02 February 2020

Link round-up for 2 February 2020

The land of my ancestors has regained its independence from the corrupt and anti-democratic European Union!

o o o o o

Start off with some one-liners.


Susan Swiderski has some words to stop using, and a few new ones to adopt.

American badger, European badger.....

Check out these luxuriantly detailed dollhouses (link from Nonnie9999).

Sometimes human ingenuity is a bit too ingenious for its own good.

This guy should have done his own gift-wrapping.

A horse discovers cosplay.

Two words:  Ostrich Hell.

Which language does it most simply?

Maybe you need a smaller box (or a bigger cat).

Happy birthday to a most memorable character.

See all your favorite movie monsters in miniature, with trains.

This North African dagger is such a beautiful object, it would be a shame to mess it up by actually stabbing somebody with it.

After 142 non-stop years, the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration are cutting back their adoration schedule to 16 hours a day.  No word of any such slowdown among the Fathers of Perpetual Molestation.

I must be the most creative person ever.

How rich are the richest?

We could have been a lot further along by now.

More Americans go to the library than to movies (found via Crooks and Liars).

There are ways to tame your smartphone, though it seems to me it would still be excessively intrusive.

Reading this book can seduce you into atheism.

Trump's wall falls down when it gets windy.

Acknowledge your feelings, including the bad ones.

If poor people could easily get rich, there would be no poor people.  Accept reality.

A Southern Baptist blogger laments the decline of proselytizing.  Found via Bob Felton, who points out the obvious explanation.

This is natural selection in action.

What's the fascination with treasure hunting?

This rant on "smartphones" is so on-target, I wish I'd written it myself.

7% of Americans now don't eat meat; among younger people, it's 15%.

White supremacists lament inadequate levels of incest among white people.

Here's what could have happened to Kobe Bryant's helicopter.

Christianity is incoherent because the Bible is incoherent.

In Missouri, libraries are under attack by barbarians.  Others are standing up to them.

Paula White doubles down on the Satanic pregnancies thing.

Brand the Senate Republicans with the shame of their phony impeachment trial.

Support Amazon workers who are doing the right thing even at personal risk.

Vixen Strangely makes a hopeless appeal to the Republicans.

The shunning of the insufficiently loyal has begun.

The Catholic taboo system makes no concessions to practical reality.

Parnas wasn't allowed to testify, but he won't be silent.

Our country's maternal mortality rate is a disgrace for a developed nation.

More ugliness from Dave Daubenmire.

Millions of people think like this (note the absurdity of invoking Aristotle, who was pagan and bisexual, in support of anti-gay Christianity).

There are things Trump told the truth about.

This is what the Sun looks like, close-up.

The coronavirus outbreak is now PHEIC news.

You are far better off getting your protein from non-animal sources.  Most ancestors and close relatives of humans ate little or no meat.

In the Middle East, the year 1979 unleashed an explosion of religion which has tormented the region ever since.

Where religio-nationalism rules, adherents of minority religions have no rights.

The coronavirus outbreak highlights the incompetence inherent in fascist regimes.

Caucuses are terrible and the Democratic party should get rid of them.

Our candidates have flaws, but..... (found via Tell Me a Story).

Paul Krugman gets it right.

The Republicans are about as bad as a political party can get -- and we need to exploit that.

Time to fight dirty.

Acquittal in the Senate won't end Trump's problems.

More links here.

[Image at top:  Brexit Day (Friday, January 31) celebration in Parliament Square, London]


Anonymous Tengrain said...

I am seriously stealing the ideas from <a href="https://susan-swiderski.blogspot.com/2020/01/alternative-solutions.html”>Susan Swiderski</a>’s human ingenuity post. The binder clips to organize power cords is pure genius.

Great links as always!


02 February, 2020 08:39  
Blogger Mary Kirkland said...

I believe that about more people going to the library than the movies. I have seen a lot of college age people using the computers at the library back when I was going to mine. I haven't been to the movies in years.

The difference in Badgers is funny.

02 February, 2020 14:50  
Blogger Debra She Who Seeks said...

That article about accepting negative emotions as the key to psychological health says "But how and why it works has been little studied." Oh yes, it has. This phenomenon is essentially Jung's concept of acceptance and integration of the shadow self as the key to human self-actualization. Yet Jung and Jungian theorists are never mentioned in this article.

02 February, 2020 19:03  
Blogger Mike said...

Will people list to Paul Krugman? One can only hope.

03 February, 2020 08:16  
Blogger Oblio said...


03 February, 2020 14:14  
Blogger Adam said...

Oh boy, the EU is a huge monster that's so complicated.

03 February, 2020 15:17  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Tengrain: Just make sure your wiring can handle the load.....

Mary: Movie theaters seem determined to make the experience as unpleasant as possible. In a library, the worst that can happen is that somebody might inadvertently read a book and actually learn something.

Debra: That may be so -- I'm not very familiar with Jung.

Mike: Maybe not the activist fringe, but I think a lot of the rank-and-file party has already come to the same conclusion. They just want Trump out, no matter who the Democrat is.

Oblio: Thank you for the post!

Adam: I hope my posts over the years have provided some clarity.

My mother was very passionate about Brexit. I wish she had lived to see it happen on Friday.

04 February, 2020 01:40  
Blogger Ranch Chimp said...

Oh my goodie goodness ... Satanic Pregancy?, miscarry?, ain't that killing an innocent life? ... after all, out of the other side of their mouth, they say to let women have the babies of psychos, rapists, wife beaters, crack addicts. I didn't even know who Paula White was, I first thought was that she was someone some President f*cked, like Clinton or Trump or whoever ... like some "Paula something scandal".

Eating meat thing. I eat meat, but very little, mostly fish and chicken, actually not much. But yeah, I like meat ... it's just I noticed I've cut back alot over the last several years. But some folks think that you need meat, I had folks tell me that. But I known several folks that do NOT eat meat at all, and they're fine, still have energy or whatever ... so I really don't think we even need meat.

I liked the smart phone rant alot, I think that dude hit the spot. I actually know folks that almost are lost without having their phones at all times ... no shit. Some folks need it for their work, but I know folks that are alwayz on it. I was driving with a buddy over to another guyz house this weekend ... I told him (since I was driving) to text this dude, to see where/ what's up or whatever. Dude pulls out his phone, and uses voice recognition to send his text, using slang, it kept sending wrong message, that isn't really what he was referring to, like changes his words ... after a few times, he's frustrated saying/ yelling at his phone ... "shit!, shit!, shit!, man!" I said wassup?, he told me that it's misspelling his verbal text ... I told him ... "damn, dude, just text it on the f*cken phone, man ... goddamn, it's just a matter of using your fingers, dude!" Dude's a f'n guitar player, at that (usage of fingers), too lazy to text his message? ... good lord, what's this world coming too?! For me, it's a matter of balance ... you know, too much on techs all the time can burn you out ... I get online, and make sure I'm offline too ... I go to a movie or something, I mute my phone, if I got to text, and I'm doing 80mph on the freeway, there is no way in Hell, I'm gonna be on my phone. This lady in East Dallas the other day, actually drove her Mercedes SUV across the line, she was on her phone, if I didn't react as fast as I did, she would have hit my car, missing me by only 3"-4" inches, I sware, I slammed my brakes, when she realized and slammed on the brakes too, she waves and smiles, she had one of those French Poodles in the car, so she was one of those upscale ladies. You drive a vehicle that costs $50 to $100K ... you would think she has better sense ... um, um, um (smh).

04 February, 2020 07:19  
Anonymous nonnie9999 said...

Hi Infidel!
First I was too busy, and then AT&T screwed up every device in my house, so I'm even later than usual this week. At least I missed all the traffic, right? Just getting started. Love the first liners. At first, I was a little disappointed that Mooo had nothing to do with Devin Nunes, but after the first cartoon, I was over my disappointment. Thanks for the link to The Raisin. Now to do a deep dive into all the linky goodness.

04 February, 2020 13:55  
Blogger RO said...

Good morning! You know I'm always in to see what other bloggers are doing around the world, and it's such fun! So glad that you take the time to do this! Hugs, RO

05 February, 2020 05:42  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Ranch: Trump may even have shagged Paula White for all I know. That might explain her fretting about "Satanic pregnancy".

About meat -- just remember where it comes from. Look at any animal. Do you really want to eat that?

There's a thread going around the net about some guy who tried to send a text message "I'm so hungry I could eat a dog right now" and it came out "I'm so horny I could eat a dong right now". Such entertainment may be smartphones' sole redeeming feature.

Nonnie: Glad to provide some amusement. Things are getting pretty bad if you can't even rely on AT&T any more.

RO: Hey, I've got to do something with all the fun stuff I find.....

05 February, 2020 17:42  
Blogger Martha said...

I'm at a point where I eat little to no meat, and I've never felt better. I've increased my consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, cut down on bread and dairy, replaced milk with non-dairy...and I'm never hungry. This wasn't the case before when meat and dairy and eggs were regularly in my diet. Hmm...

I had a good laugh with the cat and the box. Ah, cats and boxes... I have two of these furry creatures and the minute a box presents itself they must explore! And climb in it...and sleep in it...and attack it...and on and on.

06 February, 2020 06:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which country of the United Kingdom were your ancestors from?

06 February, 2020 09:00  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Martha: I'm glad that's working out for you. I'm sure it would be healthiest to eat, at the very least, a lot less meat than most people in our culture do.

The thing about cats and boxes is funny. There's a picture going around of a tiger sitting in a big box that's just his size. I guess all cats do it.

06 February, 2020 12:29  
Blogger Infidel753 said...

Anon: England -- Yorkshire and Peterborough.

06 February, 2020 12:29  

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