28 May 2024

Image round-up for 28 May 2024

More pictures from my collection -- click for full size.

(For the link round-up, click here.)

Sic semper paparazzis

Hope someone got that shithead's license plate number


Hamburg, Germany

Mammoth tusk, Siberia

Lamp, made in France, 1935

The "star fort" city of Palmanova, Italy, built in 1593

The Himalayas seen from space

Oh, come on -- you'd need a cannon to take down something that size


Blogger Sandee said...

Tons of fun. I hope someone got that license plate number, too. Yikes.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ☺

28 May, 2024 06:59  
Blogger Darrell Michaels said...

Lots of really cool ones this time. I did throw up a little with the Wal Mart shopper in her shorts...

Loved the horses on the beach with the tortoise.

28 May, 2024 12:26  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Sandee: Thanks for hosting!

Darrell: I don't know why she thought those shorts would fit.

People forget how huge sea turtles are.

29 May, 2024 03:10  
Blogger SickoRicko said...

I liked several things but especially the flying saucer hat.

30 May, 2024 09:49  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

Loved these. I am one of those women that does have an ax. Not even kidding. I keep it by my side of the couch.

30 May, 2024 18:15  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Ricko: I'm sure that hat is very fashionable on Alpha Centauri. Makes a good sombrero too.

Mary K: In your neighborhood, I can't blame you for having an ax. Wouldn't blame you if you had a bazooka.

31 May, 2024 00:23  
Blogger CAS said...

Love the picture of the brick road heading into space.

31 May, 2024 13:31  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Looks like Dorothy and Toto are off on an even wilder adventure.....

01 June, 2024 07:54  

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