12 July 2023

Truths and inspirations, 12 July 2023

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I physically recoil when I see something like this.  Even more repulsive than tattoos.

.....or being "kind".


Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

Yes read more books.

The nose ring thing is just weird to me, especially that particular piercing and nose ring. I have no problem with people getting piercings or tattoos or whatever they want to do but some of the piercings just look strange and that's one of them.

12 July, 2023 09:05  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad about the trolls - I laughed at this story about one.

The image is perfect.


13 July, 2023 11:24  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Mary K: It's appropriate advice from Satan -- bringer of the gift of knowledge in the garden of Eden, and all that.

Piercings always remind me of primitives sticking bones through their noses. The acceptance of them is a kind of sinking back toward barbarism.

Anon: That's pretty much the only kind of troll I could put up with.

13 July, 2023 11:46  
Anonymous Tiffany said...

"Piercings always remind me of primitives sticking bones through their noses."

Do you have the same problem with earrings?

13 July, 2023 12:15  
Blogger Lady M said...

Had to copy the billionaires comic book add - it is too funny.

13 July, 2023 13:12  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Tiffany: I don't really like them, but they're generally not as disfiguring (or noticeable). Still, they always make me think of how they could rip through and injure the person if they got grabbed or caught on something. Kind of squicky.

Lady M: It's pretty funny. Whoever made it has been paying attention to the news.

13 July, 2023 16:21  
Anonymous spirilis said...

Quitters are Winners? Why does the forfeit always go into the win column of the team that shows up?

14 July, 2023 04:32  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

The image speaks for itself and is clear about what it's referring to.

14 July, 2023 06:00  
Blogger Martha said...

Lots of good stuff! Yes, definitely read more books, especially those that fanatics want to ban. And religion in politics! No... NEVER EVER. Do we never learn?

17 July, 2023 06:18  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

The lesson about keeping religion out of politics was fresh in the minds of the Founders when they wrote the Constitution, but it seems necessary to re-learn it every generation.

Books, of course, can help us keep the lessons of history in mind.

17 July, 2023 16:35  

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