
18 July 2023

Image of the day -- the horror, the horror

The above image, now confirmed authentic after earlier denials, is from the remake of Snow White which Disney is currently threatening to unleash upon the world, and depicts its approximation of what were previously known as the Seven Dwarfs.  I'm not going to get into the movie itself (sigh, another remake) or race-swapping or (apparent) height-swapping or how the hell they managed to drag Gal Gadot into this thing.  No, the true horror here is..... those costumes.

Gaze upon them.  Feast your eyes.  You can even click for the full-size picture.  The longer you look, the worse it gets.  You will envy your dog for the small mercy of being, at least, color-blind.

Now I know with full confidence that God does not exist.  No loving God could suffer this sartorial abomination to exist upon His Earth.


  1. When I see that I hear this...

  2. Something to be said for it: The Israel haters have been pretty much stalking Gal Gadot, so a little lemon juice in their eyes never hurt.

  3. They look like they stole grandma's old quilt and made their costumes from it.

    BTW, this is news to me. I didn't know Disney was doing a makeover of this. My older sister brought me to see the Disney cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" in the 1950s, and it scared the heebee jeebees out of me.

    Obviously, I'm not going to repeat that fright now that I've seen what they're wearing.

    Thanks for the heads-up!

  4. I don't follow anything Disney, so I'm at a loss here. Not an attractive photo though. I get that. Kind of creepy.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  5. NickM: They dressed way better than this.

    Anon: Good point, although some of these godawful remakes have had good performers in them and were still godawful. I can see why Disney needs Gadot, but I can't imagine why she would need them.

    Shaw: I shudder to think what that quilt would have been made from in the first place. I don't think some of those colors even belong in this universe.

    I hadn't heard about Snow White being on the chopping block either until now, but it figures every classic will eventually be dragged up for a remake. I think it's partly something to do with protecting copyrights which would otherwise expire eventually.

    Sandee: Thanks, and thanks for doing your blog hops. It's a good concept for getting some cross-fertilization.

  6. HAHAHA! Yes, the costumes are...well...awful!

  7. I can't imagine any director or producer thinking this would be anything other than a laughing stock.


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