
04 June 2024

Truths and inspirations for 4 June 2024

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My hope for these posts is that they will provoke thinking, not mere agreement.  If I can get you to consider even one idea which you would not previously have entertained, or which would not previously have occurred to you, then I've succeeded in what I'm trying to do.

(For the link round-up, click here.)

He's right.  This is the great human-rights issue of our time.

Next time you hear such rhetoric, recall who's most often behind it.

More here.


  1. Quite an extensive list of memes. Some of them are very good.

  2. When I was in my 20's my mom used to tell me to have fun now because when you get older it'll be too late. I get that now that I'm 54. I'm just tired now. lol

  3. Ricko: Please feel free to re-use.....

    Mary K: At 63, I definitely know the feeling.


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On work days there is likely to be a substantial delay in approving comments, since I can't do blog stuff in an office. For this I apologize.