06 July 2014

Link round-up for 6 July 2014

Poisoning pigeons in the park?  I prefer taunting teabaggers on the 'tubes.

Perhaps this is why ads are so bad.

Conservatism proclaims itself as ugly, smelly, and dirty.

Why is the South such an economic failure?  Maybe Lincoln screwed up.

Drought drives Texas to desperation and six-legged toads.

Teabaggers and libertarians attack each other -- more of this, please.  Will teabagger rage throw away Cochran's Senate seat?

Ken Ham builds straw man, makes idiot of self (again).

More bloggers weigh in on the Hobby Lobby decision -- Frank Moraes, Politics Plus, Brains and Eggs, Horizons, and Chauncey de Vega at Daily Kos.  All have interesting angles, though I think it's Booman Tribune that nails the real issue best.  Hobby Lobby's own stance is profoundly hypocritical (found via Progressive Eruptions, which has more).  And right-wingers are making idiots of themselves defending the ruling.

The wealth of the rich depends on the prosperity of society.

Teabaggers try to express themselves verbally.

Anti-vaccine stupidity is now killing more children than gun accidents (found via Earth-Bound Misfit).

Ignorant racist fattards call for revolution, hardly anyone notices.

The Obama administration continues its tough stance on illegal aliens (and teabaggers, confronted with this, resort to reality-denial).

The latest arrogant EU move makes it more likely that Britain will leave.

Iran has begun exporting cars to Russia.

Defying Maliki and the US, Iraqi Kurds prepare for formal independence, but Maliki has found an ally -- Syrian dictator Asad.  ISIS has a new weapon in its brutal war against non-Sunnis -- water.

Don't forget Obama's role in making the Syrian mess this much less ghastly.

China's one-child policy is destabilizing the country.

Frank Moraes looks at the Roman philosopher Seneca the Younger.

Here's a taste of what ancient Greek art actually looked like (found via F169).

Most of the plastic we dump in the oceans is disappearing, and that's not a good thing.


Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...

This has been a bonanza week for wingnut idiocy: The pitchfork chronicles and the toxic fumes belching going on in anti-clean air conservative states.

But this has to be the winnah!

"The only solution is an all-white revolution," said one of 10 Ku Klux Klan members during a klan protest rally held Saturday at the Gettysburg National Military Park."

Are the dear old things in white hoods talking about white bread? Potatoes? Mayonnaise? Elbow macaroni? Marshmallows? Because I don't think that's going to bring them their hoped-for victory.

Meanwhile the nutters are selling t-shirts that say they miss "W."

They miss the worst attack on American soil that killed 3,000 citizens; they miss two badly planned and executed wars that killed 4,000 Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis; they miss tax cuts that plunged the country into drowning deficits; they miss unpaid for wars and Medicare Part D, The Patriot Act; Homeland Security; and a financial melt-down not seen since The Great Depression.

"Stupid" is too narrow a word to describe their nostalgia.

06 July, 2014 08:52  
Anonymous Zosimus the Heathen said...

Those spewing smoke stacks on pick-ups are even dumber than truck nuts (and you won't believe how appalled I was when I discovered those actually existed!). Can't imagine they'd do much for fuel efficiency either!

06 July, 2014 19:48  
Anonymous Zosimus the Heathen said...

"The only solution is an all-white revolution," said one of 10 Ku Klux Klan members during a klan protest rally held Saturday at the Gettysburg National Military Park."

Are the dear old things in white hoods talking about white bread? Potatoes? Mayonnaise? Elbow macaroni? Marshmallows? Because I don't think that's going to bring them their hoped-for victory.

Shaw, have you ever heard of the neo-reactionary crowd (aka the "Dark Enlightenment" (and yes, it's just as stupid as it sounds!))? They're another bunch of delusional idiots (whose ranks include a lot of racists) who think there's going to be some big revolution (or, in their case, "reaction") any day now. In their case, though, this revolution is going to usher in a new Middle Ages, with everyone living in feudal city states and the Church reigning supreme over all (because human civilization reached its pinnacle during the aforementioned period of history, dontcha know?).

06 July, 2014 23:08  
Blogger Woody said...

As an Aussie I am lacking in knowledge of the states, things that might be common knowledge to you and some commenters are foreign to me. I'm learning more from blogs including this one.

A question: Does a penchant for religion have anything to do with the economic failure of the Southern States there? As it seems to play a major role against wealth distribution and civilization in many countries across the planet?
Just curious.

All the best,

07 July, 2014 03:41  
Blogger Comrade Misfit said...

Thanks for the link!

07 July, 2014 05:31  
Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...

Zosimus the Heathen, I had not heard of the "Dark Enlightenment." But I imagine they're very popular in regions where rational thought has lost out to religious bunkum.

Woody, IMO, yes. Wherever you find grinding poverty and ignorance, you find superstition flourishing.

Here in the USA, this happens regionally. The northeast region, the northwest region, and some other individual states have not succumbed to having mythological stories inform their laws. Sadly most of the southern states have. Hence we have governors like Bobby Jindal of Louisiana who state that creationism and intelligent design should be taught alongside of Evolution as equal explanations of changes over time.

07 July, 2014 06:21  
Blogger Blurber said...

On the "Straw Man Argument" of Ken Ham, I think his brains are made of straw.

Also, about the photo of the Parthenon, I gave up counting how many times that triangular front has been copied in buildings all over the world. See the US Supreme Court building as one example.

Good point by Woody: greater ignorance is linked to less education which is linked to poor economies which are linked to a greater reliance on "faith."

07 July, 2014 09:59  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Shaw: If 100 guys at Operation American Spring were enough to overthrow the government, I guess 10 KKK guys are enough to start a race war.

Anybody who's nostalgic for W is probably nostalgic for the Confederacy as well, and has most likely worked their way around to blaming Obama for 9/11. We're not exactly taking the sharpest knives in the drawer.

The regional variation in the US is indeed astonishing. I think it must be hard for non-Americans who have never traveled around here to grasp how different places like Massachusetts and Louisiana actually are.

Zosimus: I've heard a little about the Dork Enlightenment. They strike me as a clique of Ron Paul / KKK types fond of grandiose talk and Dungeons & Dragons. I hope that's all it is. We have enough people trying to take us back to the Dark Ages already.

Woody: I'm sure it does. A lot of what the Republican party does consists of using cultural issues to make poor people vote for them even though they work most consistently for the interests of the rich. "Vote for us -- never mind the fact that we busted your union and the roads and bridges in this state are crap, you need us to keep the fags and women in their place!" The more religious people are, the better this works.

There's some influence in the other direction too. The South has the worst educational standards, and the less educated people are, the more religious they're likely to be. As Blurber says, it's all connected.

Comrade: Thanks for providing good content.

Blurber: Ken Ham is not very good at logic, but if he were, he probably wouldn't be a creationist.

Ancient Greek architecture has served as a model and inspiration all over the West down to today. One only needs to look at it to see why.

07 July, 2014 18:49  

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