20 October 2020

Two more weeks

No, not two more weeks until the election.  The election has been under way since early voting began.  It's two more weeks until the end of the election -- so make sure your voice is heard, if you haven't already.

I've already voted -- dropped off my ballot at the official drop box on Sunday morning.  Others, I know, live in states where voting is made more difficult.  But the very fact that the Republicans are fighting tooth and nail all over the country to discourage people from voting shows how important and effective it is.

People understand this.  Early voting turnout has been massive in state after state, most recently Texas.

We can do this.  We are doing it.

Yes, even if we win, we'll need to keep up the pressure on those we elect -- to abolish the filibuster, enlarge the Supreme Court, make DC and Puerto Rico states, enact federal prohibition of gerrymandering and vote suppression, and many other things.  But only if we make Biden president and get the biggest possible Senate and House majorities will there be any chance at all of getting those things done.

Make it happen!


Blogger Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I know, right?
People think Election Day is the only day you should go vote. Here, we were done with the early voting thing early this month. Such a relief.
The fact that Repugs are constraining voting so much means that voting IS important. I hope they get washed OUT. They have demonstrated they are not fit to govern. Empowering and enabling a malignant narcissist for four years is proof enough they don't care about this country.
That cartoon of COVFEFE-19 on top of the COVID train is disgusting and accurate.
Also, that Daddy in the VOTE t-shirt should come knock on my door.


20 October, 2020 05:41  
Blogger Lady M said...

I have voted - my received my ballot has been accepted notification from El Paso county. Lucky for me, I have universal mail ballot in Colorado. My husband, daughter and future son in law have voted as well.

20 October, 2020 07:29  
Blogger Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love all these memes -- excellent lineup -- especially the Wizard of Oz one!

20 October, 2020 07:54  
Blogger Mike said...

The Biden tweet should be etched in everyone's mind.

20 October, 2020 08:37  
Blogger Mary said...

Good memes. I dropped my mail in ballot off last week at my election headquarters. Checked and it was received. Blue all the way!

20 October, 2020 10:00  
Blogger Leanna said...

Awesome lineup. I love the Biden Tweet. Shows just how smart republicans are. I still can't believe my brother, who I thought was really smart, is voting for Twitler. I haven't spoken to him since July. I told him when he is ready to apologize for all the nasty things he called me because I'm a Democrat, we might talk. Guess he's not ready to come to terms that his god is nothing but an old senile shell of a man who wants to be a dictator.

20 October, 2020 12:01  
Blogger Richard said...

Thanks. I voted yesterday. In Utah where i live, it doesn't count for much but i voted for a democratic president and governor and senator and congressman and all. I also have an opinion about who should be our state auditor. I voted UUP for that job. I did not vote for any republicans, libertarians or other nutjobs. There is too much at risk.

20 October, 2020 12:27  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

I voted last week. All the registered voters in my state were automatically sent a mail in ballot. Me, Ken and our daughter all filled them out and sent them back the next day. It's looking like a lot more people are voting this year.

20 October, 2020 14:51  
Blogger Forsythia said...

Voted and just got e-mail from the county election office: Ballots received. (Two-person household.) YAY. Thank you for visiting my blog. Yes, the slug wrote a review about our bird feeder. He published it on YELP. The ingrate complained that there were not enough sunflower heart chips.

21 October, 2020 14:03  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Thank you to everyone for your votes and energy. Together we'll bring this nightmare to an end.

Cynthia: Some slugs are so picky these days. That one must think he's some fancy escargot writing for Michelin.

22 October, 2020 02:56  
Blogger yellowdoggranny said...

I'm still worried...I don't trust that fuker..at all..he's up to something..and his crazy white nationalist racists are ramping up for a civil war..

22 October, 2020 11:01  
Blogger Kay said...

Oh we voted immediately and sent our ballots in the next day at the post office. Then I checked online to make sure they were counted. This is the first time that I felt it was absolutely crucial that we all vote and it seems many many many people in Hawaii feel the same way. I love all your posters. Absolutely awesome!

22 October, 2020 13:04  
Blogger Martha said...

Really enjoyed all the memes! Fingers crossed here in Canada for your elections!

25 October, 2020 05:56  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

JackieSue: Then we'd better show them very clearly that there's more of us than there is of them.

Kay: Thanks, and thanks for your vote -- every one is crucial indeed.

Martha: Hopefully you'll have a better neighbor soon.

25 October, 2020 07:37  

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