
09 February 2021

Dream world (6)

Oh, the visions some people entertain..... (some may find one or two of these slightly disquieting or NSFW).

[Cat-and-mouse teapot found via Esme; beer-bottle Christmas tree found via RO; the rest I'm not sure about.  Previous "Dream world" post is here.]


  1. Now I'm hungry. Ten hamburger patties. I counted them. I might need a few more pickles.

  2. Haha
    The 'error 666' and the phone did freak me out a little.
    That bridge game me vertigo just looking at it!


  3. Gotta love the surreal ...

    The Truth Is Out There...

  4. Ha - Satan gets a automated answering service - awesome!

  5. I like the Mentos-powered bicycle and the cake-gun!

  6. That green glass bottle Xmas tree might just catch on if self-quarantines drag on for another year, LOL! Loved the machine gun cake too... does it use Skittles for bullets?

  7. Mike: Aaargh. Sorry, but a thing like that doesn't even register to me as food any more.

    Sixpence: I'm thinking of adopting that "error 666" announcement as my own answering-machine message. But the smartphone pic is an excellent metaphor.

    Johnny: Oh, I always love the surreal -- hence these posts.

    Lady M: Hell needs to stay on the cutting edge.

    Debra: I don't know how well the Mentos rocket would work, but it would certainly make a spectacular mess.

    Bunny: I'd hate to experience the resulting mess (and noise) if a cat jumped on that beer-bottle Christmas tree. But a gun of that caliber probably fires tootsie rolls.

  8. Well, of course, you already know I'm in love with that cheeseburger(lol), but my goodness, some of those pics are fabulous, over the top, fun and a few headscratchers. Great way to make my Thursday! Hug and hope you're ding well.RO

  9. RO: I've got something like fifty thousand pictures saved on various computers and flash drives, including some pretty weird ones. It's nice to be able to show some of them now and then.


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