25 January 2023
About Me
- Name: Infidel753
- Location: Portland, Oregon, United States
Individualist, pro-technology, pro-democracy, anti-religion. I speak only for myself and not for any ideology, movement, or party. It has been my great good fortune to live my whole life free of "spirituality" of any kind. I believe that evidence and reason are the keys to understanding reality; that technology rather than ideology or politics has been the great liberator of humanity; and that in the long run, human intelligence is the most powerful force in the universe.
Previous Posts
- Video of the day -- dead society
- Link round-up for 22 January 2023
- Image round-up for 20 January 2023
- Securing democracy
- Videos of the day -- an enticing and ubiquitous toxin
- Link round-up for 15 January 2023
- Blog censorship?
- Truths from here and there
- Video of the day -- exporting the plague
- The limits of laws
God doesn't exist
Evolution happened
Global warming is real
Homosexuality is normal
Aging is a curable disease
The election was not stolen
Everything "spiritual" is a lie
US out of UN, UN out of US
Free speech is for everybody
Humans do not have "souls"
Men can't become women
Fetuses are not persons
Words are not violence
Taiwan is a nation
Pluto is a planet
Maybe it is my PC but this post seems to have nixxed previous posts so all I get is this post. Thought you ought to know in case the problem is at your end and not mine. Having said that I don't have any problems with anything else online so...
It's just that it's so long that it's the only one there's room for on the front page. If you scroll down the right sidebar, between the "reality check" section and the "archives" section, there's a list of links to previous posts.
Lots of very good stuff!
The two things I know about Denzel Washington are...
Trivia here. He has had roles in two movies about the Red Tails - an all black P-51 squadron from WWII (the US military didn't desegragate until Truman! - 80 odd years after the Civil War). The first is a fairly obscure one from c. late '80s - early '90s where he is a junior pilot. The second was a fairly recent Spielberg cludge where he is the CO. I like absurd film trivia. I've got one about Tom Cruise but I'll leave that for another time.
The second is he's a damn fine actor.
And he's right. That's all I really need to know about him. In exactly the same way all I need to know about my dentist is she's a good dentist with a degree in dental surgery from Manchester University. That and she has good "people skills" because I have had dentists in the past that seemed to think it clever to put the fear up people.
This is the problem with celeb "culture". More people seem to know that Albert Einstein shagged Marilyn Monroe than know why he won a Nobel.
Most of these are really fantastic. A few are wrong, in my informed opinion, but I support your right to freedom of speech in posting them. (Even if and especially if it were to offend me personally.) :)
Ricko: Thanks!
NickM: I'm not very familiar with Denzel Washington, but I know a good insight when I see one.
I didn't know that Einstein "shagged" Monroe, actually. I guess she went for the brainy type, which puts her a cut above most celebrities.
Darrell: Thanks. I appreciate your open-mindedness.
there are so many good ones I can't choose...might steal a few...
The vacation one hits the nail on the head. That's why we strongly discourage them here in America. Went looking onto the Monroe Einstein thing looking for pictures. Unfortunately not true and is in fact used as a misogynistic trope and sexist stereotype against a beautiful and brilliant woman. I got the final jep question wrong as well, I said Brownian motion and it's Photo-electric effect. It still all comes down to where your viewing it from, relatively speaking.
Granny: Please steal freely.
Spirilis: Certainly whenever I returned from a vacation when I was working, I was anything but keen on going back to work. If anything, it was even more depressing than usual.
These are all wonderful. I may even steal a few (with attribution, of course.) Especially the J. Warren Welch meme.
These are really good. I agree with most of them. Good for JK Rowling too.
Shaw: Thanks -- please do!
Mary K: Rowling has long been generous. Perhaps its because she came up from poverty and made her money by writing -- she didn't just inherit a huge fortune and then go on to grow it by viciously exploiting workers, like most billionaires did.
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On work days there is likely to be a substantial delay in approving comments, since I can't do blog stuff in an office. For this I apologize.
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