous asses. Trump really shouldn't go there.
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