07 May 2013

Teabonics -- signs of the times

Some people are uncomfortable about how much they see and hear Spanish in some parts of this country.  I'd say we have a bigger (bagger?) language problem to worry about.

Maybe if we did make it the official language, people would respect are-country enough to learn to spell it.

If he meant "femdom", he's right -- they charge plenty.

"Will do anything" except learn to form letters correctly, it seems.

What about Beavis?

On this one, I don't even know where to start.  But points for the costume at least.

I agree with the first part, and don't think I understand the second.

This one is a classic, of course.  I like to think the reason her mouth is open so wide is to suggest another "option".

Can you imagine attempting to have a rational conversation with this person?

 But give away their H.

Another classic sign.  He'll never live this down.

Seriously?  You live in this country and you didn't know that "Obama" starts with an "O"?  How is that even possible?

I'll close with one that's correctly written -- one from our side, after last year's election:
Heartily seconded.


Anonymous Ahab said...

Pubic option!? I do NOT want to know.

As for "offical", I'm appalled that Tea Partiers are turning the English language into offal!

As for Butt H. Reid, I'll be honest -- I never thought Beavis or Butthead would amount to anything. I'm glad to see that Butthead applied himself after high school and is now running for public office.

"Huhuhuhuh ... This is Butthead Reid, and I approved this message ... Huhuhuhuh.

07 May, 2013 17:03  
Blogger LadyAtheist said...

I love that last one!

07 May, 2013 17:20  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Ahab: I'm glad to see that Butthead applied himself after high school and is now running for public office.

I'd actually expect him to be running for pubic office.

Lady A: Me too. Great day, wasn't it?

07 May, 2013 17:47  
Anonymous Zosimus the Heathen said...

I love how indignant the lady with the "Abama" sign looks - I sure wouldn't want to mess with her! Her sign and all the others remind me of something else that's always good for a laugh: long, rambling internet screeds about the supposed mental inferiority of other races, written by people who couldn't spell properly, or string a grammatically correct sentence together, if their lives depended on it! Then there're the arrogant MRA types who drone on and on about how women are incapable of arguing logically, before revealing that their own idea of "logical" argument is to simply scream, "SHUT UP STUPID BITCH!" or words to that effect.

08 May, 2013 05:42  
Blogger okjimm said...

I like signs.... first I was a Leo, then I decided ot become a Vigo.

I think signence should be taught in all schools, unless it is against the bibel..

08 May, 2013 10:00  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Zosimus: I've noticed that it's usually the most obviously mentally-limited white people who think other races are inferior.

Okjimm: I'd hate to have been born under any of these signs.

11 May, 2013 02:32  
Blogger Tommykey said...

Funny, though I wonder if some of these signs are done by infiltrators who make signs with spelling errors on purpose to make the movement look bad.

One of my favorite examples is of a man at a Muslim rally (in the UK, IIRC) who held a sign that read "Behead Those Who Say Islam is Violent." Either it was someone with a tremendous case of cognitive dissonance or it was meant as a joke.

11 May, 2013 10:36  
Anonymous Bacopa said...

I've noticed that it's usually the most obviously mentally-limited white people who think other races are inferior.

Makes perfect sense. If you're pretty smart and doing alright, you don't gain much by buying into racial superiority. If you are near the bottom of the pile, racism gives quite a boost. Pretty much the story of the south. Fostering racism helped suppress the outrage of poor whites and directed it away from the wealthy.

It makes perfect sense that MLK didn't get shot until he started making it more about class than race.

12 May, 2013 08:06  

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