31 October 2022


It's here!

Treat yourself to a few all-in-good-fun scares.....

.....even if not everyone chooses to play along.

After all, it's the American way.....

.....so accept no substitutes!

Just relax.....

.....and let the magic happen.

Break out all your best stuff.....

.....and get ready to party!

And when it's all over, have a good rest.

After all, it's only 365 days until Halloween!

[Science trick-or-treater and aliens with suspicious treats made by Pliny; be sure to check out the Emma Crawford coffin races at Lady M's Halloween blog.  A while back, I posted on the origins of Halloween.]


Blogger Jack said...

Happy Halloween to you! There's definitely no substitute for Jesus' ween.

31 October, 2022 04:45  
Anonymous NickM said...

I found this hilarious...


Not the thing itself - but are goths making a comeback? Now that would disturbing especially if back-combed mullets returned. That would truly be the end of days!!!

No, it was the outraged responses...

Such as... 'Why is that all you celebs mock Christianity? What's the agenda? And why you y'all hate God so much? I guess the devil is real.'

OK, four things. 1/ If you are so convinced your religion is true then why get outraged over a publicity stunt by B-List celebs? 2/ If God is real and is the supreme power in the Universe why would He care? And if He did care he doesn't need a Twitterstorm because he can unleash thunderbolts and stuff like that. He could reduce Megan Fox and her boyf to primal atoms in a picosecond. So, he either doesn't care, doesn't use social media or doesn't exist. 3/ Don't these idiots who get on their high horses over such tacky and meaningless publicity stunts understand that their ludicrous fury is the reason people do things like this? 4/ The line about the Devil is priceless. It is complete wish fulfilment. Megan Fox and MGK have proved Satan exists so therefore so must God. Just think where that sort of chain of reasoning leads...

Anyway, Happy Halloween y'all! Actually this whole epic storm in Meggie's PVC D-cup reminds me of a Halloween when I was an undergrad. I had a mate who was vice-prez of the university Catholic society and he'd organised a party for Halloween at the chaplaincy on campus. So I went along. I spent a large chunk of the evening dancing with a lass in a sexy demon outfit, heels, stockings, a red basque, horns, a forked tail and a trident. This was fine with the priests there who seemed to be having a rare old time. In order to get to the chaplaincy building I found myself walking past a small gathering of the protestant Christian Union who were huddled together in the bitter cold holding a "Prayer vigil for the sins of the campus" and looking incredibly miserable. To be fair, "Fairly miserable" was their baseline setting. The main sin that troubled them was fornication. The issue of fornication also troubled me at the time - I wasn't getting any.

31 October, 2022 06:06  
Blogger yellowdoggranny said...

happy halloweeenie

31 October, 2022 08:45  
Blogger Lady M said...

Happy Halloween Infidel. As usual, a fabulous collection of eye candy memes. Thank you for all the shout outs this season. Hope you have a spooky and fun evening.

31 October, 2022 09:16  
Blogger Leanna said...

Another happy Halloween will be gone within hours. I'm going to miss it. *heavy sigh*
Happy Halloween everyone.

31 October, 2022 10:58  
Blogger SickoRicko said...

What a fun post! We bought a boat-load of candy but only eight kids showed up, with their adults. We gave candy to ALL of them. (However, the Butterfingers are only for me.)

01 November, 2022 07:26  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Jack: Since the fundies are trying to rip off one more holiday, at least they had the good grace to be hilarious about it.

NickM: One could argue that the priest costume is offensive because he's dressed as a child molester, but I assume that's not one of the objections they're making. These days, when everybody seems to be in a constant state of offendedness, I guess they just wanted to get in on the action.

I assume the Devil isn't offended by people dressing like him. He at least seems to have a sense of humor.

Granny: Happy Halloween!

Lady M: I was a bit surprised myself at how many of these images I have. Thanks for all your posts, bringing the elaborate celebrations in Manitou Springs to the rest of the world.

Leanna: Oh, well, there's only 364 days to go until the next one.....

Ricko: I suspect that happens a lot. Everyone buys too much candy, but none of it gets wasted.

01 November, 2022 07:43  
Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...

From someone who lived in Salem, Massachusetts, years ago, these were a treat!

01 November, 2022 07:52  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Glad you liked them! I don't decorate the apartment for Halloween any more, but I can at least decorate the blog.

01 November, 2022 08:03  
Blogger Martha said...

Fun collection of images! I hope it was a good one for you.

02 November, 2022 05:41  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Halloween is always entertaining.

02 November, 2022 12:14  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

I hope you had a nice Halloween.

03 November, 2022 14:39  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

I hope you did as well!

03 November, 2022 19:38  

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