
28 June 2023

Video of the day -- the price of negligence

James Cameron -- who has himself been down to the Titanic wreckage thirty-three times, and has gone much deeper elsewhere in a sub of his own design -- explains why the Titan was doomed from the start.


  1. And of course, he's right.

    It was...rather humorous to see people bashing Cameron for his comments about the loss of the Titan submersible. It's like they didn't bother to look up the fact that he's directed a couple of films featuring underwater exploration (THE ABYSS and TITANIC) along with going on multiple dives to the Big T and being only the third person to reach the bottom of the Marianas Trench and the only one to do it solo.

    Cameron has had a lifelong interest in undersea exploration and he's put his money where his mouth is.

  2. Just because someone builds it doesn't mean it's safe.

  3. Marc: He obviously knows what he's talking about, even if not everybody wants to hear it.

    Mary K: Especially when cutting corners to save money is more of a priority.


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