
23 May 2023

Image round-up for 23 May 2023

More pictures, some slightly NSFW -- click for full size.

(If you're looking for the previous post, click here.)

This actually exists -- it's called a shoebill and they grow four or five feet tall

Also real -- the tardigrade, a microscopic animal

Original cast of Dracula, 1931

Florence, Italy


Bâgh-e Shâzdeh Mâhân in Kermân, Iran

Portland OR



  1. I love them all and granny is my favorite. It's what grannies do. I so remember this.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  2. Never mess with a granny who has her own tank!


  3. I crochet. Granny has inspired me to crochet a bus. I just don't have a parking spot here in Boston big enough to hold it.

  4. Perhaps you can crochet a parking spot as well?

  5. That stain glass outhouse is stunning. Is it real?

  6. Not sure if it's real. I did a reverse image search but it was inconclusive -- it's mentioned at this art studio but I can't tell if they actually built the thing or just whipped up an image. If it's real, it's a lot of work for what's essentially a joke.

  7. I've seen Tiktoks of the shoebill bird and they are amazing. I have never knitted but that was funny. These were all great.

  8. Seeing a shoebill on TikTok is one thing, but if I ran into one in person, I'd probably want to be in a tank, even a crocheted one.

  9. Really nice image collection ....

  10. Thanks! Plenty more where these came from.


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