
28 January 2021

Video of the day -- uh oh, it's those aliens.....

I think they're not friendly.  Or maybe a little too friendly.


  1. Hahaha
    Priceless. Was that a car horn? Yeehaw! I have not thought of that movie in a million years. I may have to go watch it again...


  2. I have not thought of that movie in a million years. I may have to go watch it again...

    Which one -- Close Encounters or Deliverance? :-)

  3. LOL! Gawd, Richard Dreyfus looks so young in that.

  4. That's a hoot - I have always enjoyed both those pieces of music - Close Encounters and the Deliverance Tune.

  5. HAH! Well, that was pretty funny but it won't ruin CLOSE ENCOUNTERS for me. :)

    Still blown away by those visual effects though...Doug Trumbull and his team were at the top of their game in this film.

  6. Great classic banjo/strings piece and favourite ... that I have on my music/ arts blog list, being done by Roy Clark and Buck Trent live ... originally composed by Arthur "Guitar Boogie" Smith, 1954/ 1955

  7. ILLEGAL ALIENS!! I suppose they came all this way just to rob and rape humans and why not? Maybe if we build a wall...

  8. Debra: I guess it's been a while.

    Lady M: They're both good tunes, but with rather different associations.

    Marc: But will it ruin Deliverance for you?

    Ranch: So -- I guess "Guitar Boogie" Smith was an alien.

    Jono: Maybe if we build a wall...

    Only if we can get the aliens to pay for it.

    Stu: I'd prefer "departure".

  9. Two ways to watch that. Close your eyes, or turn off the sound.

  10. I don't know what's more terrifying: a return of the Confederacy or "Hill-Williams" from outer space!

  11. Strange times we live in.....


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