
21 July 2023

The coming of the true faith

Before the true faith came, this world was black with pagan sin;
Each man believed as he saw fit, as conscience spoke within.
But then a new force rose to combat this foul right of choice;
The Cross decreed the race henceforth would worship with one voice.

The Christians spoke of love, of peace, of universal truth;
Small wonder that to spread this precious creed they made good use
Of fire and of the sword, for any pagan who'd deny
This pure and righteous loving faith -- such scum deserved to die!

Indeed, there seemed no limit to the Christians' holiness;
The rack, the scourge, the iron maiden, nothing did they miss,
To bring the truth to erring souls, to write their boundless love
In lines of smoke from witches' pyres across the sky above.

But Satan wasn't beaten yet -- his wiles remained yet strong;
The New World beckoned, where we once again did that great wrong
Of separating church and state, of letting all be free
To have one god or ten or none, with no truth by decree.

Two hundred years this sinful freedom reigned across our land.
But have no fear, the Christian Right is risen, sword in hand,
To turn the nation back toward the righteous way of truth!
For freedom's but a folly of our nation's wicked youth.

It will be so convenient!  They know what's best for you!
They'll tell you what you can and cannot read, or think, or do!
The righteous life comes easy when to sin you are not free;
Will rack and stake return as well?  We'll have to wait and see.....


  1. It seems like this stuff should have disappeared by now. We should have learned something from our history. Instead, it often seems like the threat of returning to the Dark Ages remains and we have to work to protect civilization from it.

  2. Excellent..did you write this?
    Somehow all of us have ended up living in the most amazing, frightening, sliding backwards socially, amazing technology yet to come, weather changing events, freedoms, restrictions, crazy loons, intelligent thinking people and such a mix of values. Such a jumble of news and events. I wonder how or if it will ever smooth out to create any long term future for humanity at large.

  3. Well written and thought provoking - the right loves to spew freedom they find it morally reprehensible like a drag show.

  4. Let us not forget how many women were burned at the stake because they were accused of being witches. As a former christian (a long time ago), I was appalled by the carnage perpetuated on these innocent women...

  5. Jack: Religion, like so many other ideologies, gets more militant and extreme as its power and number of adherents decreases. The fundies will lose, but they'll get crazier and probably more violent on the way down.

    Mary: Thanks! Yes, I wrote it -- everything written on this blog is by me unless clearly labeled otherwise.

    The world is changing rapidly in many ways. I have no doubt that we'll come through it OK eventually, but it would be interesting to see how future historians would characterize our era.

    Lady M: Thanks! At least based on what I was seeing a few years ago, the real hard-core Christian Right types aren't even the ones talking about freedom or democracy -- they recognize that those things conflict with the Bible and openly repudiate them. They sound amazingly like jihadists.

  6. Jimmy T: It's a truly horrifying history. Church officials viewed witchcraft as either a competing religion or evidence of Satan-worship. And once a woman had run afoul of those superstitious and sexually-twisted freaks in some way and gotten accused, exoneration was practically impossible. Never forget.

  7. Wow, this is great! Too much religious fanaticism around lately. I hope it subsides at some point. It's getting tiresome.

  8. Thanks! At least now they're in a distinct minority, and the majority can see that they're crazy.


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