
07 May 2024

Truths and inspirations for 7 May 2024

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My hope for these posts is that they will provoke thinking, not mere agreement.  If I can get you to consider even one idea which you would not previously have entertained, or which would not previously have occurred to you, then I've succeeded in what I'm trying to do.

(For the link round-up, click here.)

This is true.  I looked it up.  She deserves to be remembered.

Made by Pliny.

If that's true, it's horrifying.  What is this, the Dark Ages?

We have got to do something about this.  It's probably causing more American deaths per year than covid did at the height of the pandemic.

Visible from space -- the border between failure and achievement.

Sometimes religion tells the truth without quite realizing what it's doing.

Anybody who tries to limit what opinions I can express is my mortal enemy.  It doesn't matter what their motives are.


  1. When I got my first cell phone 4 years ago, my daughter thought it was funny that she had to show me how to work it but when I brought out my word processor a while back and she couldn't figure some things out while I was looking it over, I said that's how I felt when you were showing me how to work the new phone. The light bulb that went off in her eyes was something. She understood then. It's not fun not to understand how to do something.

    All the different Republicans who have hurt dogs is very eye opening.

    Our government really needs to step in soon and stop parents from being able to let/force their young kids from transitioning and taking these drugs. It's hurting these kids who aren't old enough to make this decision.

  2. LOTS of good, thought-provoking memes. I captured several. The one I related to most, however, was the Eeyore one.

  3. Mary K: It's too bad we've come to feel that asking for help to deal with something new is shameful. The easiest way to become good at using something is to ask someone who already knows. There's nothing wrong with that.

    Republican ideology attracts naturally-cruel people, I think. The Romney story is actually much more disturbing that the Noem one. That dog hadn't done anything dangerous. He was just completely insensitive about how to treat it.

    Transitioning minors with things like hormones and surgery is the worst form of child abuse, because it's absolutely impossible to recover from. Eventually, I hope, the law will treat it as such.

    Ricko: I can relate to it too. At least, for me, the deterioration has been only in some physical abilities, not mental ones. The latter is a lot scarier.

  4. Always thought, provoking,
    mission accomplished

    The one about LISTENING struck me so oh very true, some people listen merely to assemble a counter argument- before they even understand your ultimate point

  5. Thanks! It's very true that some people cannot listen to a contrary view without immediately getting agitated and thinking about how they're going to argue against it. They have very little hope of ever understanding anything beyond what they already believe.


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On work days there is likely to be a substantial delay in approving comments, since I can't do blog stuff in an office. For this I apologize.