
23 April 2024

Truths and inspirations for 23 April 2024

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(For the link round-up, click here.)

I found these two images together in an image round-up on a right-wing blog, exactly like this.  The way those people eat, they probably do face a serious risk of stroke as young as their forties.

What an irredeemably disgusting book.

The good that comes from capitalism comes via competition.  These ever-growing agglomerations undermine that, and should not be allowed.


  1. These are all terrific. My favorite: "He who follows the herd..." LOL!

  2. An uncannily accurate metaphor.....

  3. As usual, most of these are terrific. It was interesting to note the one on world homicide rates though. Ironic that so many people wish to go to the Caribbean Islands for vacation...

  4. Love the list of real luxuries.

  5. Darrell: It's widely believed that the US is one of the highest-crime countries, but that's true only relative to other developed countries. Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Caribbean are far worse.

    The Caribbean wouldn't be my idea of a vacation spot, but even for those who travel for the climate, there's Hawaii.

    Lady M: People would probably be a lot happier if they focused on things like that.

  6. I've seen that graph before about the handfull of companies who own all the brands. That's crazy to think about.

  7. It means insane amounts of money and commercial power in the hands of just a few people, and stifling real competition. An economy rigged for the benefit of a very few who are already the wealthiest.

  8. I always enjoy the variety you choose.

  9. I hope they encourage people to think outside their familiar boxes a bit.


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