26 January 2020

Video of the day -- Alan Dershowitz goes to Hell

Yes, that's Kate McKinnon as Satan.  Found via Mock Paper Scissors.


Blogger Ranch Chimp said...

Oh wow! that was cool, gave me a good laugh for sure {:-)

26 January, 2020 17:13  
Blogger Debra She Who Seeks said...

Alas, the video won't play in Canada. But I agree with its sentiment! Alan Dershowitz was a respected lawyer at one time. Then he drew up a legal justification for torture brief for the Bush administration and has been a pariah ever since, in my eyes and others'. It's just been downhill ever since.

26 January, 2020 17:54  
Blogger Sixpence Notthewiser said...

You had me at Kate McKinnon. She cracks me up every time.
The Epstein jokes were brutal, but hey.
MItch probably took this as a Good Omen.


27 January, 2020 02:33  
Blogger Lady M said...

That was so laugh out loud funny. Thanks for sharing.

27 January, 2020 07:18  
Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...

That was a thing of beauty!

Is there ANYTHING McKinnon can't do?

27 January, 2020 10:34  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

I agree, it's a terrific piece and right on target.

Debra, that's amazing that it's blocked in Canada. I tried to find another upload of the whole thing, but there doesn't seem to be one. Some download services can download a video despite country restrictions (I'm assuming you don't use a VPN -- they can eliminate this problem too).

If I had an e-mail for you I could try e-mailing you the mp4, but at 39mb it's probably too big to go through as an attachment.

28 January, 2020 00:33  

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