
07 July 2023

The quitter

Over the years I've had plenty to say here about workers who quit and the obnoxious management that drives them to do it.  But I also have a fair bit of experience with such matters myself.  In particular, one job stands out in my memory, one which I quit almost two decades ago.

The employer was a government agency.  I had been working there for five years.  At first things had been relatively OK there, but over time new, toxic people came to power at the executive level, and the decent middle-level managers for whom I'd previously been working left.  The atmosphere that came to prevail at that place seems surreal to think back on now.  Upper management's attitude toward employees was adversarial and bullying and often seemed deliberately cruel.  The agency head (selected after a year-long search process) sometimes came to work upset after fighting with her girlfriend and vented her anger by snapping at the first person who caught her attention.  There were yelling and screaming arguments between executives that you could hear through the closed doors of their offices.  Everybody hated working there and regarded the upper management as an unavoidable malignancy, like a frightening pandemic.  Because the onset of these conditions had been somewhat gradual, I didn't truly realize at the time how abnormal it was, or how much stress I was under.

After the original middle managers left, a new manager was hired over the accounting unit where I worked.  I'll refer to this guy as SA.  He was mean, short-tempered, and weird -- the executives had managed to find a person in their own image.  It was his explicit view that it was actually good for subordinates to be yelled at sometimes.  He wasn't as bad toward me as to some of the other employees.  I think my sense of humor appealed to him.  But there were plenty of unpleasant incidents.

As an example of SA's eccentricity, there was a woman (I'll call her AD) who worked there at a higher-level job than mine, also reporting to SA.  She was very smart and had, or was working on, a science degree -- I'm not sure why she was working in accounting.  She often went out for exercise on breaks, changing into casual clothes and leaving her office clothes at her desk to change back into when she returned.  One day I happened to be passing AD's desk and noticed SA crouching under it.  He said to me in a sort of conspiratorial tone, "I'm going to steal one of her shoes."  He removed the shoe and hid it somewhere, so that when AD came back, she was not able to put her office shoes on.  She had a presentation to give at a meeting almost immediately, and didn't have time to investigate.  She ended up giving her presentation barefoot.  The next time I ran into her, I mentioned that it was SA who had hidden the shoe, and opined that he had some kind of kinky sexual interest in her (there had been other signs of this).  She was not happy about it.  I don't know whether she ever made a complaint.  Probably not, since all of us were basically intimidated by the management.

At one point, the agency carried out a massive internal reorganization so confusing that I actually went through a whole fiscal year not sure who my boss was.  After seeing the new organizational chart which seemed to show each employee with two direct managers, I e-mailed SA to say, in brief, "I don't understand this -- who am I reporting to?"  He replied, "Assume it's me until somebody tells you otherwise."  He obviously didn't understand the situation either, but we got through the year on that provisional basis.

Eventually SA left the agency, for reasons that were never revealed.  Given all the infighting among managers, I assume he got on the wrong side of somebody more powerful.  A regular employee, a good man, was promoted to temporary accounting manager while the agency looked for a permanent replacement.  So for just a few months, the place was transformed.  The atmosphere of fear and intimidation vanished.  It was actually pleasanter than most jobs are.  I began to realize how abnormal the last few years had been.

Then word came down that a new permanent manager had been chosen -- a manager from a different department of the agency.  We had some people in our unit who had worked under her years before, and they said she was even worse than the executives we already had.  The stories I started hearing sounded scary.  I decided to quit.

My job was very complex, since over the years I'd taken on more and more duties, and there were quite a few things that no one other than me really understood.  Knowing how much work it would be to train a replacement, I gave the agency four weeks notice of my departure, not just the usual two.  I judged four weeks to be just about enough to train somebody.

The agency did absolutely nothing to prepare until three days before my last day, then brought in a temp for me to train.

I did the best I could, but it was hopeless.  In three days I was barely able to cover even the most basic outline of the job.  When I left, the temp and I both knew that she would have no idea how to handle things.

A week after I left, I was on a bus and I ran into an employee from the accounting unit.  That person told me the temp had quit -- she was in an impossible position, after all.  I never heard what happened after that.


  1. I've been self employed most of my career and never held a job tightly. I usually have no trouble with clients until collection time as they always need me and I never need them. It isn't always peaches and cream as I have been fired over a dozen times. I have observed that it seems in these recent times management is getting worse which I feel is odd as employee are harder to find.

  2. I'm sure there were many conversations blaming you for the lack of someone qualified to do your job, too.

    I remember making mental notes back in my 20s about how I would never treat a person the way I was being treated at several different jobs. It's not nice to yell at people. Or to belittle them or play tricks on them. Those are forms of dishonesty, really. And man, I hate liars.

    Too bad you weren't able to see what happened after you were gone a month or two or three.

    My daughter in law recently gave notice at a government job, 3 people have quit in the last year and their workload has been dumped on her without a raise, a thank you or any respect at all.

    And you're familiar with the last time I quit my job, too. A lack of respect. Nope. Don't need it.

  3. OK, Infidel I'll see you on that and raise you this...

    Yes, I temped there for a bit. It hadn't got quite that bad when I was there but when I read this (initially in The Newcastle Evenening Chronicle and Telegraph) I was not surprised. I was doing data entry and they got rid of me for being too efficienct. They were having a cull and I had to go because I could touch type. They kept on the "hunt and peckers". My line managers were a nightmare. They'd bused them in (at pay, expenses and free accomadation in a four star hotel on the Quayside) from Cornwall (this was because of the BSE outbreak) and the bright lights of Newcastle had gone to their heads. They openly got pisssed at lunch time and then decamped to visit the Metrocentre shopping mall (nothing like it in Cornwall). There is a lot more, a lot more I could say about this... But I have never seen mismanagement on a scale anything like that. And yeah, I spent a couple of years as a temp so I've seen a lot of management. Some good, some middling, some bad and then the RPA.

    Oh, God, just one thing... I'd previously nearly been sacked for having a racist screensaver. It wasn't mine and it wasn't racist. It was a dig at the manager of Sunderland Football Club (Newcastle's local rivals) and Peter Reid was and is white.

    Pertemps, the employment agency I was working for, rapidly found me a new post. They were not surprised. They'd had problems at their end with the RPA and my story was far from unique.

  4. Spirilis: I think management is getting worse because it's more disconnected. Most bosses these days belong to that very driven, career-focused type that sees work as a virtue in itself. They're almost not human. It's very hard for them to relate to normal people.

    Ami: In any situation, it's always easiest to blame the person who's not there any more. In this case I think it would have been harder -- I was recognized by pretty much everyone except the management as a star employee who got things done.

    It seems to be more and more common that bosses pile on more work without any recognition, and treat workers with disrespect. And then they wonder why workers are increasingly disengaged and try to do the bare minimum they can get away with.

    NickM: That's the kind of thing that makes me think it would be better if most bosses were women. Women bosses can be just as abusive in other ways, but they're generally not "depraved", or if they are, they're more classy about it.

    I once had a temp job at a fundamentalist Christian online retail company. The screensaver I had there was a line from a Satanist incantation. Since it was in Latin, nobody else could read it, and nobody ever asked me about it. Some of them may have seen the Latin and assumed I was Catholic -- which to them would have been pretty much the same thing as Satanist.

  5. Infidel,
    In that s(h)ituation most of the bosses were women! Indeed the outfit embraced "diversity". We once had a morning doing nothing (as oppossed to glorified doing nothing) because we were to be trained in diversity because we had a new temp joining our ranks of keyboard fodder who... "had facial piercings". The Horror, the Horror! In the end the lad didn't turn up because he'd got a better offer elsewhere. I should have been offended by the presumption that I needed to be "trained" not to be offended by something a Gen-Xer like me is, "like, whatever" about. But by that point (and this was after the "new monitors" affair) I was very "like, whatever" about the whole gig.

    Anyway, "fundamentalist online retail"? What is that? What were they selling? And what would thirty pieces of silver get you?

  6. Personally I would not want to deal with somebody who had a facial piercing. They're even more disgusting than tattoos. I don't want to have to look at that kind of thing if I can avoid it. It's a self-inflicted disfigurement that, yes, probably limits employment prospects in most situations. You may have read that a lot of employers considering job applicants quietly throw out any résumé that has pronouns stated. Yes, in the office they'll have "diversity trainings" to browbeat employees into putting up with it, but in fact they know that people who do the "my pronouns are" thing are almost always total narcissists who will be intolerable to deal with. Same principle. It's a headache to deal with any kind of performatively disruptive personality.

    The fundie online company sold stuff designed to appeal to fundies -- I forget the exact kind of thing, but I think it was mostly religious books and recordings, home decorations, things like that. They didn't do very well, and actually went out of business shortly after my temp job ended, but I don't think the type of products was the problem. This was at the time of the "dot-com boom" when online retail companies like that were springing up and flopping in great profusion, like mayflies -- there were so many entrepreneurs who thought all you had to do was set up a website to sell things, any things, and you couldn't miss.

    I still have a mug with the company's name on it that they gave me when my temp assignment ended. The name is so faded now it's hardly readable. I may have used it in Satanic rituals a couple of times.

  7. To be fair, at least they were selling things. My recollection of the dot com boom was very much of people thinking just having a web site would somehow make them money. Look how that panned out... A load of websites with the ubiquitous, "Under Construction" animated GIFs wound-up in some sort of digital Purgatory and Amazon who actually sell things is one of the biggest companies on the planet. I could even buy this...

    Alas, I already have enough USB cables to span the Atlantic and if I were to use that with a client's machine I suspect they might just question my professionalism and why they were paying me GBP30 p/h.

    "and actually went out of business shortly after my temp job ended" - so you brought down the enemy from within?

    Personally I don't have an issue with facial piercings - some can be quite attractive. My point was that management (if you can call it that) took an oportunity to tick a box where no box needed ticking. Nobody in the office gave a toss if they got Darth Maul in to do the filing. We were temps! That's the whole point of temping. It just keeps the wolf from the door whilst you're between "proper" jobs and that applies to everyone whether an astrophysics postgraduate or a Lord of the Sith. And we weren't even in a "customer-facing"* role.

    *I hate managerial speaking in tongues. I hate it because I'm educated in fields where jargon is needed. In mathematical physics you have to use language which is obscure to the average Joe. Same in many fields - but not all.In management they just use it to seem cleverer than they are. Why do you think The Arts has "Critical Theory"? It's, to abuse Freud (who deserves it**), pure physics envy. But let's not unpack the casserole on that.

    I briefly dated an Eng Lit student who once used the phrase, "Fecal Dialectics" (I forget the context). Do you think I'm making this crap up? Decide now - "Shit or get off the pot!" so to speak...

    Big Reveal!

    This took like a second on Google...

    Isn't Duke meant to be a high-end school? God alone knows what Jorge Luis Borges would make of that... He and Tolkien are my personal Argonath of C20th literature whilst Daniel Balderston is, quite literally, talking crap. And they made him a professor of the Farts and Shiterature! Admittedly at the University of Pittsburgh which I understand to be some sort of rust-belt Post-Mordorian Hellhole.

    **Yeah, let's go and create a theoretical structure of the entire human condition entirely on the basis of the sexual hang-ups of a dozen neurotic upper-middle class Edwardian-era housewives from Vienna!

  8. The real oddity about the dot-com boom was how many venture capitalists were taken in by it. They kept pouring money into these start-ups that weren't making any serious revenue and had no credible plans to do so. We seem to periodically get these fad novelties that all the idiots think are going to Revolutionize Everything -- fake AI like ChatGPT seems to be the current one, although cryptocurrency still has a following among the real hard-core dimwits.

    Piercings are disgusting. It's self-mutilation, like savages sticking bones through their noses.

    Some fields of science require specialized terminology to express concepts that are unique to that field and thus don't have terms in everyday language. Other fields, like management fads and most political ideologies, require specialized terminology to conceal the fact that most of their concepts are trite and ridiculous. "Fecal dialectics" is a new one to me, but whenever the term "dialectics" is used, it's a safe bet that whatever is being said is fecal in character, so "fecal dialectics" seems to contain a redundancy.

  9. "It's self-mutilation, like savages sticking bones through their noses."

    If we skip over your use of the word "savages" (you shalt be awoken!) that is "culturally authentic". I have read articles by black, femqle professors at US universities using that very term about FGM. I am not making that up. So forgive me for thinking a labret piercing is not a big deal. And, really, have you never wondered what an hour on the holodeck with Seven of Nine would be like? Yes, you have, haven't you? I bet you have. If not, you will now.

  10. Lots of horrible things are "culturally authentic". Obviously it's not as bad as FGM but it's still disgusting. Enough.


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